Snow photos

January 21st, 2014
I've been waiting all season to get a good snow fall so I could create a just eyes photo. Today was perfect and I was thankful that Elizabeth (the girl next door) was willing to come over and model.

With all this snow, there must be a ton of classic snow photos.

Here's mine:

Show me yours!

Where's the photo you've waited all season to take this shoot?

January 21st, 2014
Not really snow but it's the best we've got. Can actually remember taking this one tho! I seem to have a very short memory at the moment.
January 21st, 2014
Frozen bubble..

January 21st, 2014
Not really snow, but will a really heavy frost suffice?

January 21st, 2014
@paulty Really heavy frost certainly counts! Nicely photographed!
January 21st, 2014
Boy I wish... We only have sun, sun, sun and more sun here. :(
January 21st, 2014
@swguevin Thank you! :-)
January 21st, 2014
Not a lot of sexiness in the commute home at 1:30 today.
January 21st, 2014
Macro snowflakes (still workin' on it...).

January 21st, 2014

January 21st, 2014
@sjoblues @luvmynynix I just love the macro snowflakes. None of my lenses get this kind of clarity. If the snow holds I hope to freeze more bubbles tomorrow!
January 21st, 2014
It seems we have an abundance of snow and really cold weather.

January 21st, 2014

January 21st, 2014
January 21st, 2014
I find the white on white a real challenge.

January 21st, 2014
From today....

January 22nd, 2014
Alas no snowy weather in the UK at the moment, only rain and flooding!
January 22nd, 2014
I am so over snow, and another 12 inches coming our way in the next 24 hours! Grrr...
January 22nd, 2014
January 22nd, 2014
@frankhymus You and me both! Schools closed early here today, but they have not made an announcement about tomorrow.
January 22nd, 2014
Given our weather, I have tons of snow photos. Here are two contrasting ones. Ready for us to have spring shots someday!!

January 22nd, 2014
I have several, but here's one from near my home.
January 22nd, 2014
Living in Alabama I am still waiting for SNOW!!!
January 22nd, 2014
view large to see the huge snowman upper left:
January 22nd, 2014
As its summer in Australia...and we have never had snow in sunny Cairns, QLD. Here is a collage of sunny Cairns to warm you all up from after viewing the snowy, cold

January 22nd, 2014
Love this idea as I've been waiting for a good snow too. This mangled mess of bikes covered in snow is pretty classic nyc & I just took it today.

January 22nd, 2014
January 22nd, 2014
January 22nd, 2014
January 22nd, 2014

January 22nd, 2014
Another southern Wisconsin winter day.
January 22nd, 2014
I've got nothing but snow...

January 22nd, 2014
@grammyn I'm with you!!! It's been years since we have had snow!! (I'm from Bama too!!)
January 22nd, 2014

Here's a few of mine, but not all of them. We have had over 36 inches this winter here in NH and it's snowing right now. YUCK! Anyone who wants some snow is more than welcome to come get some of ours!
January 22nd, 2014
@leestevo You are so lucky! Thank you for the snow break! We've had snow on the ground since Thanksgiving (late Nov.). I was just starting to see grass when it snowed again. It will be April before I get to put away my Christmas decorations. They are buried.
January 22nd, 2014
We've had snow on the ground since November, so haven't had to wait to get a snowy shot....but I wanted to snap these snowy branches before the wind blows the snow off them. This was taken yesterday after about a foot of snow had fallen the previous day.

January 22nd, 2014
@swguevin That is beautiful!
January 22nd, 2014

In Maryland we got a good snow today. I have a couple of pics.

