hitting the wall is anybody else feeling this way?

May 12th, 2012
I started 365 on Jan 1st and initially worried I would never be able to find enough fill a month let alone a year.Here I am 12 of May have'nt missed a day yet despite the nasty chest infection road traffic accident and various other obstacles! but now I find myself hitting what marathon runners call the wall.The weather hasnt helped its been non stop rain for what feels like weeks and weeks.
My question is how to kick start? I have paged through the obvious places looking for inspiration from other 365ers but nothing is working or I dont have the time spend hours setting up technical shots that amaze me.
How do I re-kindle that spark? I know I have lost it I am getting so few comments and even fewer favs on my pics.I would love to hear your suggestions.
May 12th, 2012
I don't do a lot of setting up shots either. I barely have time some days to stop and take ONE photo. I like looking at http://www.fatmumslim.com.au/ for her photo a day. I don't take every suggestion, but they are handy to look at when I draw a blank.
May 12th, 2012
you have beautiful photos, btw.
May 12th, 2012
I have been going since October and I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes it is just not fun!

I am currently doing this challenge: http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/12286/may-challenge , where there is a word for each day in May that you have to photograph. I find it helpful if I am uninspired or lacking the motivation for photography, to know what I have to shoot that particular day. Takes some of the pressure off!
You are most welcome to join =)
May 12th, 2012
I am almost finished....I only hit a wall maybe twice and only for a day. Not saying my pics were always good but just that the feeling of "oh who cares? I am tired?" only hit me a few times this year. I usually was just tired and the next day I moved on. I enjoyed the book word challenge on here ...that was in October and when I could have hit a wall...about 5months in and days shortening...I read A Prayer for Owen Meaney and not only got pic ideas but liked the book! The challenge was to pick up a book (be careful what genre due to the difficulty finding the pics) and turn to a page and pick any word in line one to depict with a photo. Next day, go to the next page and line two and pick any word and so on. I have a long commute and work hours so I would look a few days in advance to plan how to get my shots....and posted at times ones not actually taken that day but close while still taking a pic a day. Just an idea! Sorry u r hitting a wall!
May 12th, 2012
First of all, congratulations on getting 133 days in without missing a day! As a relative newbie, I still have a long way to go until I reach that point. I too find myself wondering some days if I will find the time or the inspiration to do something "creative". In my case, I think the thing I have to remember is that I'm doing this for myself, and not to try to impress others or compete for attention. Which is difficult to remember sometimes when there are so many fabulous photographers that just amaze me and humble me. So instead, I just carry my camera wherever I go; keep my eyes open for something that interests me; and hope that someone else finds my effort worthwhile. In the end, if we're able to motivate ourselves every day for a year, or if we miss a day here or there, we'll know that we were opened up to an amazing world around us through the eyes of so many great people in the 365 community. And we'll have some pictures we're proud of to show for it!
May 12th, 2012
I think I have hit the same wall. I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions for you - my biggest problem is my lack of imagination and creativity - other than looking at all the challenges on here - those with a monthly list or the weekly themes or anything else that pops up - those things have helped me out a few times! ! I am mostly blaming the weather though - I think I will do better when I feel like going outside more.

May 12th, 2012
Yeah, this happens. A lot!

Have a look at the discussion threads about challenges etc and try to take part in a couple of them.

Have a go at this for example - http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/12363/photo-a-day-may

In March I was so close to completing my year, but had desperately run out of steam. So I spent the month searching for letters instead of "regular shots". See here http://365project.org/lluniau/365/2012-03 (a few people have done this too).

Here's another one that looks like fun - http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/12339/5-weeks-in-may

Keep at it, your enthusiasm WILL return. Don't give up just yet!!
May 12th, 2012
Oh, I forgot - at the end of January I started a week of photographing the same subject every day. A few have done this too. I chose Smarties. @jsw0109 has a very cool Tabasco series and @twinsplusone took a gorgeous series of a pink tulip. Some of us tagged them with y2singleobject so if you search for that tag you should find more inspiration.

