When viewed full screen the colour changes on photos?

July 20th, 2013
Hi all

Every time I edit a photo in CS5 and save it as a jpeg, it looks fine on normal view. But when I view large on full screen the colours are washed out?
I have tried resizing my photos and the same thing happens, It happens when I save it to memory stick and plug it into my wife's laptop. I am not sure if my settings have changed in CS5?
@abirkill If you could help my out on this one please that would be awesome, but could speak in simple terms ie idiot language lol :)
I don't mean viewed large on 365, I mean on my pc
July 20th, 2013
There are many possibilities, including some that are outside of your control, but the first thing to always check for this kind of thing is the colourspace that you are using. If in doubt always make sure it is set to sRGB not Adobe RGB or other variations. Some software can handle variations in colourspace - some (notoriously web browsers) can't.

Unless you are familiar with manipulating colourspace simply set your camera, and PS CS5 to use sRGB by default.
July 20th, 2013
@harveyzone Thanks Tom, I will look into this. I might have a play with it later on today :)
July 20th, 2013
I suspect @harveyzone is correct. To find out for sure, upload the edited photo to the following site:

It should tell you what colour space it is in, and warn you if it's not in sRGB.
July 20th, 2013
@abirkill @harveyzone Wow thank you guys, you are both awesome. I will give it a try later :) if this works, I will be one happy chappy!!! :)
July 20th, 2013
@simon0128 No problem. Come back if that doesn't seem to be the problem, or if you're having difficulty switching your post-processing flow to the new setting.
July 20th, 2013
@harveyzone @abirkill Hi Alexis and Tom
I checked the color mode in your programme and it said the following

icc profile name = adobe RGB 1998
color encoding = WARNING adobe RGB

I went into CS5 color settings and it said the following
SRGB IEC61966-21 so I think this ok

Color managment = ? "nothing in the drop down box" should this be convert to working RGB?

Thanks Simon
July 20th, 2013
July 20th, 2013
@harveyzone @abirkill
The good news is that it should be saved as the following?
icc profile SRGBCEC61966-2.1

and found out that it is saving in
icc profile: ADOBE RGB 1998 which I think is wrong!

So now I need to figure out how to change it over, but its not giving me any options? I will dig deeper lol : )
July 20th, 2013
@simon0128 Great, we know the problem, now we just need to fix it!

How do you get your photos into Photoshop? If you use JPEGs straight from the camera, you will need to change the camera's settings from Adobe RGB to sRGB.

If you are processing RAW files using the Adobe Camera Raw plugin, then at the bottom of the Adobe Camera Raw plugin there is some underlined text that you can click on, which allows you to change the colour space the RAW file will be processed into. By default this is Adobe RGB, and it's easy to change to sRGB. (It will remember the option, so you don't have to do it every time)

If neither of those is how you do it, or that doesn't seem to fix it, let us know a bit more about how you load files into Photoshop.

That will fix any future files you edit, but for existing files that are saved in Adobe RGB, it is quite easy to convert them into sRGB. Load the file back into Photoshop, and then go to the Edit menu and choose 'Convert to Profile'. In the 'Destination Space' dropdown, choose 'sRGB IEC61966-2.1' and click OK (You can leave the other options default). You can then re-save the photo and it will be in the sRGB colour space, and should display correctly everywhere.

(Note -- make sure you choose 'Convert to Profile', not 'Assign Profile' -- similar sounding but a very different result!)

Let us know how you get on!
July 20th, 2013
Thanks Alexis I will have a play now, I will be back in half hour @abirkill
July 20th, 2013
@abirkill Alexis you are awesome : ) Its now sorted, I cant thank you enough!!!!! One happy chappy. I can not believe it was that simple : )
@harveyzone Thank you Tom.

This why I love this site!! with great people who are willing to help out : )

Thanks again gents
Ross what can I say " fantastic site" keep up the good work!!!

Simon : )
July 20th, 2013
THREAD NOW CLOSED thanks everyone
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