Loading Photos

April 5th, 2014
I have a questions that I tried to find in the new member info but couldn't. How many photos are we allowed to upload per day? I'm assuming one if we don't have an account. If we want to upload another, do we have to put the photo in a previous month that has space available?
April 5th, 2014
If you have the ACE membership you can have additional albums where you can upload more photos. If I want to upload an additional photo into my project I use a date in the past. Currently I am filling up December 2013 with my "extra" photos.
April 5th, 2014
Perfect! Thank you Kim. :-)
April 6th, 2014
I just wondered @kimshawball , if you add extra photos in dec 2013 does that add to your total??? In my 365 album, i am up to photo 461 {im on year 2} and it says 461 under my current photo... Not that its any drama at all, i was just curious xxx
April 6th, 2014
You are welcome @mespo ! Hope it helps.

@mrsbaldy I do believe it adds to your total when you add photos in 2013. It doesn't bother me though. I'll just have more than 365 photos when I get to the end of the year. @mespo - Maybe that's not a good solution if the totals matter to you.
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