This one was a lot of fun...
May 12th, 2012
take the mundane, it doesn't matter if what is around you may appear dull to you, to someone else it is new and exciting the view out your window a cup of coffee on your kitchen table anything really its not about finding new stuff to shoot but finding exciting ways to shoot the stuff you have around you.
May 12th, 2012
@sueh Don't worry, Sue - you're absolutely normal! It's near impossible to find 365 different things to shoot. I agree with the suggestions above - join in with others with themes or set yourself a challenge of your own... like Elin I decided to do an alphabet (but with real letters) in March - I've also had lots of fun editing/processing pictures to make them different. I've decided to do flowers next week, and try to process them in different ways. No sooner do you set yourself a challenge than things leap up at you that don't fit... go with them! Try a macro/sky/b&w/bug.... and most important, don't agonise - enjoy! :)
May 12th, 2012
PS And don't forget - it's your project so if you take 3 good shots one day you can post them on 3 different days if you want to. Go with what works for you :)
May 12th, 2012
@lluniau thank you Elin! Tabasco Series 3 is probably coming up pretty soon
May 12th, 2012
Wow I amazed at so many positive replies! thank you all for taking the time to help.Typically just when I had posted this plea for help my good mate Rich Wood who is also my co-conspiritor on 365 and the whole reason I am on it rang and said there is fair in town lets go do some photography.isnt always the way!
I have taken all your comments on board and will def try them out after I have posted todays bonus shots of the fair that is!!
May 12th, 2012
Yeah, just keep at it. It's not "hitting the wall", it's not "lacking inspiration", it's learning. Learning what actually makes a good photo. I become really picky over my photos sometimes and end up not liking any of them. This isn't lacking inspiration it's just, as I say, learning what goes into making a "good"photograph. I bet when you first started you were taking shots of anything and every thing and thought they were all good? And you look back over them and think... What? ... NO!
Just keep at it and don't give up! You're not going to take a great photo everyday. It's just not gonna happen. No one is going to judge you if you post a few lame shots. As for comments and fav's, it's YOUR project. No one else's.
May 12th, 2012
there's a current discussion going on about bucket lists.....

see if this helps you too. :)
May 12th, 2012
have a go at some of the themes
May 13th, 2012
I hit a wall, a couple of weeks ago, I felt like I was posting my best pictures ever and was receiving less hits, less comments and less feedback than ever before. I also felt like I didn't know what a good photo was any more.
I got my head back around why I was doing this project in the first place which is to learn and to take photos and I am doing just that again and trying not to please others as much.
Turns out I won a statewide photo comp yesterday and I am back enjoying and learning.
May 13th, 2012
I had to use fillers to finish my first year. During the winter when it's super cold and white every day, I lost my spark. When spring arrived I was excited again. I always get inspired by browsing around the site looking at other 365ers' projects.
May 13th, 2012
@sueh - Hi Sue, I am in year 2 but I recall in year 1 many people all around the same time were posting similar threads about losing their mojo. And I jokingly said to one, try Alcohol. Get drunky and post the result. And while I was being very tongue-in-cheek, a few 365ers did take my advice and much laughter and thanks were shared. So my first answer is try Beer for Inspiration.

But on a more serious note. When I found my mojo waining last year, I found myself just taking a simple shot, an object around the house, and using non-photographic techniques like using a torch for lighting. I sorta approached it that I was taking a disposable shot. Get that hurdle done and move on. I even tried revisiting a shot and seeing if I could recreate.

