Michael Elliott

August 1st, 2012
Michael Elliott @michaelelliot is one of the most talented and nicest snappers on 365 Project. He is ending his first year. In his honor, please go through his amazing shots and post your favorite photo and anything you want to say to him or his photo. I know it's hard to pick just one, so if you want to post more than one, feel free. :-)
August 1st, 2012
August 1st, 2012
Great idea, Lori! Thanks!

So many insanely great shots ... Tough call, but here's my fav fav. It brings such a warm personal feel to the iconic NYC:

Michael - I hope you stick around a bit ... You're an inspiration and a great partner for all of us with your sheer talent and enthusiasm!
August 1st, 2012
Wow, of course its not possible to choose!)))))
I think we'd all recognize Michael's great night scenery shots, all so fantastic!

Congrats on finishing, Michael!! Really a pleasure to follow you!
August 1st, 2012
@lorihiro @beachradish Those were my top 2 also! Will find another, shouldn't be hard!
August 1st, 2012
ME is indeed one of the best. he changed my view and impression of NYC and would love to visit again sooner rather than later. i have quite a few ME favourites but for me this is a standout. simple and sweet:
August 1st, 2012
I loved this one...
August 1st, 2012
@michaelelliott - counsellor, i know you're moving on to bigger and better things. so proud of you and hope you stay on.
August 1st, 2012
oh and this, too!
August 1st, 2012
And this one! As much as I love the cityscapes, this one was special
August 1st, 2012
August 1st, 2012
I don't know how long I have been following Michael now, but I loved his work from the get go. I know he admires the work of Jay Maisel and has tried to duplicate some of Maisel's work. To be honest, I'd rather have a coffee table book of Michael's photographs. I have a number of his in my list of Fav's, but this is one of the more resent ones.
August 1st, 2012
Love all of Michaels shots but this one sticks with me becasue we had a joke about Mum being a photo bomber lol...Michael, so many shots i could have chosen
August 1st, 2012
Michael has made NYC look good. I have enjoyed following him and looking at photos of areas that I knew as a youth. It is hard to pick any single one of his. But I have enjoyed his night photos and this one I choose to represent them.
August 1st, 2012
Ah Michael, dude you do the most amazing photos & I love all of them but have a total soft spot for your graffitti shots:

I hope you stick around my friend as I'd hate to lose you!
August 1st, 2012

I think they are all really special and he is an incredible photographer with such a great talent - but maybe this shot is one of my faves as is the one Skip Tribby posted above!
August 1st, 2012
@karenann This is just one of my many favorites becuse he "risked" injury to capture it.

August 1st, 2012
Congrats!! It's been a pleasure to follow you!! :o)
August 1st, 2012
It's hard to choose - I just love all your photos, Michael. You've been more than a pleasure to follow - very inspiring - your compositions, use of colour and angles are superb....... please keep 'em coming ;)
Congratulations today on the big three, six, five!!! Awesomeness!


August 1st, 2012
@lorihiro - WOW HOLY COW! My internet finally came back and I just went on and saw all this!!! I am overwhelmed with appreciation! And everyone should know Lori is just as sweet a person in-person as she is on this site - she's the real deal! Thank you so much Lori oxoxo!
August 1st, 2012
@michaelelliott You are so deserving of this! Thought you might like the feedback of other 365 FAV shots of yours--for your book! You should start taking orders! We 365ers, should be get first edition all autographed please! :-)
August 1st, 2012
@beachradish - Thank you so much. That means alot to me and yes I will stick around. Today was the first day I didn't have my camera bag on my shoulder and I didn't like the feeling :)
August 1st, 2012
@nyusha - Thank you very much Anna. You take such beautiful photos and it is a pleasure following you too. I'll still be around :)
August 1st, 2012
@summerfield - Thank you so much Vicki and you in NYC that would be a trip (i.e crazy time) let me know if you get here :)
August 1st, 2012
@nanalisarocks - Thank you Lisa very much appreciated :-)
August 1st, 2012
@calm - Thank you very much Cathy. This certainly was a one of a kind magical pic. Don't think its possible to replicate as mother nature provided for all the elements.
August 1st, 2012
@skipt07 - thanks very much Skip. I recently looked into taking a class with Maisels. Its 10 photographers for a week with him for $5,000!!! ouch! Getting that guy in the pic crossing alone without the masses was pure photo gods smiling!
August 1st, 2012
@debsulzberger - Thx very much Deb and my mom (I mean mum) will ertainly appreciate it. I saw your msg that you just finished too -- Congratulations!. I've had internet trouble lately but working now and will stroll by your project.
August 1st, 2012
@hjbenson - Thx Harry you've always been such a fine gentleman. This was a cool pic too for me because it was the first time I went onto Randell's Island (never knew how to ) and it was the best pov for the Triborough Bridge (now RFK Bridge).
August 1st, 2012
@sjodell - Thx Sarah and I love graffiti too and there is soo much of it here. Yes I will still be around. Thx again :)
August 1st, 2012

