Why try a challenge?

September 29th, 2012
...or why get pushed out of your comfort zone?
I want to share with anyone with time to read this what's happened since I joined in the Get Pushed challenge a month ago.
My reason for doing it was that I had noticed the 'conversations' between 365ers involved in the challenge and they seemed to be a supportive and friendly lot.
After having completed 5 weekly challenges I look back on my calendar view for September and I can see a real improvement in my photography.
7 reasons for this:
1 I've never lacked a theme since 'getting pushed'.
2 I've always had help from my fellow challenger and others - if I asked for it.
3 I've needed to experiment with new techniques and thereby learned a lot more.
4 The learning of new skills has helped me to improve my results.
5 I've had specific and helpful feedback each step of the way.
6 I've got to know more photographers, who I have followed and been followed by.
7 I've dedicated more time to practising using Photoshop Elements and Lightroom.
Compare my calendar views for August and September if you want proof!
If anyone out there can recommend any other 'challenge groups', please let me know. @JulieCo
September 29th, 2012
I forgot to mention a big thank you to @northy who manages the challenge pairing so well and also to @lyno who encouraged me with my first challenge, which was the same week as my husband had a heart attack, so it really was a challenge for me! Thank you.
September 29th, 2012
Thanks for sharing your experience and prgress. I have really been thinking about joining this challege, but have quit honestly been a little afraid to. So many talented photographers and I really don't know what I am doing yet with a lot of the settings, but this for sure would be a good way to push me out of my comfort zone!
September 29th, 2012
Now you can take your newfound skills and apply them to other challenges like one or both of these starting on Monday.

October Rainbow Challenge http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/14457/october-rainbow-challenge

Either Or October http://365project.org/discuss/general/14472/either-or-october
September 29th, 2012
@julieco Oh, Julie. . .what a lovely thing for you to mention my part. I will never forget looking through your album and finding those incredible sheep and now my next fav of yours! I was astounded that you didn't have more followers, so I am delighted to have pushed you right into everything that is so wonderful about 365! Don't forget to use three weekly threads to post some of your pictures that people might not see otherwise: Your Favorite Fav of Someone Else (hosted by me), Favorite B&W (hosted by Robyn @rockinrobyn) and Favorite Picture of Your Project (hosted by Jann @jannkc). These threads are a great way to connect and see some of the most wonderful photos on the site.

One of my all-time ever favorites on 365 is Julie's:

Julie's latest fav in my favs:

@shirljess Come on over to the pushes! We are a very kind and encouraging crowd and the results can be astounding. . .let me know if you'd like a very gentle shove to get you started! ;->

September 29th, 2012
@julieco Couldn't agree more - have really enjoyed taking part in Get-Pushed and have also massively stepped up the overall standard of my photos since starting :) For anyone thinking about it I would definitely recommend it!
September 29th, 2012
Yes I agree, the guy who started the challenge must be freaking awesome ;)
September 29th, 2012
@blahblahblah I've heard he is!
September 29th, 2012
@julieco @dmortega

Thanks for sharing the things you've learned from the Push Challenge Julie and thanks for mentioning the Either-Or challenge Doreen!

Here are two more challenges you might enjoy and be challenged by that I saw posted recently:

You may also want to look into the WWYD challenges (What would you do?), the 5 Step Challenges and Artist Challenge. These are usually hosted by the previous winner and run for a short period of time. If you like honing your processing skills, the 5 Step Challenge and WWYD are great for that.

And for fun, you can always choose to do the same subject for one week, one month; Album cover challenges; Frogmato shots; One Night Stand challenges; Selfies; and so much more! All of them spur the creative juices and get you thinking outside of the box if you let them.
September 29th, 2012
@blahblahblah blahblahblah ;)
September 29th, 2012
i had a look at your calenders and i really like your work
September 29th, 2012
how do you get involved with the get pushed challenges
September 29th, 2012
September 29th, 2012
@blahblahblah His name is Jase and he is!
September 30th, 2012
Great to get feedback about this.
@blahblahblah Oops! So I forgot to mention the main man... Thank you Jase, I think you were just stepping aside when I got involved in the GP challenge. Great idea though - the challenge, not the stepping aside!
@lyno You are so kind. Glad you like my 'Flock Block' and also my 'Paws for Thought'.
@kmrtn6 @shirljess Go for it! Just do a search on Get Pushed and you'll see a load of links, the most recent one (Get Pushed 11) should have all the start-up info that you need. If you have any difficulty get back to me and I'll go through the essentials with you. Good luck and enjoy!
@olivetreeann @dmortega Many thanks for all that info about other challenges. May come across you on one of those soon!
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