Judas tree by boxplayer

Judas tree

At Chelsea Physic Garden. A while back, I found out about a free open day here (normally closed on a Saturday and with an admission charge) as part of Chelsea History Festival weekend so I snaffled tickets for Dave and I, and Dave's colleague S.

Bit fretful most of the morning worrying about more leaks, but nothing occurred thank goodness. Actually warm in the sunshine albeit with a fresh breeze, so we breakfasted in the garden.

Left for the gardens visit, meeting S at Sloane Square. Plenty of time to kill, we ambled down Chelsea's pretty streets, passing the Royal Hospital Chelsea, home of the iconic Chelsea pensioners.

Nearby we came across signs advertising History Street and a view of tents and marquees so, still early, we took a look. A nice living history display featuring re-enactors and experts in costume, from Roman times to the 60s (seriously hard to take in that a period of your life is history).

Very good, especially the demo I got from an early Briton of the Germanic lute and the old Panda car (in operation for the Met between 1969 and 1974) at the 60s stall. They had a nice Spirograph set too.

Walked on to the gardens. Chelsea Physic Garden is London’s oldest botanic garden and the oldest in the country after Oxford and grows 1000s of medicinal, herbal, edible and other useful plants. Founded by the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London in 1673 for apprentices to study the medicinal qualities of plants. Good job.

Initially joined a tour, but it was a little slow moving and hard to hear, so we wandered by ourselves. Very interesting - beautiful old greenhouses (incredible array of pelargoniums) and thematic and geographical displays of useful plants. Sun out most of the time, taking the edge off the fresh breeze.

I stopped for tea and chocolate and banana cake and Dave and S joined me. I remained on the sunny bench reading while they looked around more.

Went to an Italian restaurant near Sloane Square after as a belated 50th birthday treat for S, walking slowly along Kings Road window shopping. Good food - crab bruschetta, sea bass and cheese for me.

Home to collapse.

Gelato https://365project.org/boxplayer/extras/2024-09-28

28 September 2024
Chelsea SW3

Sounds like quite a time!
September 29th, 2024  
What a beautiful tree.
September 29th, 2024  
Very beautiful tree & garden. A lovely sunny day too.
September 29th, 2024  
Lovely tree, and story😊
September 29th, 2024  
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