60 completely unusable Stock Photos

May 16th, 2014
Some of these are creative but made me queasy! I couldn't even look at them all...


May 16th, 2014
Gosh... what can one say? Perhaps you should start a theme called "Totally Odd Stock Shots" (or TOSS for short) and see what weird stuff the 365 community could come up with to equal this.
May 16th, 2014
That those shots got accepted by the stock agencies is even weirder!
May 16th, 2014
Oh god :D
Who shoots this kind of images? :D
@creampuff 's idea is great I think :)
May 16th, 2014
@creampuff @gizathecat @justaspark I know! They're crazy! That's a fun idea for a theme... I'll see if other folk mention if they're up for it and if folk seem keen I'll start it this weekend :)
May 16th, 2014
I don't know...I really like the bacon earrings with the egg beret.
May 16th, 2014
proof positive that everyone who takes pictures is NOT a photographer!
May 16th, 2014
I'm sure I've seen #43 on an advert, or a shot like it, and #6 was yesterday in work!

And at least we know which stock agencies will accept any old photos now :-)
May 16th, 2014
@lynnilou LOL, I wonder why?
May 16th, 2014
What would be even more fun is to have a captioning contest on these photos! :)

Anyway - #30 just makes me laugh - backwards butt guy - it's his expression.

#32 - Um... yeah... no ... can't use it.

#51 - Burger hands - looks like a pile of pooh.
#52 - not any worse than Gaga's meat dress - In case you missed it : http://blogs.browardpalmbeach.com/cleanplatecharlie/Lady-Gagas-Meat-Dress.jpg

#53 - Blackface.... really??? Is this 150+ years ago? Actually, offensive.

#58 - HOLY! REALLY?????? I mean, I get the concept, but poooooooor execution.

#60 - Again, I think that might be Lady Gaga ;)
May 16th, 2014
I want to comment . . but have no idea what to say.
May 17th, 2014
crikey - some of them are just plain disturbing.. baby and gun..really?
May 17th, 2014
@adambralston #53 is a Dutch photo of Swarte Piet (black Pete), a "helper" to St. Nicholas who comes on a boat every year (still if you can believe it) into the harbour of Amsterdam (I think) to start their version of Christmas. Amazingly only recently in that country has Black Pete been viewed critically and the Dutch swear it's just the helper has ash on its face from the chimneys. I have a Dutch friend who believes that there is nothing wrong with this tradition and that it has no relationship to slavery or to black face (and at her Dutch school in ATLANTA, GA still does the tradition--which I have told her is just about the most offensive thing you could do here in the states)--don't care that it's something Dutch and we should stop being "sensitive." When it was challenged this past year in Holland as a racist tradition, a ton of people supported it all over Facebook and everything. They would say it's a Dutch thing, we are not racists, we are just having a fun tradition for the kids! Passing it on to another generation is a bad idea. I find it so disgusting I cannot discuss it with my friend anymore.
May 17th, 2014
@brigette It's probably going to be used in GA (my home state) where the "guns anywhere" law just passed. Also disturbing/disgusting.
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