Animated photos

August 10th, 2014
I don't suppose everyone is aware that the site accepts animated gif files! This opens up a much more exciting side to photography. When you are out with the camera if you take multiple shots of something, you can join some of the pics together to create movement! When you have made a couple you can move on to a collage animation with the photos looping at different speeds. View my young robin here, details of the program to create it are in the comments.

& a boat

Thank for viewing
August 10th, 2014
Wow, nice photos, another layer of photography for me to explore.... Someday..
August 10th, 2014
I think I tried before to upload a gif and it didn't work so nice to know you can do so now. And cool animation. Here's one I did back in March, mines a little crazier. lol
August 10th, 2014
I created my gif in photoshop, but it does not look animated on 365. I wonder what I am doing wrong?
August 10th, 2014
@mtpagano Hi, I looked at it fullsize and it is still a jpg.
You have to save the photos as gif THEN string/slideshow them together with a program then check that is moves in your browser and upload it.
August 10th, 2014
@amfrumbiddivurd Thank you for checking! The same photo on google+ is animated. Do you think it's the way it uploaded?
August 10th, 2014
I have one in my project
August 10th, 2014
@kali66 nice
August 10th, 2014
@mtpagano I already replied an hour ago but it doesnt seem to be there now. I see the animated on google :) his tail wags. If you are sure you uploaded the 'glenda.gif' file to 365 I dont know what has gone wrong - try again
August 10th, 2014
Here are some of mine:

And I have lots more on Google+, including:

August 10th, 2014
@abirkill Wow really like the last one, well last three!!
August 10th, 2014
@amfrumbiddivurd Thank you for your help. It must be something with the way I created the gif. I tried creating and uploading one from jpg files and it works, but when I create the gif from raw files it seems to show up as a jpg. very strange. I'm going to keep playing with it to see if I can figure out what I'm doing wrong. Thanks again.
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