In the last 3 years much has changed. We've got these amazing new glassy phones and tablets and our computer screens are getting bigger and our internet connections are getting faster and faster. All this new technology has inspired me to re-think some of the core pages you guys experience every day, and i'm pleased to announce 2 big updates...

A gorgeous large image

You want your photos to look great, so at the heart of the new look media page is a huge image, say goodbye to the smaller image we had before, and say hello to a new large image which shows your photo off to its full potential.

All of your photos

One of the most requests features of late has been to show images not just from the current album, but from all your albums. So i've added in a group of thumbnails which shows exactly this. Now your followers can see all the photos you post with ease.

The new look news feed

The news feed is the hub where you can see see the latest and greatest photos from your friends, so i've increased the size of the photos here too. You can also add a photo to your favourites or comment on a photo straight from the news feed.

Works great on your mobile

Many of you choose to keep up with 365 Project "on the go" so we've taken great care to make sure it's a great experience on your smartphone too. Just visit on your mobile to see the new experience.

I hope you like all the new changes. They've been in progress for quite some time and i'm really excited to release them to the world today. Let me know what you think of the new styles in the comments.

March 24th, 2014
March 24th, 2014
wow - fabulous new big look photo :o) takes a while to get my head round changes but thank you !
March 24th, 2014
this is really in your face! love it!
March 24th, 2014
Thought I was in the wrong place for a while! Once I get used to how it works I think I'm going to love it!
March 24th, 2014
Lovely to see the photos larger, thank you!
March 24th, 2014
wow, what a surprise! think it will be great!
March 24th, 2014
I loooooove this! Thanks so much for all the effort!!! the new look is awesome!
March 24th, 2014
A very pleasant surprise...great job!
March 24th, 2014
Nice work Ross, this is a huge improvement!
March 24th, 2014
Absolutely brilliant! Thank you
March 24th, 2014
Nice surprise looks great
March 24th, 2014
.... No really doesnt work on the original iPad..... Looks like I'll have to upgrade... Lol
March 24th, 2014
I think I am going to like this. The pictures look amazing.
March 24th, 2014
Will take a bit to get used to it, but it looks really cool! Well done Ross :)
March 24th, 2014
Love the improvements - images look great and much less clicking required now. Well done!
March 24th, 2014
Well done looks so much better on the PC and I Phone. Cheers Ross.
March 24th, 2014
Hi Ross - Any chance you could make the Previous/Next work with the left and right arrow keys?
March 24th, 2014
@humphreyhippo yes... good idea... done :-)
March 24th, 2014
Wonderful, thanks for all your hard work Ross.
March 24th, 2014
Really loving hte new format! Love the larger images and it is less time consuming to navigate when commenting. Great job!
March 24th, 2014
Ross - this is great! Well done... all wonderful changes!
March 24th, 2014
March 24th, 2014
Looks good but my other album no longer appears on the page. There are no thumbnails for that one.
March 24th, 2014
great job!
March 24th, 2014
Hi @mike_todd, other albums will only show up if the most recent 8 photos differ from the album you are viewing, in your case, because your other album is of older photos, they wont show up. It's designed to highlight new photos in other albums. I understand this could be a little confusing at first.
March 24th, 2014
Wonderful changes!
March 24th, 2014
It looks great!!! thanks @Scrivna !! :)
March 24th, 2014
Brilliant, thanks!
March 24th, 2014
Wonderful! Thank you! :>)
March 24th, 2014
Just fabulous!! Thank you for all the wonderful work you do for us. Love these changes.
March 24th, 2014
Thank you - all the changes are for better and very clever! I really admire that you keep trying to improve the site. It is very rare and wonderful.
March 24th, 2014
great thank you
March 24th, 2014
Hi Ross, good for you for trying to keep things up to date. I do like the larger photos on peoples home pages. I'm afraid I'm not with you on the large format in the feed page. On my lap top I can only see one photo at a time and it takes too long to scroll down to see the latest that has appeared. For me I feel its going to be hard to keep up with everyone (OK this is partly me as I'm struggling with time issues at the moment). How about a compromise? Slightly more pictures on the feed but still the nice big format when you get to peoples photo pages?
March 24th, 2014
Love the new format which shows the image detail so well. I haven't tried it on my mobile devices yet; it may be cumbersome there but on my big monitor desktop machine it is great.
March 24th, 2014
Well done, and thank you for this amazing site!
March 24th, 2014
Absolutely brilliant - the huge images look great - thanks for all your hard work, Ross.
March 24th, 2014
how do I access the calender view?
March 24th, 2014
nevermind....I just found it "more from this album..."
March 24th, 2014
Love the new huge format !
March 24th, 2014
Really clean and simple, brings the site right up to date when compared to other photo sites. Love it.
March 24th, 2014
Love it - Thanks Ross
March 24th, 2014
Really nice, thanks!
March 24th, 2014
The site just keeps getting better and better, well done and thank you
March 24th, 2014
Hi Ross, love it, it is wonderfull, love it. Thank you for all your time.
March 24th, 2014
Well, I guess I'll get used to it. I'm not big on change, I still have an old flip phone.........
March 24th, 2014
awesome! So far so good!
March 24th, 2014
I love it! I don't have to keep clicking on an image to fav it, much simpler and quicker when you only have limited time and want to view as many images as possible.
March 24th, 2014
Awesome!!!! I really really love it! The new larger images look great and love the mobile experience too!
March 24th, 2014
The new layout is fantastic, well done Ross...great work.
March 24th, 2014
Ack! Is there a way to choose the default version of the pics to be slightly smaller? On my 10" netbook screen, the images are actually just exactly the size of the screen, and it is a bit too overwhelming, and I have to scroll exactly right to see the whole image, otherwise parts keep getting cut off. @scrivna
March 24th, 2014
Tried it on my computer and iPad. Love it. I love how much easier it is to comment and how I can view more images in the same amount of time.

