A great way to donate to charity with your photos!!

August 11th, 2015
Hi all!

I stumbled upon this GREAT app the other day! It is sponsored by Johnson & Johnson and allows you to donate a photo to them which will allow you to choose a charity (they have many options!) to donate a dollar to. You can do this every day! The picture can be from any day, not necessarily the current one, so it's even easier for you to share photos you might otherwise not be able to. I'm not sure what countries besides the United States have access to it right now, but everyone who can should definitely check it out! Here's the link:


If this isn't motivation to do a 365 project, I don't know what is!
August 11th, 2015
thanks for posting!
August 11th, 2015
Thanks for sharing this!
August 11th, 2015
Just signed up! Thanks
August 11th, 2015
@jenniferforjoy do you know what they do with the actual photos?
August 11th, 2015
@skstein I did try to find out, but it didn't really say. In the agreement terms it does say that any picture you upload is given to them under a license that basically allows them to do whatever they want with it forever, so that's something to keep in mind if you don't want certain shots floating around out there. My guess would be that this is a great way for them to get photos to use for campaigns and advertising, things like that.
August 11th, 2015
Unfortunately, it's only for residents of the US (the US site) and the UK (the UK site).
August 11th, 2015
@jenniferforjoy It looks like a need a phone app to do this...is that the case? I don't use a cell phone, but would be more than happy to donate photos!

If anyone has an answer to this, please let me know!
August 11th, 2015
@hamora nuts, sorry about that!

@Weezilou yes unfortunately I think right now it's only an app for phones. I was preparing an email to ask then if they would consider making a pc version as well as I think that would make it much more accessible.
August 11th, 2015
Please let me know if you find that they are considering a PC version. Thank You!
August 11th, 2015
@mej2011 Will do! I'll post an update if I get any news on that front. :)
August 11th, 2015
@jenniferforjoy thanks.
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