photos upside down

April 9th, 2014
Can somebody tell me why when I looked at this picture belonging to @chimfa it is the right way up on the thumbnail, but upside down when I view it large.

Could it be because I live in Australia ha ha.
April 9th, 2014
It's definitely beacuse you have a down under viewpoint...I know because it's upside down to me too.
April 9th, 2014
I have checked it out on my phone and it is the right way up on there. Weird @swilde
April 9th, 2014
it's upside down on my computer too
April 9th, 2014
@onewing Upside down in New Zealand too!!
April 9th, 2014
Also upside down for me in New Jersey, USA. But perhaps being Australian has something to do with it? :)
April 9th, 2014
the orientation is normal for me both the photo and the thumbnail. i don't think it has to do with where you are situated. ☺
April 9th, 2014
@summerfield That's not good enough...If you won't subscribe to the southern hemisphere solution then you have to think of a new one.
April 9th, 2014
@swilde - this reminds me of a question posed to me a while back by an aussie. he asked what is the direction of the water when a toilet is flushed in canada. when i said "i don't know" he said it should be clockwise because in australia which is the southern hemisphere, the direction of the water is counter clockwise. haha!
April 9th, 2014
Upsidedown on my Galaxy too, more frustrating coz when I turn the tablet round photo turns too so I never see it the right way LOL!!
April 9th, 2014
Upsidedown in South Carolina USA. And I am not from down under and this is on the desktop.
April 9th, 2014
Upside down in Croatia too :)
April 9th, 2014
Upside down on my Kindle too when viewed large. Very strange!
April 9th, 2014
Right way up for me ???
April 9th, 2014
Upside down for me in Bedfordshire UK!!!
April 9th, 2014
I wonder if this is something to do with the difference between a PC and a Mac. I have a PC and an Android phone. On the PC it is upside down and on the phone the correct way.

@chimfa Did you post this on an ipad Jane or a PC? It's a mystery.

Jane always caused a commotion when I lived next door to her in the UK. ha ha Only kidding Jane.
April 9th, 2014
Downside up in UK on Mac
April 9th, 2014
But it is the right way up on my iphone and ipad. weird.
April 9th, 2014
Upside down on iPhone in sydney - I'm with the Southern Hemisphere conspiracy theory!
April 9th, 2014
I'm really worried because here I am down in Oz, and it's the right way up for me!
April 9th, 2014
Upside down in Perth on a Mac - very mysterious indeed.
April 9th, 2014
Hmmmm.... Upside down on my MacBook when I looked at it last night (6 hours ago) but right way up on my iPhone this morning.... I'm in canada if that is a factor you need to consider... Is anyone tabulating the data? ;0
April 9th, 2014
Upside down in Orlando, too. Hmmmmm, sounds like a good title for a movie :-)
April 9th, 2014
@summerfield That is actually true.
April 9th, 2014
Its upside on my laptop computer, but on my mobile phone is the right way up. From the outback Queensland, Australia.
April 9th, 2014
It's upside down on my computer too but that might be because I'm originally from that down under part of the world :)
April 9th, 2014
Upside down on my Canada
April 9th, 2014
Right side up on the iPad in Alabama. Going to check the PC now Upside down in the feed picture but right side up in the thumbnail on my PC !!! Curiouser and curiouser!
April 9th, 2014
Upside down on my laptop in Germany :D hm strange
April 9th, 2014
I think we may have it sorted. Just got a message from Jane @chimfa and it would appear that the photos were taken on her I pad and the ones with the on/off switch to the right are okay and the ones with the on/off switch to the left are upside down. I think we may have solved the problem.

Thanks for all the feed back. It has been an interesting exercise.

Still strange that some are the correct way up though.
April 9th, 2014
Upside down on my Mac desktop and my android pad in Canada.
April 9th, 2014
Upside down in the Philippines working a grave yard shift for an Arizona time zone. If it matters. lol.
April 9th, 2014
@onewing ....... Must have been uploaded upsidedown.......... simples! ;)
April 9th, 2014
@paulty But if it was uploaded upside down why are some seeing it right side up on certain devices?
April 10th, 2014
@swilde @brookiebear @kiwiflora @frankhymus @summerfield @pixiemac @cheribug @whatsfordessert @pamknowler @scolgs @sioux @markp @clarek @kjarn @joeymc @northy @cimes1 @allie912 @leestevo @k1w1 @timandelke @grammyn @justaspark @gardencat @altadc @paulty @gardencat My husband came up with something he looked up and it said that Apple and Microsoft have different view on the way exif orientation tags should be used. Consequently it all depends on which machine you look at the picture on and how it reads the exif orientation data.
this could explain something about the problem.
Interesting exercise though. Thanks for all your comments.
April 10th, 2014
@onewing Ahh that makes sense! I just watched it on my iPod and it wasn't upside down :)
April 10th, 2014
April 10th, 2014
Makes sense. I like to think its cause all us from the down under part if the world are totally special and see the world in an entirely different way 😝
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