signing photos

March 9th, 2014
i'm sure this has been answered somewhere in one of the watermark discussions, but i did a quick search and didn't find it so please forgive me for asking again...

short story is that my mom wants 3 of my photos to frame and hang in her office and is suggesting i sign them... does one do this? how?

i have two photos that we purchased framed... one is signed on the mat... the other isn't signed at all, altho' the photog's business card is stuck on the back...

as i will only be providing the prints, and she will look after the framing neither of those options is really open to me... i'm not overly fussed about this - i don't feel a need to sign them... just wondering what the general practice is...
March 9th, 2014
If it is photo shop elements 10 I can let you know.
March 9th, 2014
you know since this is your mom we're talking about, everyone is going to know who took them because she's going to tell them

March 9th, 2014
@aponi bahhaaaaaa! you got that right! like i said, i don't feel a particular need to sign them... just that she specifically asked me to :)

@hellie hi Johanna... i do have photoshop... but i am in the camp that doesn't do watermarks :) i assume my mom is thinking that i would just take a pen and sign at the bottom of the photo - but like i said, this doesn't seem to be the norm from what i can tell
March 9th, 2014
one printer told me should sign on the mat using gold sharpie. another told me to sign on the back. i've seen a few where the photographers signed on the prints themselves on the lower right corner. i sign mine on the back, with the year the photo was taken and a title.
March 10th, 2014
There are three options I know of: Sign and date the print with a pen intended for that use. (A good art or photo store should have what you need.); Sign and date the mat before it is placed in the frame. Pencil is acceptable, but spelling counts. ;-) ; On the back of the framed work, place a placard containing pertinent information, including title, artist's name, date, print number, and signature. Any of those should work.
March 10th, 2014
Ink will eat right into the photo finish.

Sign the mat, or use a gold sharpie and sign the glass when they are framed.
March 10th, 2014
I just read two threads online about it, and it's interesting the differences of opinion! Since I'm not planning on creating museum pieces, if someone asked me and they really wanted my signature on the print, I'd probably do the one where you photograph your signature and then create a layer of the image and add it in the lower right corner of the print where it won't get covered by the mat. I'd make it pretty subtle.
March 10th, 2014
lol northy, my mum made me sign a magazine my image was printed in even though my name was clearly below the image. Prints are a little different though, I personally would do what @m9f9l said :D or use my wacom to sign in photoshop.
March 10th, 2014
I sign the matt and date it with a really fine point sharpie.
March 10th, 2014
Can you sign the matts during the framing?
March 10th, 2014
I use a small print of the image, with the title of the photograph, stuck to the back of the frame and have my name and details, the year the photograph was taken and whether it is from a collection of photos.
March 10th, 2014
I've used Hope's @mzzhope system -- just a very fine sharpie and signing the matt. I've also signed the back of the matt where I also put the title.
March 10th, 2014
I use Photoshop to create a signature "brush" and use that on the picture before printing.
March 10th, 2014
@steampowered i wish i had done that before i got my canvas printed... Oh well.. I will know for next time...
March 10th, 2014
@mrsbaldy Way back in 2012 I created a quick tutorial on how to do this.
March 10th, 2014
The method I have seen and liked most is signing in pencil on the matt.
March 10th, 2014
I think signatures on the mount look best. If it's a black mount, either use a silver pen or sign on the back. I'd say overall though that as you're signing 'by request', I'd sign wherever your mum wants you to sign :)
March 10th, 2014
call me old fashioned but I like the tactile feel of the image. I also didnt want to detract from the image itself so I got mine printed out, mounted and framed. I then used a silver sharpie and rather than sign it, I wrote the location and the time on the bottom right
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