Camera setting challenge #22

February 28th, 2013
The Photographic Triangle

You will be stooting in manual and working with: ISO, F/stop, and Aperture. I know this challenge may sound like a lot, but until you understand one its hard to use the other. I found two links that I think will really help to understand how they work together. For me I had to just go out and play. I would start with the lighting and subject(s) that you know well. Just keep in mind you are now thinking in three and they all work together.

You will need to post your settings with you photo(s). It will help people when they vote if they have a understanding of what you went through and what you learned. So tell us please. Most of all have fun and my hope for you is you will never shoot in auto again.

This challenge is for Film and DSLRs
It starts today, Feb. 28th and end on Mar. 10th
The tag should be csc-22
February 28th, 2013
@myhrhelper Here it is=) Should I ad anything?
February 28th, 2013
@aprilmilani If I'd like to try this, do I formally needed to be added?
February 28th, 2013
@taffy No not at all. I think these are people who have join before. Have fun I look forward to seeing and hearing what you come up with=)
February 28th, 2013
Hi April -
This is going to be a great challenge especially for people who are going full manual for the first time!

I would like to have you re-post under Themes & Challenges since that is where people are use to finding these challenges. On your page I do have a suggested verbiage.
February 28th, 2013
Thank you so much April!
February 28th, 2013
Thanks for hosting the challenges. I learn so much from following the discussion on these challenges! One question...

Are you leaving all three parameters open ended or will you set one - a certain aperture or shutter speed? Fixing one may make it easier to see how manipulating the other two would result in a desired result.

Or is the goal simply to get people to shoot in complete manual mode and get used to setting all three?
February 28th, 2013
Right up my alley! I just made the commitment to go all manual these days--learning. My last four days are all all-manual (pretty sure about that).
March 1st, 2013
@aprilmilani I think it is getting lost on the General discussion thread. People look for the challenges on the Themes and challenges thread. Could you re-post on that thread? Perhaps you could suggest some starting aperture settings, only a suggestion.
March 1st, 2013
@myhrhelper Yes I will do that now=)
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