January 22nd, 2014
@sjoblues Beautiful! I actually tried to but blurry was all I got lol!
January 22nd, 2014
@agima I'll remind you in winter that you said that!!!
January 22nd, 2014
We dont get snow here but the sun does seem to hide early. @swilde
January 22nd, 2014
January 22nd, 2014
@homeschoolmom You might as well leave the decorations for next

Another summer photo to break it up - north coast of Cairns

January 22nd, 2014
@nadaa your shot was fantastic of the frozen bubble
January 22nd, 2014
Again no snow here in the South of England so far this year but had been waiting all winter for a frost - which would normally happen fairly regularly from about November onwards! On the plus side we still had a few little daisies flowering on the lawn when the frost came down.
January 22nd, 2014
January 22nd, 2014
We have not had any snow yet this Winter, here is one from last March
January 22nd, 2014
I waited for the snow so long! Here´s mine:

January 22nd, 2014
Aaargh, still no snow over here!
I live in West Germany and the sky has been white for the last 3 days but nothing comes down! :(((
And the worst part - The people in Berlin, Saxony etc. HAVE snow!
I live excactly as north as Berlin just more west.
January 22nd, 2014

January 22nd, 2014
January 22nd, 2014
January 22nd, 2014
January 22nd, 2014
Ahhhh what I would give for a true macro lens.....if only I had it to give....

January 22nd, 2014
Snow - what's that?! ;) We've had snow for months and I'm ready for warm sun and a colourful landscape! Currently feeling like -30C (with windchill) over here.

January 22nd, 2014

I have an album dedicated to water and ice and the odd snow shot...great shots from everyone
January 22nd, 2014

and my most fav shot ever of the whole project
January 22nd, 2014
Well, snow bunnies seem popular, how about a squirrel/

Or a snowy, icy, foggy pond?

January 22nd, 2014
In England, we've had a really mild winter so far and haven't had any significant snow at all, which is disappointing. We had plenty last year between January and March though, so here are some of my snow pictures :)

January 22nd, 2014
We did not get much,but it only takes one flake! haha
January 22nd, 2014
Great shot @espyetta
January 22nd, 2014
If you stepped off the trail is was mid thigh!

The ice storm just before Christmas. We lost so many trees...very sad flakes are fun

I just noticed this has 93 favs!! It was a gorgeous morning
January 22nd, 2014
I finally got a snowflake! So check that one off the bucket list :)

January 22nd, 2014
One from January last year... your intro picture made me remember it again. :)

January 22nd, 2014
I can't say I waited for the snow and I've already had enough of it.. But here's a shot that I think turned out pretty cool :)

January 22nd, 2014
Snow, Schnee, ゆき. We've had a LOT of it lately:

lovely pink clouds to offset the white below . . .

January 22nd, 2014
I LOVE SNOW! Snowy Rooftops (top); The Snow Looks Like Cotton (bottom)

January 23rd, 2014
Here is an old favorite.
January 23rd, 2014

Here is another old favorite. Incredible light this day - snow fog, yet bright and sunny.
January 23rd, 2014

Red, White and Blue
January 23rd, 2014

The Steppes of Tau Ceti V
January 23rd, 2014
I had two shots I was after this winter season and I am still working at to see if I can top the last one I took, competing with myself lol.

One of my frozen bubbles:

And a snowflake:

Check and check off my bucket list :)
January 23rd, 2014
A vintage treatment to this farm with snow--
January 23rd, 2014

January 23rd, 2014
Here's a couple of mine....

January 23rd, 2014
January 23rd, 2014
and a snowflake
January 23rd, 2014
January 23rd, 2014
Jan. 2

Jan. 5

Jan. 8

Jan. 18

So are you Aussies finding relief from the heat in this post?
January 23rd, 2014
A simple view outside my door after the night snowfall, in high contrast B/W.

A telephoto of pine cone detail.

January 23rd, 2014
Wow! This thread is really cool! (Pun intended!)
January 23rd, 2014
I'm super sick of snow. If we get the three inches they are predicting for Saturday we will set an all-time record for snow in January - previously set in 1978. Hubby got a cool picture of the snow on his car yesterday @Cazper96

but I'm still sick of it.
January 23rd, 2014
January 24th, 2014
A couple more

January 24th, 2014
A favorite from my files. Eagle in Alaska.
January 24th, 2014
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