One of six garden bird decorations we have on the tree.
An early and slightly anxious start to the day as it was mum's appointment at the hospital to go through her bowel scan results. Logged in to work first to get a few things done.
Ordered an Uber and mum, T and I arrived at the hospital in good time, traffic being quiet. Annoyingly we had to wait over half an hour past her appointment time. But the doctor was very good and the news so far is ok. Seemingly a polyp which mum will have to go back to get removed. They can then get it checked more thoroughly to make sure nothing else more sinister is going on.
Uber driver home wasn't great though - no room apparently at the front for T to sit so we had to squash into the back. And then he got rude when T - trying to work out the middle seatbelt - took too long.
Once home mum was able to relax. T went to the William Morris Gallery and B worked and waited for the car key man to arrive - he did and fixed the issue. I worked on the sofa.
After, Dave got fish and chips in and we rewatched Yesterday - very entertaining, T and B hadn't seen it before.
So glad for mum & you all. A polyp is soon fixed so good news I reckon…it could have been so much worse! Beautiful little bird…I like it because it’s smooth.