Backdating Photos

March 7th, 2015
Forgive me if I missed this while setting up my project, but is there a way to backdate a photo taken. I seem to run out of time to actually post the photos the day of. So now I have a few gaps in my days.
March 7th, 2015
when you upload, you have the option of posting it on any date before the posting date provided it already doesn't have a pic already there.

Just change the date on the uploader to the date you want
March 7th, 2015
Actually, you can put up photos before the date, too. I have found that handy when I'm going to be gone. :-) Only one per date per album, though!
March 7th, 2015
@melston That must be an ACE feature, my account won't let me post ahead. Good to know!
March 7th, 2015
To add what has already been said...the date the image was made is the default date that shows up, but it can be changed.
March 8th, 2015
@catwhiskers I am not an ace and I have been able to post ahead by up to 3 days. That was several months ago, so hopefully the rules haven't changed.
March 8th, 2015
@mtbell Thanks for the info, I must have done something wrong before. I'll have to try again. It has been a while since I tried it, s maybe Ross changes it from back then.
March 8th, 2015
I have found that I can'y ost ahead, but I don't have ace.
March 8th, 2015
@gangringo you cant go back into the previous year though...... :(
March 8th, 2015
You guys rock. I must have posted to the date previously. I went through and wrote down the missing dates and now it's just a sort and a post away. Glad it takes forever before I delete anything! Thanks!
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