Are you keeping your 365 photos on more than one website?

January 20th, 2010
Simply asking because I'm curious... I'm updating my photos here, and on Flickr (only for the blog widget).

Are you keeping your photos elsewhere too?
January 20th, 2010
Yes... my photos are here and on my Facebook page.
January 20th, 2010
Yes .... here, facebook and blogger.
January 20th, 2010
I feel like that would be a really difficult upkeep.
January 20th, 2010
Mine go onto facebook too.
January 20th, 2010
I also use mainly for the print feature. I also upload to flickr but i haven't in a while.
January 20th, 2010
here and flickr. any relevant photos go on my website too.
January 20th, 2010
here and flickr
January 20th, 2010
Like others i keep my photos on flickr too.

i have a set on there called 365 rejects. As you can only choose one photo i keep all those that didn't make the 'photo of the day' cut, but i still quite liked.
January 20th, 2010
yep, i keep mine here, on flickr, and on my blog. (they're automatically uploaded to flickr through iphoto, though, so it's not hard to keep up.)
January 20th, 2010
mine go to facebook and flickr, as well as my blog.
January 20th, 2010
I just upload here and facebook. I may, after a month, make a bulk upload to somewhere else. I don't know if I'll be motivated to do so just yet, though. We shall see.
January 20th, 2010
mine go here and in organized monthly folders on my hard drive so i can keep it straight ;)
January 20th, 2010
Mine are on here and then my facebook page. They're also very organised in my computer and backed up on my hard drive :P Oh and I have a Project.365 Practice folder xD
January 20th, 2010
if you are also adding to flickr, check out the cooliris application as it's a really cool and fluid way to view the photos of a set.
January 20th, 2010
Here, Flickr, external hard drive, back up hard drive...
January 20th, 2010
Here, Flickr, and hard drive to make a book at end of year.
January 20th, 2010
here and facebook
January 20th, 2010
here and my smugmug page
January 21st, 2010
A lot of them I also post to Facebook and Flickr. Some days that is a little too much, though! :)
January 21st, 2010
Flickr when I get a chance to puload. Usually its a batch upload.
January 21st, 2010
Here and sometimes Photobucket so I can resize it for my blog.
January 21st, 2010
At this stage, here and Flickr. I've only uploaded 11 photos and it already seems like it's too much. May just be here pretty soon. And occasionally Flickr or Facebook or my blog. it's hard to decide!
January 21st, 2010
here, flickr and facebook
January 21st, 2010
Some I put on Facebook - others, I don't...
January 21st, 2010
Here and my blog, and I just do the notification widget for facebook
January 21st, 2010
Just here for me...
January 21st, 2010
Here & FB
January 21st, 2010
I just post mine here, and the widget shows up on facebook. I also keep them on my hard drive by date, and when I get around to it I'm going to save a notepad or whatnot in the same folder with my caption for each day as well, so at the end of the year when I put all my pictures in a book, I can just copy and paste the captions.
January 21st, 2010
I'm also posting mine to a gallery on my own domain - not many people will see them there though so it's mostly for posterity. Posting them here though gives me a little more incentive to keep at it!
January 21st, 2010
Facebook, where I change my profile pic daily, keeping me accountable to all my friends. Blogger. backed up online at Picasa. And hard copies for my Project Life album, which I print each day as I go. I have a ten step checklist to remind me!
January 22nd, 2010
here, facebook and cafemom.
January 22nd, 2010
Here and flickr. Considering facebook- maybe just my favorites there.
January 22nd, 2010
Here, tumblr, facebook, and deviantart.
January 22nd, 2010
i've got mine on here, as well as a livejournal (posted through photobucket) for one of my friend to enjoy and comment on, but she doesn't think she'd have been able to keep up with the progress herself.
i tried to put them on my deviantart, but i got tired of logging in to one more place to post them :P
January 22nd, 2010
Some of my pictures here are posted on other sites. Some of my photos on my other sites aren't posted here. It varies based on the context of the posting.
January 22nd, 2010
Here, facebook, hard drive and batch load backup to smugmug.
January 22nd, 2010
I have flickr and sometimes on blogger too, but I am very picky posting on my blogger because I want it to be more personal, i mean.. pictures of me with stuffs I did :)
January 23rd, 2010
Mine are here, FB and I also am participating in a digital scrapbooking Project 365 at a site called Weeds and Wildflowers Design.
January 23rd, 2010
The app ships 'em to facebook for me. I like being able to share them with my friends there who haven't yet been brave enough to try 365. Having them there has also inspired others to join the project!
January 23rd, 2010
Here, facebook, flickr and my blog!
January 23rd, 2010
Some of my photos will be on facebook as well as here.
January 24th, 2010
Yes... here. and on my blog ( where there are often two or three photographs from the day with the commentary. That is then uploaded automatically to Facebook as well. Some of them, not all, will also be on Flickr.
January 24th, 2010
My daily pictures are here and Facebook. My weekly scrapbook pages are here, Facebook, my Shutterfly site Digital Scrapbook album and my blog.
January 24th, 2010
I have a personal website that I upload every picture I take, regardless of subject or quality, on to. So yes, my pictures are backed up, but not in a specific p365 folder.

As for where the photos hosted here end up? My personal Livejournal and Facebook.
January 24th, 2010
here and blogger. Or better saying, blogger and here, since a friend who went to my blog told me about this site.
January 24th, 2010
here and blogger! Oh, and facebook via the 365 project app!
January 24th, 2010
I upload different photos for each site :)
January 24th, 2010
I am uploading my 365 photos to my photo blog, Flickr and here. I probably would not have done Flickr had I found this first...I also keep my pictures on Photobucket, for purposes of uploading to Photo memes, and blog entries.
January 24th, 2010
Here and Flickr. Status updates with links posted to my Facebook and twitter. :P
January 24th, 2010
Here and my blog for my family to see.
January 24th, 2010
Here and Facebook. :)
January 24th, 2010
Here, Picasa and scrapbooking week by week in my blog
January 25th, 2010
Here and Facebook :)
January 25th, 2010
*here *facebook *my family page on fb *my project365 page on fb *my progect365 page on my typepad blog *my typepad blog *wordpress blog *tumblr *shuttercal *tweetphoto

most i am able to upload straight away via email.
typepad i can upload from the main page & via email.
the rest i have safari and have them all listed on my toolbar and just work my way through them.

the first two weeks i uploaded them to picnik and picassa and added the dates and journalling to them but we have moved and im on dial up at the moment so havent been able to do all of that or even upload them elsewhere.
January 25th, 2010
Here and auto loads to Facebook, I have a special folder on my hard drive and on my backup drive as well.
January 25th, 2010
i tried to do it on FB but i havent really bothered since well before christmas!
January 25th, 2010
FB & on Flickr as part of another 365 group
January 25th, 2010
They're all on Facebook, using the app that does it automatically. Some are also on Flickr if they were part of a set rather than something random.
January 27th, 2010
The app that sends them to Facebook is wonderful because it allows me to share this project with my family with no additional effort.
January 27th, 2010
Mine are here and on my Blog ( and when I get around to it my faves are on my flickr and facebook with links to the blog.
January 28th, 2010
Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, MobileMe, and Whew! Quite some work! Except for the last two I can do it all from my iPhone.
February 23rd, 2011
I upload mine to my gallery at Mobile me. Works well for family to see them.
February 23rd, 2011
mine are on here and on facebook :)
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