Loved all your shots but for sheer power this gets me everytime. Well done Michael
August 1st, 2012
@kellc - Thx Kelly for such wonderful words - much appreciated. Yeah this pic was really tough because there was so much traffic from so many directions (especially behind me). I had to run out and shoot in 10 secs and back and forth until I got it right. One time I got down low on the road and stayed too long - the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and it was a close call.
August 1st, 2012
@karenann - hahaha yes Karenann you know of my exploits, but my story above to Kelly was the most dangerous and stupid. Thx very much and see you around. Got to see you finish 365!
August 1st, 2012
@harley84 Thank you Katherine I appreciate it :)
August 1st, 2012
@thebluegnu - Thanks very much BG I truly appreciate your words :-) And I love this shot too. I drove to NJ after work to get the shot. Stood on that pier a long time!
August 1st, 2012
@bdb3471 - Thx very much Brian. Looks like you and me will have another go-around here. Looking forward to it. When I flip thru my pics I always get stuck on this one too. Thx!
August 1st, 2012

this one for me. it was my first fav of Michaels back in the heady days of picture 16 - gosh, I've been friends with you for ages!!

this was a superb recent shot...really Michael you have too many stunners to choose from. Definitely want a signed copy of that book of yours!!
August 1st, 2012
@sparkle - hahaha thank you so much Juliette. That graf pic with the guy is a riot. You were the very first person I followed and I just wanted to be able to take pics like you. That knife and fork one still stands out for me. I think also you're hectic professional life is like mine and seeing you juggle it all was inspirational to me. Thank you very much - We are old friends :-)
August 1st, 2012
Congratulations on completing 365 Michael... your work is truly amazing and you are a wonderful photographer. It was so hard to choose a shot as you have so many works of art..... Please don't be a stranger as you would be sorely missed!! ♥♥♥

August 1st, 2012
August 1st, 2012
So hard to choose, have been through all my faves of Michaels & finally picked this one as I remember being quite touched by this photo of his dad &mum & then the wonderful background too.

August 1st, 2012
@sparkle Funny Juliette when I was looking through my faves for this slot, so many times I looked at a photo clicked on thinking it was Michaels & it was one of yours!!!!
August 1st, 2012
Congrats to you Michael. A fine collection of work made it so hard to choose a favorite....but this was mine. Stunning contrast, vivid color and great lines.

August 1st, 2012
@michaelelliott for some reason i am not able to copy and paste my fav photo here so i just wanted to let you know my first Fav of your was Jan.7th and probably every day after that!!! lol!! Great job on the video Michael and thank you for sharing N. Y. C. like ive never seen it before!! Let me know when that book is ready!! I want one for sure! :)
August 1st, 2012
I love all your work Michael. so difficult to pick one picture. you make me want to go back to NY.

love this one.. i have been looking at wallpapers for my 10 year olds bedroom as he wants a city scene and your shots are fat better than the wallpaper sites we have looked at..
August 1st, 2012
far!!!!! gah!
August 1st, 2012
I couldnt find any I didnt like. You have been an inspiration, I look forward to your posts each day. Thank you for sharing your world.
August 1st, 2012
Michael, you are a brilliant photographer with an amazing eye, you give us something to aspire to and even though I haven't been able to have the time to comment, I have been looking at your beautiful and moving photos. What a year you have had. I will congratulate you now Michael, just incase I miss your last day.
It will take me some time to find a favourite...an impossible task...but I shall try:):) MICHAEL ELLIOTT YOU ROCK!!
August 1st, 2012

Simply gorgeous photo.
August 1st, 2012
August 1st, 2012
For me this is lovely, great composition. I thought I had fav'd but obviously hadn't, have recified that now!
August 1st, 2012
I, too, have so many favorites photos of your's that it was difficult to choose just one; finally settled on this one because of how you described how difficult it was for you to get your shot and I so enjoy the image itself. Sort of out-of-the-box from the normal things we saw from you everyday, yet not unexpected at the same time as you never ceased to amaze, awe and astound.
August 1st, 2012
This one was my first FAV of you

Had never seen NYC from this viewpoint!
August 1st, 2012
This would be hard enough if I hadn't deleted my first account, because so many of my favs were of Michael's work, he's produced so many amazing images. But this thread has been a great excuse to go through the last month or so and found this one - tying in nicely with my current obsession:

August 1st, 2012
Michael's work on 365 has been inspirational for me. He has captured NYC's moods perfectly. So many FAVs and I arrived late into his project. I absolutely love this one.

