Can't post photos on dates that have never had photos posted to.

June 26th, 2013
Due to a 24 hour power outage and no computer access, I could not post photos on the day I took them. There are no photos posted for the 24th. Last night (the 25th), when power came back, I tried to post the photo from the 24th and the one from the 25th. It will upload them, but when I try label and post, I am told there is an error and the date has already been used. It hasn't, there are no posts for those days. So I tried this am (the 26th) to post the photo from the 24th by changing the date to the 26th (today). It still tells me the date has been used, which of course it hasn't, I haven't even taken any photos today. I am thinking I may never be able to post again. Has this happened to anyone else? Can anyone help?
June 26th, 2013
Are you sure it's showing the correct year? If it's trying to post to 2012 or something and there's already a pic there... That's happened to me.
June 26th, 2013
oh. Never mind. You don't have pics in other years. I don't know. Sorry! I'm sure it will sort out.
June 26th, 2013
I can't work out what the deal is with your account - your profile says you have posted 34 pics - but you only have 19 on show.

Have you tried clicking on the 'you' tab and the 'home' tab - because it sounds like you have multiple pictures that have been uploaded, but not had dates confirmed (can't see why else you have 'lost' 15 pics) if so you will get a message saying you have uploaded pics waiting to be sorted (It's one of the 2 tabs mentioned above - but I forget which)

Ross, the site owner can probably dig into your account further - so I'll tag him on here so he'll see it.

>>Feeling Blue - my 365 days of one colour

June 26th, 2013
June 26th, 2013
I do have 34 photos altogether. Since I am an ace member I have three albums and I have 19 in 365, 12 in another album (themes, etc) and 3 in an album called "Other stuff). I have tried to post these photos to a different album also, it still tells me dates have already been used. Thanks for tagging Ross.
June 26th, 2013
ah - missed the 'ace' tag - I'm on my phone...
June 26th, 2013
Get Russ to look into it @scrivna I think.
June 26th, 2013
Thanks Frank. @styru tagged Russ and I sent him an e-mail. hope I here something soon.
June 27th, 2013
Still can't upload even for the 27th. Still says can't use the date. Still have not heard from Russ. This is the 4th day now.
June 29th, 2013
Thanks to Ross, I finally found the source of my problems. The source is I am an idiot. The month was uploading as July. Sooo dumb. Sorry I wasted everyone's time.
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