A challenge to all 365ers

February 20th, 2012
Like some others who have posted here, I dont seem to get many views on what I think is some of my best work. Rather than be negative about it, I would like to throw down a challenge to all. Below is a link to one of my favourite shots. I want to see at least a hundred comments on it. Be honest. If you like it say so. If you dont like it, say so too. And everything in between.
February 20th, 2012
I think it is beautiful. I had a black lab for 14 years, and he was just as beautiful, so I love it!
February 20th, 2012
It's quite heavily edited and had lost a lot clarity...I'm not keen on it to be honest, briefly looking at your work, you have loads of better pics then this.
February 20th, 2012
I nearly didn't post a comment...I think everyone has there own opinion on what they do and don't like, and comment accordingly. I just started my project this year, I don't have a lot of technical photography knowledge, but am learning lots on this site.
If I saw this photo on my dashboard, I probably wouldn't have commented, because it's not too my taste. I love his eyes, but I think the rest is over proccessed. I love dog pics, but this one just doesn't appeal to me.
The main thing is that this is your project, and it's really only important that you love it :)
February 20th, 2012
I agree totally with @onie here. It's not my taste either, but this is your project and having fun with different kinds of editing etc, is one way for us to learn and to discover what we like and dislike.
February 20th, 2012
Its not for me either, i just dont get the processing!! But thats not to say its a bad picture. It only needs one person to like it and thats you.
February 20th, 2012
I am with the others - I think it's a beautiful dog, and I would love to see the original picture. The eyes are sort of creepy to me and I would be willing to bet that that is one gorgeous dog in real life. Again, you love it though and that's good enough!
February 20th, 2012
Not for me either...a dog's eyes are usually so appealing...these appear more scary. Would have preferred a lovely photo of your dog as is.
February 20th, 2012
Joe, if you want 100 comments on your photo you need to work for it daily. You are only following 1/4 of the people needed, so start following, commenting and participating. I for one work my ass off on this site and am happy with the comments I got. I have a photo I want on the pop page yet with six favs I
still accept the fact that I probably need to comment on others photos more than what I am currently doing to bring in more comments. So get a bit more active on here and it will happen on it's own
February 20th, 2012
srsly guise
February 20th, 2012
If I'm taking on a "challenge" I expect some kind of reward. Like bike 100 miles, lose a pound (some reward! Hmph).

So, what are you offering?
February 20th, 2012
I am a lab kind of girl :) I think your editing makes it look a little cartoon-ish, though. Perhaps the original would be more visually pleasing?
February 20th, 2012
I do quite like the effect as its velvety and soft like labs, but I would have liked the eyes to be the same effect, but maybe brown. I also suspect the original is beautiful and would like to see it. I also agree with the others that by following more you will get more feedback, as long as you feedback too.. You have a group of followers, who are doing a good job from what I can see, your followers will respond to the images if you add more of your thoughts in the descriptions. But be careful what you wish for, because more followers means a lot more work!!
February 20th, 2012
Not really to my taste. Way too over-processed, but if you like it that's all that really matters
February 20th, 2012
Hi Joe....again, I'm afraid it's a bit too over processed. Your pic from 14 Feb is much more to my taste, I love its simplicity. But then differing opinions are part of the appeal of photography!
February 20th, 2012
It's hard to see the dog except for its eyes with the dark background but it is a good image - just better with a lighter background.
February 20th, 2012
I quite like it! It reminds me of the scratch foil pictures that I used to do .. Would quite like to see the original too though :)
February 20th, 2012
I like it! Processing is a personal choice though. You will find folks here who hate it! They are purists in their ways. On the other hand, you'll find folks who love it and enjoy experimenting in abstract as well as more traditional ways of processing. You'll even find the snobs with their SOOC and RAW and everything else that is mentioned in discussions at least once a month, if not more. Not all of us have expensive equipment and not all of us are professionals but, we do seek inpiration from the greats on here and try to better our skills. I try not get upset if I don't get many comments. Life happens and folks get busy. I try to comment on every pic of everyone I'm following but, sometimes it's not possible for lack of time... But, there are times when it's slow and I can take the time to really describe what I like and see in someone's pic. There are also those who are just not going to comment at all for whatever their reasons may be. If you want more comment and feedback, maybe you should follow those who tend to have the time and put forth the effort to comment a lot... for whatever it's worth.
February 20th, 2012
@brumbe , ditto what paula said......from another paula!
February 20th, 2012
I'm not keen on this one but that's just me. I do think that people only make comments on photos that they like though - so even if you had 500 followers - a large majority of them might not comment. If one of the people that I followed posted a pic that wasn't to my taste - I probably wouldn't comment as I wouldn't necessarily have anything nice to say about it and they may not welcome being critiqued when they haven't specifically asked for it..
February 20th, 2012
@grecican lol
February 20th, 2012
Don't like it so much. Looks like some painting with photo eyes.
But ofcourse it's personal, just don't go for the numbers.

I am not so happy about all the people trying to push their photos by starting a discussion that is not a discussion. Just follow people that have similar photo style and part of them will follow you back. By starting too many mini discussions, the real discussions are too fast kicked away from the overview list.
February 20th, 2012
@brumbe @paulaag Another Paula in agreement.

@djepie I also agree with you...this is not a discussion, and it's not the proper way to go about getting followed or receiving comments.
February 20th, 2012
I am sure this black lab is a beautiful dog but I have a feeling he wouldn't be pleased with the way he's portrayed, Cujo-like, in this photo. The processing makes the image look like something that would glow in the dark - not a good thing unless you are a goth teenager who wants to hang it in his all-black bedroom. Of course, this is my opinion but you asked for it.
Better pictures from your project: 14th, 22nd, 30th Sept., 7th Nov.,16th Dec.
February 21st, 2012
@cheri_pittman @azza_l @onie @kimmiesue @hanky @debdaigle @Cherrill @brumbe @echoia @snippets @fungirlslim @kelsi87 @sambehindalens @la_photographic @doorknee71 @marlboromaam @paulaag @kareen @djepie @5unflow3r @meisen325 Thank you all for taking the time to make an honest comment.I have learnt heaps here and really appreciate the input. I will put the original up as tomorrow's post.
February 21st, 2012
@jobo great look forward to seeing it!!
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