August 1st, 2012
Wow. what a positively outstanding artist. Too many fabulous photos to choose from. it's sad that this post has only brought this 365er to my attention. Cheers
August 1st, 2012
So many favs - but this one has always been one of my favorite favs!

August 1st, 2012
I believe that I've said more than once that I can't wait to purchase a Michael Elliott coffee table book. . .it is almost impossible to choose. Michael, you will be so sorely missed as a daily presence, here, so just be sure that you visit often enough to give us a healthy fix of Mr. Elliott.

August 1st, 2012
Just one of several really awesome places that you showed us on the May meetup.

August 1st, 2012
I absolutely love his work, it is wonderful! I have so many favorites of his but this was my last fav; however, I have not been around much lately so I have not seen much of his work lately :(

August 1st, 2012
There are too many favorities to choose from, but I have to go with Michael's shot from June 1st. It was one of the first ones I saw when I found 365, and was a big part of inspiring me to join in. Thanks, Michael, for sending me on my own journey of photographic inspiration!

August 1st, 2012
You'll probably see this shot posted a million times but it has to be one of my all-time favorite ME shots. First because I felt like I was totally in the picture and had to step back from the computer to get rid of the butterflies in my stomach! Secondly because it was just magical- to be in a place where you had that kind of view. So few get to go to places like that unless they know somebody. And thirdly because it's quintessential NYC! Michael you are an awesome and inspirational photographer!
August 1st, 2012
@lorihiro Thanks for posting this Lori! It's fun to go through and see how many people fav'd the same ones I did! Glad you decided to pay tribute to one of the best!
August 1st, 2012
You're a genius photographer, Michael. Glad to know you'll still post here on 365 from time to time. I love your inspired view of the many faces and places of New York City.

August 1st, 2012
August 1st, 2012
Michael , you were so helpful in identifying some of my dad's old slides and letting me wallow in some NY childhood memories. All your photos leave me with a nostalgia and the need to revisit one day. I love your sense of light, your abilty to conjure up the manic and gentle side of your city. This is one of your early shots I faved...love it to death and I would love one of your books when the time comes! Don't be a stranger now....:-)

August 1st, 2012
@aromatic - Thank you very much Jane :-)
August 1st, 2012
@paulavdmerwe - Thx Paula. That pic is right up your alley :)
August 1st, 2012
@happypat - Thx very much Pat. My parents printed and framed this pic.
August 1st, 2012
@denisedaly - Thx very much Denise. This condemned buidling sure gave till the end :)
August 1st, 2012
@michaelelliott will so know why this is one of my favorites.

@lorihiro thanks for hosting, and when you come to New York, I plan on crashing your field trip with Michael Elliott
August 1st, 2012
I also love the other side of Michael that he does not show all that often, and is the opposite of bright lights big city.
August 1st, 2012
August 1st, 2012
@brumbe - haha yes from our photo walk cross-town. Thx very much Paula :-)
August 1st, 2012

August 1st, 2012
he is a master at his craft....i am hoping one day to meet you Michael. I love and fav every single one of your shots..but I just looked and saw this which, of course, captures my heart...xxoxooxox and congrats to you..

August 1st, 2012
I would love this framed for my husband's office! LOVE IT!! Congrats Michael on an amazing project! @michaelelliott

August 1st, 2012
So many awesome shots to choose. I'll go with the tilt shift shot of Times Square... which looks even better large!
August 1st, 2012
nice tribute lori! great year michael! so many awesome shots to choose from ... i like your florida/family pics, super ny shots of course ... sharon's choice just above is one of many favourites.
August 1st, 2012
Michael, you are such a wonderful photographer and I've loved looking at your photos. You've captured NYC so amazingly. Best of luck to you and I hope to see more wonderful shots of yours.
August 1st, 2012

Impossible to choose. This was the first shot of yours that I saw and fav'd. Totally hooked from there on, and to go back and check out previous. I especially also loved the inside views of famous buildings like the law courts.
August 1st, 2012
Congratulations, Michael! I've enjoyed following your work. NYC is my favorite city in the world, and you capture it so beautifully. My fave because of the moody sky:

August 2nd, 2012
Congratulations Michael. Your work is stunning. You are an inspiration . This is one of your shots I love.