Another suggestion, and this one worked really well for me, was to recreate someone else's photo. If I was moved or inspired by the work of another, then I would try to recreate and give credit where it was due, and this was such an uplifting exercise. And if you would go to my project and look at http://365project.org/bobfoto/365/2011-11-18 then you will find a prime example. You will need to click on the other link that appears on that photo too, to get the whole picture.
May 13th, 2012
I started in Jan, and haven't hit any walls ...yet. I enjoy taking my camera with me each day and taking photos. Some days I take too many, and occasionally I get towards the end of a busy day and it makes me look more closely in my own backyard. I don't do technical setups, have neither the time or equipment to do this, my external lighting equipment is a torch and a bedside light!
I tweak some of my pics with Picassa or Picmonkey, one day I might get photoshop, but am happy without it for the time being. I love entering the themes and challenges, that always gives you something to think about.
I think you have some great photos in your albums, and you now have a new follower.
May 13th, 2012
Just keep shooting, just keep shooting....what do we do? We shoot shoot shoot. Shoot anything. Shoot everything. Get through your first year and make it a habit, no matter what it is, no matter how good or bad. Shoot for the sake of shooting. Trust me. :)
May 13th, 2012
well yep, you look down this list of commenters and you'll see people with 500, 900 pictures etc. It isn't new, and you'll get over the blues, and probably, if you stick to the project, you'll feel it again before the end of the year. Its the tough times when you just gotta keep snapping else you'll fail.
Lots fail around this time of year, keep checking your followers, they'll be dropping away. keep your head down and keep making friends and posting pics. ;)
May 13th, 2012
I looked at your photos and I could only wish to be that uninspired as your photos are wonderful! That said, everyone hits that wall! I have been hitting it as well. I tend to take photos in spurts so I post when i can but sometimes don't feel inspired at my photos.
I view it as a learning experience so I keep on keeping on! :) Hang in there!
May 13th, 2012
I started this project January 2010. I am in my third year and have hit many walls. Just keep taking photos every day. Take photos of anything, the same thing, different things, anything and then you will break down that wall.
May 13th, 2012
Well, If I feel like I can't shoot anything I put in a filler that I process or do something with it that day. But I agree with the person who said just keep shooting, just keep shooting. The other thing I like to do is walk around my house and yard a few times and something usually finds me. That is how I did the dandelion seed on a spider wed thread. Hope things get better for you.
May 13th, 2012
Last year, when I was sticking true to the photo a day thing I hit MANY walls. Today, I spent HOURS putting together my photo book of images from that year. I can see a DEFINITE growth from taking a photo each day. It is amazing to see the difference in my style from the start to finish to now. Amazing. It's also neat to see that over a year later, I can still remember taking each and every photo, even the terrible ones. I remember the day, and something that happened.

What I am saying is keep shooting. When else in your life will you have a year that you will have a memory from each and every day? You can do this!
May 13th, 2012
I hit the wall a lot. Today was the 500th consecutive day of photo shoots without using a filler. There have been days when I've though I could just use a filler, but it's more of a matter of pride now. It's given me discipline to go out every day.

With that, try looking around your house. Indoor shots, self portraits, minimalism. Experiment with water drops. If you have kids, get their toys out and play. All sorts of things you can do when the weather's bad. Heck, take an umbrella, get a willing assistant and have them splash around in the puddles for you.
May 13th, 2012
I think 365's tag challenges are inspiring.

One thing that I've done several times, but that depends on your taking the time to do it, is something I call 'stunt photo safari'. You pick a place, you go there with no predefined plans whatsoever, an just let the place inspire you. (Actually, I usually describe that last step as 'just go crazy'...!)

Having had two photo trips yesterday; one planed, one stunt; I feel a bt walled today. I haven't decided yet what to do, but I know I have a story to follow up on a shot I did a few days ago.

Hm, that's an idea, perhaps? How about telling a story, day-by-day?
May 13th, 2012
thats the good thing with 365, you can do anything you want like resting for a while until you get back your chi, mojo or force.

I always try to take whatever life throws at me - even shooting toys or the sky. While some have given in to the ABC theme challenge, I create my own like how many b&w I can make in a week, month or eternity.

Good luck on passing/phasing through the wall and hoping the wall isnt built on adamantium

