Pirated Photo

February 21st, 2014
I just caught a 365 member using one of my photos without permission on her Facebook page. I asked for its removal and that was done without comment or apology. I understand that some people do not realize that this is violates copyright laws and ethical practice, and that there are others who just don't care. I suggest that you review Praveen GRS Photography on Facebook to see if other 365 images have been used without permission. https://www.facebook.com/canongrs1
February 21st, 2014
This has happened to me before from one of my Flickr images appearing on Facebook and they had removed my name and was using as their own. I went through Facebook and filled out copyright forms, they removed the picture but didn't close down the page.
February 21st, 2014
Just out of curiosity, how did you catch that?
February 21st, 2014
How did you find out that your image was being used. I would have no clue how to know if one of my pics was being used elsewhere. Thanks for the heads up
February 21st, 2014
This is the reason why everybody should watermark their photos! thanks for sharing Ross
February 21st, 2014
@elaine55 @luvmynynix @soozieqt @parisouailleurs @elaine55 @luvmynynix @soozieqt I got lucky. This person faved the image and didn't leave a comment. It was someone I didn't recognize and they had no profile information at all, but their images all had a watermarked name of a photographer. I googled it, and up popped my photo! It bugged me because I found an image that was stolen from my web site by a radio station just a week ago, so I am on the alert for this stuff.
February 21st, 2014
What a bummer, Ross. Sorry to hear that. I guess that is one perk to having crappy photos like me;-).
February 21st, 2014
I think it's awesome you have images worthy of theft! ;)
February 21st, 2014
@amandal I don't know about that Amanda. . I'd totally steal your "oops" fairy pic
February 21st, 2014
@rvwalker do you mean to say she not on,y posted it...but watermarked it!?
February 21st, 2014
@mzzhope Sorry, no. She had posted some of her photos on 365 and they had her own watermark, which led me to her Facebook page. I hope that's a bit clearer.
February 21st, 2014
@hippiechick13 HA;-)!!
February 21st, 2014
@amandal Oh sure, Amanda... You have wonderful photos and a huge, eager fan base. Me especially!
February 21st, 2014
@rvwalker annoying regardless :)
February 21st, 2014
@grizzlysghost LOL. Maybe she just has bad taste, Aaron, but it did get 17 likes on her Facebook page.
February 21st, 2014
@rvwalker Is it Praveen's account with no photo, no profile?
February 21st, 2014
February 21st, 2014
@rvwalker I think @Scrivna should delete the account. This kind of people are signing in just to see and steel pics. It shouldn't be possible to fav a pic unless you have at least one picture uploaded or something like that, no?
February 21st, 2014
That's awful. I have had friends share my pictures on FB and I'm OK with that, but to steal it off here and pass it off as your own is not right.
February 21st, 2014
@parisouailleurs I think there are some people who are family members of 365-ers who like to just browse around and leave a fav or a comment without uploading their own pictures, so I think a 'you must upload to participate' could be restrictive.

But I do agree that someone who clearly isn't using the site appropriately and is documented as stealing images is a different story!
February 21st, 2014
@parisouailleurs @homeschoolmom @archaeofrog I suppose accounts like this should be reviewed for deletion, but I don't know if a blanket policy to delete them is appropriate.
By the way, there have been several discussions on watermarks here, and some (like me) dislike them enough to take the chance on theft rather than deface our photos. One problem is that if they are unobtrusive, they can be Photoshopped or cropped out, and if they are obvious, they ruin the appearance of the photo. It is a matter of personal choice.
February 21st, 2014
I remember @andysg catching someone on FB doing the same thing a few months ago.
February 21st, 2014
This has also happened to me, and I was so totally annoyed at the time. Mind you. now that it's passed I really don't know that I care.
February 21st, 2014
@rvwalker sorry this happened to you. this happened to my brother-in-law recently as well (he does fashion photography), and it was an old photo, so they could have been passing it off as theirs for years. the person's excuse was that it was her intern that uploaded it, and by their arrangement, attributed it to her (sounds sketchy). glad that you caught it!

i am curious, did you report it to ross? given the strong sense of community here at 365 it is sad that something like that happened through here. :(
February 21st, 2014
This will not stop until the internet, as a whole, stops allowing downloads without our permission.
February 21st, 2014
@rvwalker Ah shucks.
February 21st, 2014
Sorry to hear about this, Ross. The link that you mentioned in your opening message only has about a dozen images which seems odd, given that it's a photography site. Maybe I'm missing something, or maybe some have been removed?
February 22nd, 2014
@iwatts I don't know, the rings and the fingernails are a bit different. Just slightly.
February 22nd, 2014
That is such a shame. We think folks are honest.
February 22nd, 2014
Oh, dear. I really don't think about such things. How do they download them, get a decent copy, ect?
February 22nd, 2014
Unfortunately the reality of the Internet is that if you post something on it, someone else can "steal" it. If you have images you do not want anyone to have the opportunity to take and use, DO NOT post them on the Internet.

I am not one of the most technically proficient folks out here on the 'net, but I can easily grab photos which have download capabilities "disabled." And I'm proficient enough in PS Elements to easily remove a watermark. Believe me, watermarks are NOT a deterrent, unless you make it so big and involved on the photo that removing it would be time-consuming and would seriously alter the image. And of course if you put a large, clunky, all-encompassing watermark on your image(s) to deter theft, it ruins the photo.

