Well that's what she looked like in London anyway, no more than a blustery gale in the early hours gradually easing off as I made my way into the office. Not so for Ireland which has been truly battered by this once-in-a-generation (well let's see about that) weather bomb.
Sister S along with 100,000s of other households in Ireland has no electricity and she said her whole house was shaking during the worst of it. Their shed roof is damaged but she feels lucky it wasn't the house roof. Goodness knows how long it will take to restore power.
Fish and chips tonight, the last episode of Winterwatch and an early night.
What a great shot to document the weather bomb. We didn't get too badly hit in the north east either, to be honest. A few trees down, but nothing like as bad as in some areas. We've certainly seen worse up here.
Impressive shot to show the weather conditions of the moment. Fav. So sad to see Ireland having to withstand the 'çruelty' of this storm. I hope it will pass quickly and calms down on the ocean.
I like this image, those little flashes of colour make it fascinating. Do I miss this sort of weather ? A bit, so long as I get it less than four days a year,