I want to like your photos

September 21st, 2010
Hi All,

When I'm looking through people's albums, I often want to "like" a photo. Sometimes I don't have much more to say than "I love this photo!", but sometimes feel stupid saying only that, every time. So to have a button I could push to "like" the photo would mean I would show my admiration more often.

I know this idea is very facebook-esque, but surely I'm not the only one that feels this way?

September 21st, 2010
Fav :)

It's our equivalent of like, I 'spose
September 21st, 2010
Don't be shy say what you feel ... (o;
September 21st, 2010
I prefer to say LIKE than to click a thumbs up button... but then it's just me. :-)

My fav on the other hand is a photo I love to look over and over again.
September 21st, 2010
If I really like a photo then I click on the fav button.
September 21st, 2010
Haha OK, I guess my idea is a silly one.. Will just keep on with my commenting :)
September 21st, 2010
I was wondering where the like button is myself, but I guess it's the fav button, but how do the finalists get narrowed down to five each week for the theme? Are the five picked by Ross, or the most with comments or the most fav'd? because some ppl have lots of friends following that comment EVERY time even if they only so-so like the photo. And I've noticed on the finalists that there aren't a huge number of "favs" marked. Maybe a "like" button would even out the odds a bit?
September 21st, 2010
I've thought about this many times. but I agree with Bugik. I see a 'fav' as something I like looking at over and over again, so a 'like' button would be cool.
@marnelynn Ross has answered this before and I believe it's based on several different factors, it's not just the number of views or the number of favs because you're right some people have a load of followers and it wouldn't be fair to everyone else if he just based it on that criteria. I know one time he tweeted about the first one to reply to him via twitter could pick the top 5 for a theme, but that may have been only a one-tim deal.
September 21st, 2010
That's what I've been using the fav button for too, ones I want to look at over and over again, or ones I think I can get inspiration from.. A like button would serve the purpose, for me anyway, of letting the person know that I like their picture, but don't really have anything else to comment on that people haven't already mentioned..
September 21st, 2010
Well, that's really Facebook-y, isn't it? I mean, the notifications are already making 365 more like a socail networking site. I don't think I would want the "like" button, because I enjoy getting comments, even if they're just "nice photo". The "like" button seems really impersonal, and one of my favorite things about 365 is that the community is kind and supportive and decidedly real. "Liking" things makes it a bit too new-age. But that's just me, and I understand what you mean. c:
September 21st, 2010
I understand the positives of a like button, but I would prefer to get comments too. I would prefer to know what you liked or didn't like about the photo, so I can improve. And then I can fret and analyze what exactly you meant by "nice".
September 21st, 2010
I'm with the group above, I prefer comments. a 'like' button or whatever it would be called would take away from the direct contact* we have with the viewers and followers of this site.

* I know, it isn't direct contact, but you know what I mean.
September 21st, 2010
I agree with Bret. I had no idea when I started this project (Only about a month ago) how much I would appreciate the comments. I get curious about who favĀ“d a photo and am already thinking I will really miss this community when my project is done.
September 21st, 2010
I've added a thesaurus to my home page as I was running out of superlatives
to use in my comments!
September 21st, 2010
@Isabel. Why do you have to leave when your project is "done?" Can't you just start another one? :)

Back to the original question:
I agree with the above comments about "liking". We already have the Fav button and it's nice to actually see who "likes" your pictures and read the comments.
September 21st, 2010
I prefer to comment - even if only to say "like".... more friendly than a thumbs up button.
September 21st, 2010
I feel a little redundant saying "I love this shot" or "I really like this shot", but I do it anyway, lol.
September 22nd, 2010
A like button would be nice, especially when you just discover someone and browsing their entire album, but I have found that I have developed a lot of wonderful relationships here. Our comments may be redundant at times but they are meant and accepted for just that. I like the "conversation" with my friends here. =)
September 22nd, 2010
By Paul ... "I've added a thesaurus to my home page as I was running out of superlatives to use in my comments! "

Been thinking about that too ... funny.
September 22nd, 2010
I understand what you mean but I think I'd rather just say or get a comment from someone :)
I really don't want to end up having notifications from people pressing "like" on things like on facebook though... drives me a bit batty! :P
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