Challenge Accepted!

January 27th, 2012
I'm looking for any challenges out there. Besides the whole daily pictures for 365project. I would like to get better with the other options on my camera. If any challenges out there that is legit. Please post them so me and fellow photographers can accept the challenges. Thanks in advanced.
January 27th, 2012
@tandeezy I can give you some to enhance your skills if you like? I am doing it with other 365ers to push them to be better photographers.
January 27th, 2012
@agima by any means please. i would like as much info as i can get. I'm currently reading some photography books but it doesn't do any justice compared to taking actual pictures. Don't get me wrong those books are helping me. Without me realizing it.
January 27th, 2012
Nah they are crap.... he he he..

Tell me what area do you think you need help on, or would like to improve?
January 27th, 2012
@agima i'm trying some low lighting practicals and natural lightnings. like night city lights and day time. and tryin to capture motions.
January 27th, 2012
@tandeezy Low natural light with motion.... mmmm can I suggest you only take on one at a time?

Can I suggest you take a photo of what you are working on and I will give you some pointers on how you can improve it?

Just take me in the comments when you post the image and I will have a look.
January 27th, 2012
I'm a bit of a challenge fiend - Done them almost non-stop since last June, and made up a few myself too :)
Here are some (by no means all!) of the various challenges that have been around on 365 in the last year or so:

* 30-day challenge 1: (@soothingbeauty)

* 30-day challenge 2: (@marinda)

* S challenge: (@alia_801)

* Treasure hunt challenge: (@meiphotography)

* Book-word challenge: (@alia_801)

* Book challenge: (@annaruth)

* A-Z Challenge: Each pic features something beginning with the relevant letter of the alphabet (e.g. Apple, Banana...)

* Found alphabet/numbers: Work through the alphabet, but you have to find the relevant letter made by objects - pipes, branches etc...

* Opposites challenge: (@alia_801)

* Song challenge: (@marinda)

* Movie/TV challenge: (@triciaanddazzle)

* Colour challenge: Aim for each pic to be predominantly one colour - you can make your own list of colours, work through ROYGBIV, or just see what you find.

* Square challenge: Either frame your pictures to be square (rather than rectangular), or take pictures of squares wherever you find them

* Same object challenge: (@shuterfly)

There are lots of others too - search for 'challenge' in the discussions - or make up your own!
January 27th, 2012
I dare ya to put down the digital. I double dare ya. I Triple Dog Dare ya:
January 27th, 2012
Look under Themes and Challenges in the Discussion section. The Year Two Wrrekly Challenge is open to everyone but was created to work on composition, Eye, technical skill, and explore those must have shots. The full list is on December 15th and we get a new one each week. This weekwas color, next week is using a single object all week, and the following week will be weather
January 27th, 2012
@cluvlj I got two rolls of film just waiting for Feb 1.
January 27th, 2012
Def going to work on the treasure hunt. I was thinking about doing something like this this morning! Glad its already posted. Same object I would like to do as well.
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