Has digital lost something filmic - a 365 challenge!

August 12th, 2012
I often take several photos at the same time with different cameras and films. The difference between the photos can be quite amazing. To the viewer it can sometimes seem these were taken at different places and times.

Has digital lost something filmic, the mystery, illusion and creativity to be found within the photographer's camera?

Here is the challenge, which can be undertaken with any type of camera: film or digital. Take several different photos at same time, and create an illusion of difference through the use of changing settings, editing or processing. Some might use different film or cameras even.

To participate in the challenge tag your photos filmic-digic.

There will be no voting, or choosing of finalists, as this would spoil the illusion. No correspondence will be entered into as such. You may choose however to enter your photos in other themes and competitions.

Here are some examples using five different cameras and types of film. I know that some on 365 do this already, sometimes secretly. Please post your photos too!

August 12th, 2012
@peterdegraaff Very dumb question Peter, but how do go about uploading your film photos? Do you use a scanner?
August 12th, 2012
Excellent thread Peter! I've been doing this for a while; I'll see if I can dig up some comparisons and will go out and shoot some more with this specifically in mind!
August 12th, 2012
@kellc You can get the negatives developed and then scanned to disk. It's very inexpensive for color film. BW film can be a bit pricier because most places just do C41 dev., which is regular color film, so they send it out. I send my BW film directly to the place my camera store uses to save a couple of dollars. Also HP and Epson make scanners that scann negatives.
August 12th, 2012
@peterdegraaff Sounds excellent. Will this be ongoing because this week is crazy busy for me. Also sounds like it would be a cool Flickr group, if there isn't one already. :-D
August 12th, 2012
@5unflow3r Thank you very much Trina - I remember years ago having my negatives uploaded to disk just as digital was coming on the scene and it was a little pricey then. Thanks again - might inspire me to dig out my slr!
August 12th, 2012
@kellc I have invested in Canoscan 9000F which allows scanning of negatives, slides and as as 120 size film. I would have liked a more expensive scanner but they can be overpriced in Oz, compared to USA for example. The Canoscan came direct from Hong Kong as a parallel important. The quality of scanners now is excellent and you save heaps this way.

I only ever get films developed only, rather than develop and print. Most colour negative film is C41 as is some Black and White. it will say on box. The cheapest place to develop is Big W. $4.95 for one hour, but many suburban camera shops also develop for $8-9. I take colour transparency (slide) and other forms of Black & White film to VisionImage Lab in Redfern. It is a statewide lab pr lab, and you save dollars by dropping it off or posting yourself, rather than taking it to a shop which will just send it to then anyway. Their website is on the net and there will be something similar in Melboon. Lots of cheap film cameras on eBay down your way BTW.

@5unflow3r This is really is an ongoing rather than weekly challenge, to encourage creativity and to see and share what others are doing. I like the idea of a Flickr group
August 12th, 2012
One thing that may surprise you is that SLR is so much simpler than DSLR. There are less options; lots less bells and whistles, I found. I fell in love all over again with my little Minolta Maxxum @kellc
August 12th, 2012
@5unflow3r I saw a Minolta the other day at a market for $50. It was still in the box.
August 12th, 2012
@kellc BTW Big W does develop and scan for $12-13 I think
August 12th, 2012
@peterdegraaff It's a nice camera... Of course mine costed me more than $50 when I got it 10 yrs ago. :-) I would recommend it.
August 12th, 2012
@peterdegraaff And I would totally join such a Flickr group. Anything that encourages using film helps ensure that we can help it survive. :-)
August 12th, 2012
@peterdegraaff You inspire me, Peter! I will give it a go when time permits me!
August 12th, 2012
@peterdegraaff @5unflow3r Thank you both - I just will have to take the slr out and take the plunge again! Oh and before I bought my film slr - I had a minolta point and shoot. It took great photos - should never have got rid of that little beast!
August 12th, 2012
Great differences shown, Peter! I love the BW ones... a lot more dramatic.
August 12th, 2012
all taken within the space of 20 minutes with the same camera and not a film in sight :D

August 12th, 2012
@asrai You know what I am talking about
August 12th, 2012
I will have to try this.
August 12th, 2012
this is excellent, having shot almost everything on digital im looking at setting up a B&W darkroom and having a play in the near future, should be lots of fun
August 12th, 2012
I was playing yesterday with different EV values but I'm not sure I got anything I want to put on show, it was purely experimental
August 12th, 2012
Cool idea Peter, I might try and re-shoot some of my 365 film shots on Digital today.
August 12th, 2012
@5unflow3r Much simpler, but the best way to learn and understand how aperture and shutter speed actually work :)

The Flickr group could be a cool idea :)
August 12th, 2012
@38mm @5unflow3r It would need a Flickr name?
August 12th, 2012
@peterdegraaff I will be on vacation/holiday this upcoming week and a half and part of it will be with @5unflow3r. Maybe we will both try the same shot in film and digital and post when we get processed and back. I will be in black and white mostly, since I have five rolls of b/w and 2 color rolls.
August 12th, 2012
@brumbe @5unflow3r That sounds like a great idea. It hadn't occurred to me that two people could do at the same time, but stands to reason. How was South America? Have you been yet?
August 12th, 2012
Cool idea. I just finally got the Zorki I bought last month given back to me for my birthday yesterday, so have loaded it up, and since it doesn't have a light meter I was gonna go and take some shots today alongside my digi camera. So will try and post, but I only have one album and I'm doing something else for August so I'll have to upload in November 2010.

I tell you what I thought you were gonna say. The thing digital has lost is the private excitement of discovering your pictures when you get the film developed. I thought you were gonna say digital users (DSLR) should use card and tape to black out their screen and shoot using the viewfinder info, and only see what they got later when they upload.

I'll get on this.
August 12th, 2012
@chewyteeth That too. There is an excitement built up by not knowing but learning films, cameras and their qualities. big thanks to you Dave for generating this
August 12th, 2012
I gotta couple of shots I'm a uploading now, pretty much just a matter of washed out colour on the film versions, is all.
August 12th, 2012

August 12th, 2012

above comparisons between my digital and my zorki rangefinder from the 1960s. the colour on the film at the bottom seems less true, but the postbox stands out better on the cold background, and as for the black and white, its pretty timeless and it was fresh film too.
August 12th, 2012
Had a play today, re-shooting an old film shot which was took back in April, on a much nicer day weather wise :)

Original shot :

Fujica Compact 35, Kodak Gold 200

Exposure : 250
Aperture : f/2.8
Pre-focus : 2 metres


Olympus E-PL1, 14-42mm Kits lens

Olympus E-PL1, 14-42mm Kits lens with in camera B&W processing

Olympus E-PL1, Olympus OM Mount 50mm Zuiko Lens using an OM Lens Mount Adaptor

August 13th, 2012
@38mm Really like the impact of bottom photo using OM lens on EPL-1
August 13th, 2012

olympus om---1 50mm
saving for one of those adapters.

August 13th, 2012
@shannew Me too but to use in an HDR processing program. perhaps since I already have a few of the same thing I'll go play in post processing :)
August 14th, 2012
I hope this works.... Just wondering how do you put colour to things you cant see?

visible light

As the camera sees it in uv

With a tweak

And another tweak

(shaking fist in anticipated upload failure due to internet....)
August 14th, 2012
hey hey it worked :)
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