February 22nd, 2014
@taleweaver No, I didn't. My goal really isn't to get someone in trouble. My contact with her might be enough to stop her, and I wanted to make others aware of the problem.
February 22nd, 2014
@sunnygreenwood There weren't many images there, Anne, but at least one other looked familiar to me. Maybe I caught her early in the game.
February 22nd, 2014
@divineradiance A high resolution copy isn't needed in order to re-post on the web. All she had to do was save the image on her computer, Paige.
February 22nd, 2014
@sjoblues I agree with every word, Shannon. Unfortunately, what we do on the internet is FUN, so we take the chance and post our photos, knowing they can be stolen. It doesn't hurt to be vigilant and come down hard on people who disregard the rules, though.
February 22nd, 2014
@allisonraposa @swilde @dmortega @iwatts @stephomy @cdonohoue Thanks for your comments. All of your comments and opinions were welcome.
February 22nd, 2014
@rvwalker gotcha. i guess we all just have to be vigilant about checking where our photos end up, and alert each other about things like this. thanks for the head's up!
February 22nd, 2014
Ouch. So sorry. Looks like she didn't like mine thankfully. Glad you found it
February 22nd, 2014
sadly with watermarks you can put it in a corner so it does not have an impact on the the image or across the center and mutilate the image. i had someone take one of my images, crop just above the watermark and use it. joys of putting images online.
February 22nd, 2014
@webfoot Check this FB page linked to at the top. I believe that's your photo right at the top.
February 22nd, 2014
Mine get stolen so often it's hard to keep track :(

My latest favourite is this one:

Which has been toned, resized using software that must have been around in the 80s, and now adorns the front page of a Chinese elevator parts company.

Because, what better image for a Chinese elevator parts company than a photo of Vancouver without any elevators visible?
February 22nd, 2014
@webfoot Maybe not, Paul. Sorry for the scare if it's not. Looks like your current "grow old with me" theme, though.
February 22nd, 2014
@iwatts @claeshields Well, thanks for the heads up on that shot, but that's not one of mine. It's very nice to see my friends are looking out for me here. Here's my latest. My wife's hand isn't quite as "weathered" as the one in that photo though. ;-)

February 22nd, 2014
Here's an update. I received an apology from this person, who apparently did not understand she was doing anything wrong. She asked for permission to use the photo, and I said "No". Here is her apology as written: "sry fr my inconvinence :) i just put..becaz i was impressed in yur photo. ok sry...can u please give copy right of adding ur photos? i ll put ur name above on ur photos//!!! can i do ?? with ur permission?"
February 22nd, 2014
@jgpittenger @cchambers @claeshields @abirkill @webfoot Thanks for your comments everyone. Alexis, that is sadly hilarious, if that makes sense. Please note my update in the previous comment.
February 22nd, 2014
Yeah, looks like one of @wind_of_the_sothern_sea photos is there as well?
February 22nd, 2014
@wind_of_the_sothern_sea - 3rd February photo of the clover is there - I recognised it immediately - pretty sure that I recognise others from 365 but can't place the owners off the top of my head.
February 22nd, 2014
@andycoleborn 26th April photo of McDonalds is there too.
February 22nd, 2014
@dibzgreasley @kiwiflora Thank you so much for letting me know! I reported the post and it has been removed, but I think I saw some of the pics from other 365 members, I think we all should report this page.
February 22nd, 2014
@abirkill I like your logic there, Alexis! But it's a shame it happened.
February 22nd, 2014
@soozieqt You can directly search images. I've run into at least one person on at least one forum who has had enough of their images stolen that they do random checks regularly. But I'd rather spend my time playing with the images than policing them. I figure nothing of mine is going to make anyone's fortune, anyway! Here's the image search start page if you're interested. http://www.google.com/insidesearch/features/images/searchbyimage.html
However, it's handy if you have a relative you don't much care for who's taking credit for work that's not his or her own and you want to "bust" him/her - or at least settle the matter in your own understanding.
February 22nd, 2014
I've had my watermark cut off before my shot appears on FB. Bands who don't appreciate copyright works both ways mainly.
February 22nd, 2014
@kiwiflora Thanks, but how on earth did you know that was my pic? That's from almost 2 years ago...
February 23rd, 2014
@andycoleborn I vaguely remembered seeing it, and put McDonalds into the search box on 365, and scrolled through the photos until I saw it!
February 24th, 2014
I have had some of my artwork "borrowed" from the net. One turned up as a Wheel cover on a 4WD! It was a member of a group we belong to. He didn't realise we would be at the same barbeque he was at! I don't mind my stuff being used. But in this particular instance, he had "Bought" it off a fellow who was running the forum where I posted the picture. This guy is now being done for fraud and copyright infringements with a lot of more important stuff than my picture. I was a bit ticked about the fact that someone else profited from my work though.
February 24th, 2014
@abirkill lol thats awesome!!!

well, not awesome that they stole it but awesome that they thought the context of your image fit with their business
February 25th, 2014
@sioux That is a strange story, Sue. We are finding out how dishonest people can be.
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