Post your Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse photos

October 9th, 2014
Pleaseeeeeee!I am SO upset with myself for sleeping through it! I'd love to see everyone else's images!
October 9th, 2014
not the best, but considering the equipment I was using and the atmospheric conditions I was dealing with, I'll take it
October 9th, 2014
@jsw0109 made me sigh.Oh man,that is beautiful.
October 9th, 2014
@mzzhope you are kind! Thank you Hope
October 9th, 2014
@jsw0109 Looks great to me. Curious...what time of morning were you able to get this?
October 9th, 2014
Cloudy in Vancouver :( Here's one I took during the April eclipse:

October 9th, 2014
Awesome! ,I am marking my calendar for the next one,April 15!
October 9th, 2014
@mzzhope The next one is on April 4th 2015, April 15th was the earlier one from this year. Unfortunately in Vancouver we can't see totality for either of the 2015 lunar eclipses, so the next chance here isn't until January 2019 :(
October 9th, 2014
@taffy 6:30ish this morning.
October 9th, 2014
Just had to get up ... it was clear and I miss so many astrological events due to clouds. Here's mine, just a minute or so off of totality:

October 9th, 2014
My collage of the lead up
October 9th, 2014
@abirkill well the newscaster got his facts wrong!Thank goodness I can always get the real deal from my friends here! Thank you!
October 9th, 2014
@abirkill just gorgeous!
October 9th, 2014
@bella_ss WOW!!
October 9th, 2014
@aecasey whoahhhhhhhh so cool,April!
October 9th, 2014

i wouldn't have known to look out the window and see it was already happening if i hadn't been on here and someone mentioned it!!
October 9th, 2014
It was totally worth staying up most of the night! I wish the pictures were a little sharper, but considering my equipment malfunction it worked out OK!
October 9th, 2014
October 9th, 2014
Despite the intrusion of the dog, whose leash was wrapped around the legs of the tripod, this shot is the best I got for focus. I like the way the covered and uncovered regions appear to bulge slightly.

October 9th, 2014
October 9th, 2014
after this it went behind the trees so I didn't get any red shots

October 10th, 2014
Not the best, but I enjoyed watching.
October 10th, 2014

Meh! :)
October 10th, 2014
October 10th, 2014
@homeschoolmom creatively done Lisa
October 10th, 2014
@annied Thanks!
October 11th, 2014
Thank you all for the moon pictures! I am enjoying them SO MUCH! Thank you!
October 11th, 2014
AMAZING images everyone! I am loving them.
October 12th, 2014
Gorgeous shots! Here's one from an earlier stage of the lunar show.
October 12th, 2014
And here's a composite. I must have dozed off midway, as there's a bit of a gap : ) The only post-processing I did was stack the images using StarStax.
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