Thank you Ross for making a great site event better!
March 24th, 2014
Love it... Thank you @Scrivna
March 24th, 2014
Not happy with the new look at all. I much preferred the smaller images that I could click on and enlarge if I so chose. Clicking through multiple pages now to view what my friends have posted isn't the experience I was hoping for. Frankly, this layout is worse than the new Facebook layout they stuck me with today.
March 24th, 2014
I think it will be very good when I really get used to it!
March 24th, 2014
I really don't like the home page format - it means I can't follow people the way I want to - once or twice a day, when I get time. I usually scroll back through my home page to see what people have posted and check out what they are doing. Scrolling through a series of pages means that is impossible and I miss the community aspects of the site.

It's like the new Flickr Beta that they haven't quite force on us yet, but is going to make another group of us go.
March 24th, 2014
March 24th, 2014
Ross I love the new look and great to see the large photos, well done. Two ideas / requests to think about. This 365 community of ours is world wide and it's not always clear from the Bio where in the world someone is, personally I think it would be nice if we knew. Is it possible to put a space by the persons name where they are from? That could either be data capture based on their sign up or perhaps what might be preferable is in our Bio's there is a field called location and they can either choose to fill in or not and if they do it could be country or place in my case UK or London.

The other thing that would be really helpful is a way to place you friends in some kind of order and not just in the list you added them. I have those I like to look at daily and those I stop at when I can but have to scroll the whole list to find the ones I want.

