For the first time in I can't remember when Christmas dinner was on the table before it got dark, just after 2 in fact. Mainly because we decided to open presents after.
Was up early to start food preps - making rhe vegetable wellington filling. Smoked salmon breakfast with champagne - just me, mum and Dave before B and T arrived to help with dinner.
Put cream on the trifle, parboiled and roasted the veg, prepared and baked the wellington and so on. All went relatively smoothly with mild amounts of stress and bickering.
S and family arrived in an Uber and had nibbles and champagne in the sitting room while the final preps went on and the table was laid. Dinner was plentiful and very nice - wellington, potatoes, carrots and parsnips, greens and sprouts, red cabbage, cauli cheese. Lots left over for tomorrow.
Presents after and it all got rather chaotic - a lot of presents and Dave and I decided to leave ours till tomorrow. Relaxing and telly after for the most part - interspersed by cheese, Christmas cake and trifle. The latter was polished off in seconds.
Watched the new Wallace and Gromit and Doctor Who, both excellent. R and M decided to go back to their catsit and S and N almost did but were tempted to stay by bringing out the whisky.
All went okay but I can't say I wasn't stressed and overwrought a lot of the time.