Someone used your photos as their own...

May 26th, 2014
I have been thinking about watermarking my photos for a while now...Somebody advised me to do so. It's weird because I still consider myself a beginner and while I like a lot of my photos, I realize I'm not AMAZING at it especially when you start looking at what amazing photographers' photos actually look. I know I still have a lot of work to do.

That being said...I saw my photo getting posted on facebook by someone. It was "processed" (tone and added text) and he pretty much posted it as his own. Enough said, it really upset me.

How do you approach this? How do you talk to the guy and let him know you don't appreciate your photos being used and posted as theirs?

Any tips or advice?

Just so confused.. I'm sure he must think nothing of it and while I don't want to make a big deal out of it. It obviously is because I'm really upset.

Let me know..

May 26th, 2014
was it a friend of yours that did it? If not, start off by changing your settings on facebook so that your photos are only viewable by friends. Then contact the person and ask him to take it down. If he won't, there's a thing you can click on and report it to facebook and they will delete it.
May 26th, 2014
That is not nice - we post our images in full faith and trust...but it's so easy to photoshop your watermark off your images. I have no idea how I would feel.........
May 26th, 2014
I watermark my picture for this reason. I know people can use photoshop but I'm guessing those stupid people don't even know how to use photoshop because that would mean they're real photographers...
May 26th, 2014
@jsw0109 i recently added him because i took photos for my huband's friend's wedding. He is the father of the groom. While i considered the wedding photos a gift.. And i am fine with them doing anything they want with the wedding photos... I wasn't a fan of him using the sights and scenes(not wedding photos). I guess what makes it more awkward is he's a dad of my husband's friend. Sigh...
May 26th, 2014
I am accountant, so maybe that makes me cynical. I've seen people being stolen from by family and friends. So it wouldn't surprise me if in this open forum a picture I took was used by someone else. I think the best way to confront someone is straightforward. Go on his facebook page and say how glad you are that he liked your photograph enough to use on his page. You've made your point, you've let others know what he did and you weren't accusatory. But brace yourself it will probably happen again. The unscrupulous people in the world don't have any qualms. Protect yourself as best you can and move on.
May 26th, 2014
@sweeps maybe you can ask him to give you the photo credit
May 26th, 2014
I'm having a similar problem with a photo I took of a band. A promoter has started using it on his facebook page and promotional flyers. I posted copyright on each picture on his facebook page but I don't think it will make any difference.
May 26th, 2014
@chloejackson that sucks.. :( Well, at least I know I'm not the only one. It's just a shock when it happens for the first time I guess.
May 26th, 2014
I only post low resolution pics here, and on facebook. I just started putting text on to protect them. It is a nuisance, but at least it will keep them from reprocessing them. You can't avoid people downloading and sharing on social sites. But, contact them, and report them, if they don't make a change.
May 26th, 2014
I think people don't always realise they are 'stealing'. If they make money from it, then that really is stealing. But @joansmor moving on is probably best. Take it as a compliment and post a generous comment. I often give away my photos, portraits etc. I took some photos of some cup cakes at a stall and they asked me to send them some if they were any good. I am happy to support a growing business. We haven't really lost anything, but we gain so much by being generous. @sweeps don't be upset, it's his loss of integrity, not yours.
May 26th, 2014

I like the approach of Thomas Leuthard as written in his FREE ebooks the words are his taken from the following...

At the end of the day you should be sure, if you either want to share your work or protect it from some bad guy copying it. If someone is copying it, you can see it as recognition of your work. It's too complicated to sue someone on this planet for a stolen photo. Therefore you should get used to the fact that photos get stolen and will be used for other purposes. Be sure you work hard on the photography part, not on the watermark part.
May 26th, 2014
@barrowlane "Be sure you work hard on the photography part, not on the watermark part."

Perfectly said. Thank you!!!!
May 26th, 2014
Never used watermarks and never will. I don't mind if people steal my photos, at the end I was the one who took them and I was the one who lived those memorable events.

Just be happy you take great photos. Don't fight the guy, it will start many more conflicts.

The reason we join 365, is to share with others, right?