Other than that I think this is a great site and keep up the great work
March 24th, 2014
Ross, this is a great might take a little to get used to it, but I think everyone will love it.
March 24th, 2014
Great new layout and ideas! Thanks!
March 24th, 2014
What I really loved about this site was the ability to look at a month of photos - when the month of photos was finished I would then share that on my Facebook page. I know it is still there, but it is no where near as obvious to anyone not already using 365. I too would prefer the smaller pics on the home page - I can quickly go through the lot, then click and have a better look at anything of interest - which also means I am more likely to comment on it as well.
March 24th, 2014
I have only been using 365 for a few months and I must say it had inspired me to try and take better photo's. I am loving the new layout, the bigger photo's are great it means you don't have to mention to people that maybe your photo may look better if larger. Keep up the good work.
March 25th, 2014
Thank you, Ross! The new look is awesome! :0)
March 25th, 2014
Thanks for the eye-popping changes Ross!
March 25th, 2014
Thanks Ross...I may now go completely mad trying to comment on every photo, but I'll figure out a way of doing it. I'm impressed that the quality of the photos now appears to be better. The texture is more refined.
March 25th, 2014
Loving the new mobile view
March 25th, 2014
How do I share on Facebook now?
Ah, I found it by clicking on the ... next to the star iconl
March 25th, 2014
Wow just Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!
March 25th, 2014
@Scrivna Hi Ross! Great and brilliant improvement,. Thanks! Above all, the photos do look great in this large format!!
I agree with Steve's @scarybird suggestions concerning:
- our nationality /place of residence - it would be nice to know where we all come from and live (maybe a tiny flag near our name?) plus the option to state our place of residence in the profile.
- possibility to arrange the list of our friends according to our individual needs /requirements for easier consultation.
I take this opportunity to ask you if it would be possible to have a weekly general schedule of the different challenges with relevant expiry dates for easier tracking and keeping up with what is going on.
Thank you once again for your hard work on this great site for this wonderful community.
March 25th, 2014
I like the big photos. I miss seeing the number of visits and how do I view the photos I've marked as favorites?
March 25th, 2014
LOVE the new look!!!
March 25th, 2014
Thanks Ross
March 25th, 2014
Love the new interface (but I thought something had gone wrong with the site until I scrolled down a bit!)
March 25th, 2014
Loving the look of the bigger photos but its a bit of a nightmare when you fall behind on viewing and commenting.
March 25th, 2014
amazing work - love the changes!!!!
March 25th, 2014
I will have to get used to it but once I figure it out, I think I will like it.
March 25th, 2014
Great job, thanks!
March 25th, 2014
Great job on the updates - I like the large shots.
March 25th, 2014
Yes, I like the new concept a lot better. Thanks Ross.
March 25th, 2014
@Scrivna Love the new home page! How do I get to the # of my photo to copy and paste into a theme's discussion thread? Thanks:) No hurry, I know we all have lots of questions:) Thanks for all you do:)
March 25th, 2014
But how do I tag someone when replying to a comment now?
March 25th, 2014
Already really missing not being able to view a months photos of my own project......please,please, please bring it back. @Scrivna
March 25th, 2014
@scarybird I do love the new look of the larger shots. You can really tell the quality of the shot, but I do understand the problems some are facing and want smaller tiles you can blow up but you can't have it both ways. Personally I think the larger images are great. I agree with Steve about location identification and also finding certain follewers. I tend to check out people who have posted in the last couple of days rather than those who have not posted for weeks. But I too have to scroll and search for these. Could the list be categorized by date of most recent uploads perhaps. Thank you so much for all your work and I do love the new look and I too wait to see what the answer is to the # question.
March 25th, 2014
Ah-mazing!! :)
March 25th, 2014
Interesting that now you click on the large image on your own page it makes it smaller now.
March 25th, 2014
Took me a while to find the Fav button, but loving the larger images :-)
March 25th, 2014
Much better!! Love it!
March 25th, 2014
love it!!! thank you so much!
March 25th, 2014
@macromover @mara19500 @scarybird Having your nationality /place of residence is a good idea, however, how about those that have chosen not to say where they are from? It is something that could be deduced from the photos that they post, being optional would be acceptable to me.

Bug report:

@Scrivna Ross, With the larger images on our home pages, there is no longer reason to go to the photo page to view the image. I see that as reducing the "viewed" count and will mess up your "magic monkeys" for the popular page and other automatic statistics that trigger other features.
- The contrast on the Home Page between the comments and the photographer is something that I will have to get use to. Removing the comments list would improve the feel.
-Home Page: I can add a comment on an image that has commented upon, but it is not possible to add a "first comment" from the Home Page.
-Home page: you given the little icon for comments with a count, then show the last two comments with the option to expand the comments and add a comment. That seems like useless duplication.
-I would have left the image size the same between the Home page and individual image, with the option to see the larger image, as before. This would allow the right panel to be on the same screen as the picture so that you can see the "Photo Details" with the picture. I have to tendency to compare the posted date and date taken and decide to comment based on that information. I would think that I would not scroll down to get to that information.
-The touch and feel is consistent between being logged on and not. Even on a bigger screen (at work, not logged on) I do a lot of scrolling to see the photo details.
-on Firefox, when the browser is not full screen, you do not get a horizontal scroll bar. Shrink the browser to a narrow column and you can not get to the main menu bar on the right, the image shifts from centered in the window to centered in the screen dimensions. I often work with several application columned on the screen while waiting for a job to finish.
- your previous/next arrows change from _just_ the arrows to the verbiage Next/Previous with the arrows when changing the with of the browser. Location changes also.
-Next arrow should either not show up or change colours when at the last picture in your album. I find that I click on it with negative results.
March 25th, 2014
Love the new format, brilliant, thank :-)
March 25th, 2014
I discovered this this morning and it took me a minute to figure it out that you changed things ; these changes are fantastic
March 25th, 2014
Love the ability to see recent pictures from both albums easily.
March 25th, 2014
Wow! I love it, will need to get my head around a few things, but the larger images look amazing.
March 25th, 2014
BOOM... The new site looks great thanks Ross...
P.s now im am going to have to take better photo if they are larger....
March 25th, 2014
Love the new look! As this is a photography site, anything that makes it easier to see the images is a welcome change.
March 25th, 2014
It took me a few minutes to adjust to the format, but I love it! It's going to be especially nice on my phone! Thanks!
March 25th, 2014
Just seen it. Excellent! Love the bigger image, new layout. Now we can see better the quality of the images too!
March 25th, 2014
love the new look. couldn't quite work out what was happening at first but soon got used to it. congratulations and thanks
March 25th, 2014
@fueast i'm with you Alison. I love to see the huge images but I can"t see enough pics, it would take too long.
And I miss the possibilty to llok at the pics against black too...
March 25th, 2014
March 25th, 2014
@Scrivna Hi Ross--the new look is sharp, nice work. :) One question, though: what is the new location of the code for each picture that we can use to copy/paste our images into discussions? I haven't located that yet...
March 25th, 2014
Love the larger format but I too can't find the code to copy and paste! I would like the date on the photos as well then I don't have to go to the album to see when it was taken.
March 25th, 2014
@chris17 click the ... after the fav button to get the embed code
March 25th, 2014
@Scrivna Also, if someone come to this site, how does someone know that I have four albums? Take a test, log off the site or come in on another machine and don't sign on. change the URL to my area ( and determine what my interests are. can you find that I periodically post railroad pictures or cloud pictures?
March 25th, 2014
Well, I have to say I'm not digging this. From a visitor's perspective I'm sure it's great. From my perspective and working with my own page I have to do too much scrolling now. In the old format it was easier to move through my album and have everything at my fingertips, so to speak, without having to scroll. It also doesn't readily tell me how many FB likes a photo has anymore; I have to click the ellipsis now.
March 25th, 2014
Super Improvement! The larger photos made the vistas look more surreal!
March 25th, 2014
Fantastic improvement. The large format makes it so much easier and faster to comment on photos. Thank you for always looking for ways to make this site even better.
March 25th, 2014
Well done, love it!
March 25th, 2014
I like the big pictures, but I'm having a little trouble telling who's picture is who's. They are a little too close together and the divide between them is a little too light. I keep writing the wrong person's name! LOL!
March 25th, 2014
As I said yesterday, I think the changes are wonderful, but I am really missing that little heart for the fav button. Would love to have the heart back!
March 25th, 2014
Nice but how do I get back to 1/1/2013 photos and script?
March 25th, 2014
Is there still and edit button somewhere for the images? I'm having a hard time finding it. It could be my older OS/browser, I don't know....I found it. I just had to hover my mouse around until it popped up.
March 25th, 2014
Ross - I see i have been mentioned a few times but since the change have not received any notifications - is there a fault?

March 25th, 2014
Unusually for me, who tends to go along with everything, I have to say that I don't like the new format - sorry
March 25th, 2014
I also love the new format! I sometimes didn't take the time to enlarge other's pictures and am sure I was missing so many good ones! Now you have it all done for me! Thanks!
March 25th, 2014
@lynnz I love the little heart for the favs, too, Lynn. Maybe Ross @Scrivna can bring the heart back. Thank you for all you do, Ross.
March 25th, 2014
There are pluses and minuses. I can't figure out how to get a month view for my album or anyone elses. When I'm going back over someone's project to see for example what get-pushed challenge to give them, I don't want to scroll one day at a time. Nor do I want to do that with my own album to get back to a certain image. I'm using Firefox.
March 25th, 2014
And of course I would figure it out the very next minute. OK...
March 25th, 2014
@virtualbrownie thanks for the info
March 25th, 2014
Is it me or are the photos on the home page coming on out of order. I seem to be finding shots I have commented on mixed in with new ones. Don't want to miss commenting on good photos. I am loving the larger format though.
March 25th, 2014
Fantastic! It's great to be able to see the photos in a large format and I like the other changes too. Thank you!
March 25th, 2014
Got a bit of a shock when it 'happened'! Big fan of the bigger photographs and the ability to comment on a photograph without necessarily going in to view it - not really possible before on the small format. This means I can see the photos and spend less time clicking back and fore when commenting. I find it a little difficult to see 'who' has posted though, I have to look carefully 1) because it comes after the photo, and 2) because their image is the same size as the commenters. But over the piece, I view the changes as positive and I'll get used to the different format on the screen. Thanks!
March 26th, 2014
SOOOOO glad I can't see "Views" on each of my images anymore! SO GLAD! I hated "50 views with 3 comments"... because obviously 47 people deserve to be strangled! Just sayin' ;)
March 26th, 2014
@grizzlysghost It is there, just scroll down.
March 26th, 2014
March 26th, 2014
@scrivna I was highlighted in this thread (just above this) but didn't receive notification. Is this a glitch? If it is... you will not be receiving this notification either... so... carry on I guess. :p
March 26th, 2014
Love it!
March 26th, 2014
I'm still loving it Ross think it's great. I also agree with @grizzlysghost although strangling is probably too quick! ;-)
March 26th, 2014
I LOVE THE NEW LOOK!!!! Oh wow I love it so much. So fresh and new, love the large image. Great work @Scrivna!
March 26th, 2014
@Scrivna I'm not a fan of change. Mostly because I hate getting used to something new and not being able to find things where I left them, or where I know they should be. :) That being said, I do love the new format for how it shows the beautiful work here. And as soon as I find all my things again I'll be as happy as a clam.

