Who do you use when printing photos for a customer?

August 19th, 2013
So far I've been putting photos on jump drives when doing family, baby photo shoots and giving the customer 100% rights to the photos without providing prints. That's not how most photographers do it and I want to learn more about what others do.

My biggest question - what sources are there to get photos printed for a customer? Who have you been really happy with?? I notice different types of paper surfaces as well - what do you like the best? Any recommendations?

If you don't want to publicly post who you use but would be willing to help me - you can e-mail me at Kathy@myHRhelper.com
August 19th, 2013
I'm in the US and a Smugmug Pro user. I use Bay Photo Lab and my customers rave about shipping times, packaging and the overall look and feel of the photographs they receive.

August 19th, 2013
I use WHCC www.whcc.com great customer care and products. Many people also rave about Miller's (which now ships to Canada) Uh.....I'm Canadian so that matters.
August 19th, 2013
@newbie I looked at the website - I saw the prices for their products but is there a membership cost or some other cost besides the normal product/shipping\tax?
August 20th, 2013
I have a SmugMug site
August 20th, 2013
Bay Photo Lab and Mpix Pro.
August 20th, 2013
I have checked all the sites listed above, but I have been using Winkflash. Great prices and great quality, and fast shipping
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