May 13th, 2012
You've done well to get this far before hitting it! On my old camera I'd switch lenses from 'normal' to zoom when I got stuck. On the new one I've only got one lens so I set out for a walk thinking 'I'm going to take a close up detail of something' or some such and I always see lots of other things that aren't close up detail then!!
May 13th, 2012
I have found browsing the latest page or the Day pages often helps to inspire one to take a picture. Also going through albums of people you admire and try to acheive a similar shot to one they have taken is also helpful in getting past "the wall".
May 13th, 2012
I went through a lull... You just have to push through it. Find stuff in your house to take pictures of if you don't want to go outside. Better yet, take pictures of the rain in various ways. Once you push through it, you will be glad you did and you will get motivated again. Good Luck! Hope to see you there at the end!
May 13th, 2012
Everybody goes through it....keep your eyes open, your camera at the ready...believe me, it'll come back!
May 14th, 2012
I've been here since October and have hit the wall several times, like every other week, but I have managed to post something every day. The winter was the worst for inspiration and motivation. Plus, I don't have time, skills or enough photographic ambition to tackle any of the challenges or themes. I have relaxed my own rules to make things easier for myself and now I don't worry if the picture I'm posting was taken that day or three days before just as long as my calendar doesn't have any holes.
May 14th, 2012
What about taking a single week or even longer out of your album and re-shoot everything again, in the same order, but in a completely different way.... and see if you can improve on your previous shot? Great if you do - No worries if you don't - just have fun along the way.
May 14th, 2012
I often go for a walk with the dog & take my phone or the camera. I don't really set up shots. My photography is quite hit & miss and I'm stil learning to use manual setting with any degree of competency. I'm really here for the fun and learning. I find it easier not to worry too much about views and comments- that could cause a lot of pressure. Sometimes I have some photos stashed in my phone or computer from the weekend and use them during the week. I like the idea of shoot shoot shoot, that your mundane is other people's interesting, of using your environment. There are some fantastic ideas here. I've also started using the challenges- there are some fun ones on at the moment such as 5 steps, the artist challenge & the street challenge.
May 14th, 2012
This is my second year. I periodically hit a photographer's block. I have found strategies to get through this (not that it is easy for me every day). The most important is to have the self discipline enough to take at least one shot per day (self discipline is difficult for me). I have subjects that I return to. I walk around the house or yard or town just snapping away at anything interesting. I take shots of one subject from various perspectives and angles. I assign myself a task to work on specific technique/s (light, depth, texture, layers). I carefully select the challenges and themes I participate in. Right now, I am doing the mirror challenge and the 5 weeks in May challenge. The important thing I have to remember is that I am in this for the fun of it. Have fun! Enjoy 365!
May 14th, 2012
Hitting the wall is very natural and to be expect, it can happen a number of times during the project. In regards to comments and favs, from others, my take is that you are doing this project for you, not others. Don't feel the need for others to validate what you are doing. Heck, if I rated my success by comments, favs, followers, I'd never have completed my project last year and wouldn't have started a new project this year. I'd suggest a couple of things (1) Try identify what your aims/goals/reasons are for doing the project, it might help you re-focus (2) Accept that pretty much everyone goes through down times and loss of mojo, but remember it just takes a click to keep going (3) Photograph what you love, what do you love aside from photography? go shoot it (them) (4) Set yourself a challenge, something outside your comfort zone - it can really inspire you (5) Try relax about it, take the pressure off, look around the room you are in right now, pick an object and photograph it with various lighting or pick out a detail, just mix it up. Not sure it would be of any help, but I wrote an article about doing a 365 for Abe's of Maine (I've nothing to do with them, they just asked me to write and article.) it's here if you want to read it: http://blogs.abesofmaine.com/doing-a-project-365-by-dave-ferrie/
May 14th, 2012
Go on a road trip....great for inspiration.
May 14th, 2012
I've been there!!! All I can say - without repeating other's too much - is that stick with it!! I will be done July 1st - and I never thought I would make it!!!! I am not perfect - and sometimes my pics are boring - but I want to be able to say - "I did it!!!"
May 14th, 2012
@ggg or vibranium.....
May 14th, 2012
I have a few mini themes of my own that I keep going back to provide inspiration for example I started a 'red sofa' theme/ tag and take regular photos of family and guests sitting on my red sofa. Other themes I keep returning to are 'favourite recipes' 'favourite flowers' and even 'favourite crockery'. I also keep taking pictures of some local hills from different angles in different seasons.
I also aim to fav about as many pictures as I post and I fav pictures I find inspiring so I can look back at the photos I've faved for inspiration.
May 14th, 2012
I echo what @cirasj says... I started in Oct 2009 and walls come and go, as does time on the PP... Just roll with it and whenever you struggle, know a good run is just around the corner...
May 15th, 2012
I feel the same way, and the rain here does not help. I went to the library last week and looked in the photography section and checked out some books to get me inspired. It really has helped me want to break down the wall. Also, I tend to be a traveler and new scenery helps as well.
May 15th, 2012
I hit walls constantly. Sounds a bit trite, but just keep going. Not every shot, not every day is an inspiration. I don't shoot every day, but I am not giving up, I am not stopping. Pick up the camera, point it at something and shoot. Play with the angle, depth of field, camera movement, etc.
May 15th, 2012
can only repeat most of teh stuff above .
JUST KEEP TAKING A PHOTO A DAY < EVEN IF YOU THINK ITS TOO BORING < TOO DULL < NOT GOOD ENOUGH ... eventually something happens. You've at east gained familiarity with the camera and unknowinglt learned something.

all the best
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