Thanks for all your hard work on this great site.
March 26th, 2014
Is there still a way to view a monthly calendar and is there a way to edit a posted photo? I see others have asked, too, but haven't seen a response. Thanks! :)
March 26th, 2014
love it all, @scrivna -- thanks so much!
March 26th, 2014
where has the monthly grid view gone? please bring it back!
March 26th, 2014
I like that we can see large pics, but I want the monthly grid view back please.
March 26th, 2014
It took me a while to find it......go to your project then click on your current project name, mine is year four 2014, you are then back to the old way of scrolling back and forth through the months.....I hope that makes sense. @m_olson @cpw @carolclements
March 27th, 2014
Just as I was struggling with the same issue, thanks Lesley.

I know change is just wonderful but it does present learning curve problems over and over and over...
March 27th, 2014
I like the new big image format Ross! I'm struggling with the relatively small text size of peoples comments about their images though - could you make it display at the same size as in this thread or add some accessibility function to the text size so that we can choose to increase/decrease the size we view it at?
It is difficult to tell the poster of images apart from the commenters - could you make the posters icon/avatar image larger or make the colour of the box it displays in more distinct?
Please would you make comments boxes expand as we type into them?
Could you make calendar view display larger, say the same size as suggestions?
Could you make suggestions exclude people we are already following?
Could you add a function in calendar view to let us choose and jump to the year and month we want to look at?
March 27th, 2014
Absolutely fantastic, loveing the new look
March 28th, 2014
I was away from home when I first came across the new page & I thought I might not be signed in properly! Now that I have had time at home to go through it, I spent some time looking for this site (that I knew would be here!) so I could tell you how marvelous and beautiful I think this is! THANK YOU for taking the time to make a wonderful visual to work with! And Thank You, too, so much for putting those addition thumbnail boxes in so we can see everyone's additional album photos at a glance! It's not going to be difficult to get used to! OH...Thank You, too, for making it so easy to look at a photo, leave the page to comment and get right back into our place in line to see the pictures we like to follow! I really like that time-saving change! Stand up and take a bow, Ross! You're our Hero!
March 28th, 2014
It's taking just a tiny bit of getting used to, but overall I really like the larger pictures and the added thumbnails. Thanks for all time and energy you put into this site Ross!
March 28th, 2014
I love the new look and features... I don't have a problem with things being different and having to hunt a bit for the features!

One change I would love to see is a "Top of Page" button, link or whatever. This would be especially nice on the discussion pages that tend to get quite long... for instance this page. :)

You are amazing for starting this project, keep it going and keeping the features fresh.
March 31st, 2014
I am really enjoying the new format. Thanks for all your hard work!
April 3rd, 2014
@m_olson Editing a photo - click on the little cog next to the number of comments on the same line as the date.

Calender view - click on the photo number (photo 224 as an example) and that goes to the calender view.
April 12th, 2014
I like the new large format thanks Ross. But I'm still looking for the Edit button. I mistakenly uploaded the same pic twice a couple of days ago, and had a bit of bother trying to delete one of the copies.
April 15th, 2014
The edit button is the little "cog" icon. Below left of the photo
April 23rd, 2014
Great work!
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