Sorry for being of no help.
May 26th, 2014
Watermarks are useless as they can be erased. You might consider putting a copywright in the metadata attached to every digital image.
May 26th, 2014
Thanks everyone for taking time to respond. I guess it is naive to think this does not happen... Everything can be downloaded now. Its just a shock to see when people post your work as theirs. Oh well... I am sure i will get over it.
May 27th, 2014
This is a pretty good articular that you might like. I found it pretty interesting

May 27th, 2014
Watermarks are helpful but not always guaranteed. Don't be nice. Be straightforward about asking them to take it down. Be sure you get the URL of the photo before, though. Just in case you have to take it further. Regardless of whether this is a friend or relative, it's illegal to put your name on something that is not yours. Don't let it go and by all means don't ask for credit. Ask they take it down.
May 27th, 2014
No, it is definitely upsetting. Actually, if you search the discussion threads for stolen images, you will note that there are several discussions about this. Ross Walker posted one a few months ago and several people chimed in about having their photos posted. It's right here :

It's a good one. One of our community members had their photo stolen and then used in a foreign internet advertisement!!!!

In one way, it's flattering right? You created the art, and it is valuable enough for somebody to want to use it. That's cool. But, it hurts because each photo is like a child we create and bring into the world. It's ours, and we love it.

In this case though, be sure that they are actually taking credit for the photo " Here's a photo I took at the wedding!" and not just that they posted the photo after adding stuff to it. Especially for older people, because they don't quite get the internet you know?

If you are friends with them, I would definitely comment on the feed and say that you are very glad that he liked your photo enough to repost it! Or something?

It's touchy.

I agree with everyone about watermarks. Have you noticed that most copyrighted images on the internet will have a water mark across the entire image that says "DO NOT COPY". You can't remove those easily without damaging the photos. But, most of the watermarks everyone adds here are in the corner, or in dead space that could just be cropped off. Also, it really is easy to remove that kind of stuff.

I don't water mark. I think people that steal credit for images are jerks.
May 27th, 2014
@adambralston Adam, I like your advice. @lleo I completely agree. I had some photos "stolen" from a fan site. They were composites and highly manipulated by me. Someone made a slideshow (set to music) from my photo "manips!" It was just weird. I would have liked getting credit for the pictures and posted a comment saying so,on the YouTube page featuring my illustrations. I started to mark my work after that, (just small in the corner) and it never happened again. The experience made me more careful, if I share someone's photo on Facebook, I make sure their name gets noticed! I try to let people know they are welcome to share my art/photos--just make sure I get credited. It IS a touchy situation and all you can do is follow your own 'good sense!"
May 27th, 2014
I have seen someone do it with my friends photos from here - not reprocessed but cropped and used as their own - I was very pissed off because the photos had sentimental value to me
May 27th, 2014
I have had photos and artwork "stolen" Some on Facebook. Even those with watermarks. I have given up trying to stop them. Now I just post on their wall "I am glad you like my photo so much that you used it as yours!" A little bit of sarcasm, but usually I have found that it is taken down afterwards.
May 27th, 2014
I am not observant enough to see if anyone steals my shots, if anyone sees one on their travels kindly shout out :-)
May 27th, 2014
@sweeps You really made me go through your photos to see if I happened to google one of your photos and post it on my Facebook (not saying that was mine though!). Luckily, I didn't! :)

About watermarking, you know, it's the perpetual fight between prevention and abusing. Intentionally, anyone can just crop your name in the corner out of the photo, or remove it using Photoshop; unless you make a massive watermark of your name right in the centre of the photo, but you won't do that, will you? I have seen worse than just a post on Facebook, so my advice is to keep the original file, and copyright your name in the EXIF file, so that you can make claims if benefits involved.
May 27th, 2014
@cheesvo how do you put your name in the exif as that sounds really sensible - is there a way to do all the photos at once when you upload or import? Ps I use Lightroom - ta
May 27th, 2014
My sister-in-law steals my photos and posts them on Facebook as her own. She has never once given me credit for the pics. I don't share my photos with her anymore either. I have also deleted her from my FB page. I do check her page once in a while (through my husband) just to make sure my photos are not showing up.
May 27th, 2014
hello everyone.. glad to know I'm not the only one. I just didn't want to seem like it's petty.. but to least when I shoot the's my perspective and my point of view so it really doesn't sit well with me when people post it as theirs. It really does feel like a jab. Again, just thank you everyone for letting me know I'm not being stupid for feeling that way.
May 28th, 2014
@soseema I'm not so sure about whether it is possible for your camera, but with mine, the Canon 5D classic, I was able to do it with the EOS Utility app that comes with the camera, or downloadable from Canon website. You need to connect the camera to your computer, turn the app on and find in there. You will only be able to change the EXIF info from then on. My camera is really old, so I think this should be possible for newer cameras. With Nikon, it was possible to do that on the camera itself when I was still using a D300 a few years back.

I'm not aware of any way that you can change the info in a batch with your old photos, but it's dangerous if people can just easily change the EXIF info of a photo as they wish, isn't it?
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