• June 2024

1st Jun 2024 - Pasta in Glass on the Grass
2nd Jun 2024 - Repurposed
3rd Jun 2024 - Birdhouse
4th Jun 2024 - Serenity
5th Jun 2024 - High Key Petunias
6th Jun 2024 - Green Lines
7th Jun 2024 - Pearson H Tribe, Co. G, 64th Infantry Regiment, New York State Militia, d. Dec. 11, 1863, Age 25 yrs, 8 mos
8th Jun 2024 - Accidental Snapshot
11th Jun 2024 - Rescued Shot from Cherry Springs PA Dark Skies National Park
17th Jun 2024 - "Driving" Great-Grandpa's Tractor
18th Jun 2024 - Sunrise and Round Bales
23rd Jun 2024 - Where did you come from?
25th Jun 2024 - Spindles, Yarn, Roving and a Bowl
26th Jun 2024 - Just a Little Yarn
28th Jun 2024 - Hand-Dyed
29th Jun 2024 - Hand-Dyed - A Close Up