Sending unsolicited photos...

September 19th, 2010
There was a blue grass band playing at our local farmers' market yesterday and I took a bunch of pictures of them. I thought some of the pictures, such as the one below, came out really well. Would it be out of line for me to send the band a 'thought you might be interested' email with a link to a flickr gallery? I grabbed their business card just in case.

September 19th, 2010
They are out side, public event, this is a great photo, I don't know if I would post it on flicker, but I see no harm in sending the pic's to the band and asking if they cared if they were posted on flicker. It would actually be a good advertisment for them. I have in the past taken pics of people I don't know, let them know and ask if they would like a copy, and usually they say yes
September 19th, 2010
I think that they would really enjoy seeing the photo's you took of them!
September 19th, 2010
This is a great shot. I don't know anyone who wouldn't like a well-done photo of themselves while performing :0)

I agree with Richard that it would be a great idea to just email the photos (rather than the link) to them. However, I am torn on the idea of asking vs. telling them the photo is part of the gallery. I think I am leaning in the direction of "telling" (in a positively charming manner, of course).

September 19th, 2010
Thanks @rrt @meggageg and @carolann. I think maybe I'll email them with the photos attached and say that the photos are also posted in my online album (with the link) and to let me know if they'd like them to be taken down
September 19th, 2010
If the rest of the photos came out as good as this I'm sure they will be happy to have them. But, IMO posting the photos on flicker before you ask them might be making more work for yourself, if they ask you to take them down. I think emailing them with the photos attached and asking them if they minded if you posted to flicker might save you a step down the road.
September 20th, 2010
I take a lot of photos of bands and they are always happy to receive them. They have
used them on their websites and credited me with the pictures.

With regard to your pictures, as they are performing in public I don't see why they wouldn't want their pictures on display. I hope they would view it as a compliment. I most certainly would send them copies or let them have a link where they can take the ones they want. One of my bands used to have theirs copied onto a CD.

I hope they appreciate your work.
September 20th, 2010
When I took this picture and many others I emailed them all to the person in the photo and with his permission posted on here.

September 20th, 2010
No, not at all...

I do a lot of this type of work myself, and I certainly wouldn't be offended if somebody emailed me afterwards to say that they'd taken some pictures of the gig, and would I like to see them - in fact, I'd feel rather chuffed! And I think that's the same for everyone else I know in this field...

Do it!
September 20th, 2010
I would definitley send them an e-mail. As Kit mentioned above I think they would be chuffed that someone took some random, unposed pics of them performing. If they are anything like the one you posted up the top I think they would be very happy with them and would feel honored. Who knows where it could lead a path for you too (in terms of them liking them and then asking you maybe to take some promo pics of them for example), It was an outside gig so they can't be upset at people taking pics so there is no harm in giving it a shot - go girl and best of luck. Keep us posted as to the result :)
September 25th, 2010
Thanks everyone. I sent the band an email but haven't heard anything back yet.
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