August 2nd, 2012
@ellen - Thx Ellen for picking this Fall pic. One of the great things about this project has been shooting in all seasons.
August 2nd, 2012
@robinwarner - Thank you so much Robin. When I took this I was definitely thinking of you and how you capture the details and emotion in the face and always a great pov, comp and wonderful bkgd. You've inspired me a great deal and I've missed you. So I shot with Steph, I shot with Lori (both fabulous people) - just you left from your posse. I say you should all come east and we do several days of NYC shooting adventure. I mentioned to Lori I will likely be out in SF and Silicon Valley in the Fall and perhaps I can sneak south to LA? Ths so much for checking in :-)
August 2nd, 2012
@boogie - Thx Mags for choosing this shot. My first time under the WB. It was real hard to get to too - especially in suit and tie. Think I climbed thru hole in fence :)
August 2nd, 2012
@twinsplusone - Thx so much Sharon. This was a special pic. I left my tripod behind so made one with rocks and my camera bag on a boulder for the long exposure. It was so beautiful there in those golden lights on the water watching the subway streak over the enormous bridge in the night, though I was in a dark and secluded area with no one around - a bit scary :-)
August 2nd, 2012
@kiwichick - thx so much Lesley. I love tiltshift.
August 2nd, 2012
@sunnygreenwood - thx Anne very much :)
August 2nd, 2012
@mittens - Thx Marilyn very much I appreciate that. And love this pic too. In NYC I've often thought that the traffic is like a living thing. At night I love to watch the lights of the traffic as the line of taxis slink along the streets.
August 2nd, 2012
@jennywren Thx Jen very much. And that cat was real. It jumped up as I was getting ready to shoot.
August 2nd, 2012
@cmc1200 - Thx Caryn very much. I always see these amazing skies in pics from all over and finally caught one here.
August 2nd, 2012
@maggie2 - Thx so much I appreciate that. This shot felt great when I was taking it. The sun was so warm and mellow.
August 2nd, 2012
@lorihiro - good thinking ;) You got it! Again thx so very much.
August 2nd, 2012
@beachradish This is my favorite too. I thought of it immediately when pondering the best of M.E. Congrats Michael on such an amazing 365project and thanks so much for sharing your talent with all of us!!
August 2nd, 2012
All the puctures are amazing but this one is special:)
August 2nd, 2012

This will always be one of my favorites of Michael's. It's a perspective that most of us mortals =) will never see. Thank you, Michael @michaelelliott, for all the wonderful NYC scenes you've shared with us this year. Aloha!
August 2nd, 2012
I love all the colours. Was so hard to just choose one
August 2nd, 2012
Michael, you really are an inspiration and a nice guy, it has been great following you and I knew i was going to miss your last photo while i have been away the last couple of days, i have just watched that fabulous collection of photos, wow how could i just pick one of my favourites!? but it has to be this one i think, not only for the shear magic of it but the fact you put your life at risk lurking in dark deserted buildings to get it! :)
I have loved seeing NYC thru your amazing talent, im glad you will still post leisurely and im sure you will keep us updated on your website and book :)
August 2nd, 2012
@sandier - Thank you Sandie! This was a cool shot from a friend's law office in a very secure building so would be near impossible for just anyone to get access. I think I'm over coming my fear of heights too :-)
August 2nd, 2012
@chauncygirl - Thank you Heidi very much :-)
August 2nd, 2012
It is just too hard to decide on one so I'm just going to say you inspire me.
August 3rd, 2012
Congrats! A memorable one for me:
August 3rd, 2012
Hey, Michael, a BIG congratulations! I enjoyed viewing your photos and am very glad that you'll be staying.

This is the very first picture that caught my attention to follow you. Glad to see New York through your art. xxx

August 3rd, 2012
@bugik - Thank you very much. I show NYers this pic and they can't believe its real but it is - view from Calvery Cemetery in Queens about 8 miles or so from the ESB.
August 3rd, 2012
@kph129 - thank you Kristin very muhc :)
August 3rd, 2012
@sailingmusic - Thank you Myrna :)
August 3rd, 2012

Seriously don't know how you could ever pick one, but after going through some of his shots, I'll pick this one.

Michael, I doubt you need ME to tell you how incredibly talented you are and what a pleasure it is to view your photos, but I will anyway. Thanks for sharing.
August 3rd, 2012
So many great photos - so hard to choose. Think I'll go with this one - very different angle, wonderful depth, great lines and such a unique view! M.E. stands alone! :)

August 4th, 2012


This is one of my favorite Michael Elliott shots! Michael - you are absolutely one of my fave city photographers!
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