ONS10-B&W- or "When You are Too Lazy to Get Some Action" by darylo

ONS10-B&W- or "When You are Too Lazy to Get Some Action"

OMG, I'm a total failure at One Night Stands, and I have no idea why. I'm usually such a sleaze, running from one photo idea to another, finding out the best spots to hang out to "hook up" and searching for willing accomplices. But now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have turned into a weak, inspiration-less wanna-be one-night-stander: THIS IS MY MICROWAVE for Goodness Sakes. One HOT THANG.

BW for your mesmerizing pleasure! Ha! Still having fun. Just wish time was available.

Off to the Mexican Consulate tomorrow--oh, my life. People really, I'm all over the place!

Hahaha! I felt the same way...will be bringing you a choice between (once I decide) a teapod or a window shade! But, it is forcing us to look at things for photographic potential -- and this kind of 'pops' (pun intended). Very cute!
November 12th, 2015  
I find this to be quite creative! I'm dizzy, but in a good way...LOL...fun capture.
November 12th, 2015  
hahahahahaha i like it - and your narrative - I do hope your sleaze returns LOL
November 12th, 2015  
Great narrative and fun shot..
November 12th, 2015  
Actually very inspirational and abstract! Something we both know was elusive for you.for a long time! Well done! the best part is the narrative! Jumping all over the place! ;~}
November 12th, 2015  
I like it! Take care!
November 12th, 2015  
Ha ha ... love the commentary and the image! I felt tired reading your text! :-)
November 12th, 2015  
Some of us (including me) envy your ability to find this sort of image from your daily surroundings: when I'm really stuck I have to drive out to somewhere I haven't visited before... being creative at home is much more preferable.
November 12th, 2015  
Haha ... love your commentary! And love how you can turn something mundane into a really interesting shot! Does the visit to the consulate mean there's a visit to Mexico in the near future?
November 12th, 2015  
You sure are good at getting us all laughing though. Does the one night stand last more than 7 days? I just couldnt get started so I'm impressed that you are a complaining wanna be doing it
November 12th, 2015  
@jgpittenger join in any day. Believe it or not, it was this challenge and camera setting challenges in my first year that drove me to become a photographer. I credit @orangecrush for it all. That's why my depression is coming through. I am usually a full-on One Night Stand Party All Night Gal. So I am heading outside to capture something moving by golly!
November 12th, 2015  
@kwiksilver Technically, I've been to Mexico 4 times in the past two years without leaving the States as going to the consulate is the same as entering the country. Still working on property in Mexico (my mother-in-law's after her death nearly two years ago). A loooong and complicated story that will be a novel one day....Hoping my next trip to Mexico actually just involves a "playa."
November 12th, 2015  
@jgpittenger And then my car coolant decided to side-track me... ba,da,bum, bum. :( Looks like I will try to catch something moving at night, after I attend a funeral. Seriously. I wish I could be making this stuff up... :(
November 12th, 2015  
@darylo oh dear, i remember the saga way back, really thought by now it had all been sorted. Good Luck! As for turning it into a novel ... take a look at NaNoWriMo ... National Novel Writing Month. Google will tell you more but we're almost halfway into November already so maybe next year to get a first draft done? I'm not doing it this year, but have done about 5 years previously. Great fun!
November 12th, 2015  
@kwiksilver stop making me laugh. I know that one really well. And with my life, well, let's just say, I need it to slow the heck down to even get to it. It's on the bucket list. :) Off to a funeral. Started in Mexico, ended at a funeral today, and met a kitchen designer and saw an old friend to celebrate her birthday. Oh, and took a gaggle of kids to McDonald's so they could study AP World History. I write my life as I go I guess...
November 12th, 2015  
Oh my heavens! I feel quite exhausted having read all that as I lean across to put out the light and hopefully get some sleep! But your life sounds real fun! Especially with your recent surgery! I just DO NOT know how you do it!
November 12th, 2015  
@kwiksilver I don't. That's the truth. I just look like a chicken, really.
November 13th, 2015  
Kudos to you!!!
November 13th, 2015  
@darylo is it for more than a week?
November 14th, 2015  
@jgpittenger nope. 7 days, 7 types of photography and usually just ONE submission each day and then move on. Really fun and challenging.
November 14th, 2015  
@darylo next time, perhaps
November 14th, 2015  
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