Favorite Photos from your 365 project in 2015

December 31st, 2015
Over the past year, share some of your faves of your own that you have taken this year. How about your top 5 or less? And go...
December 31st, 2015
Here are mine:

December 31st, 2015
So many. Here's just one, Very untypical for me and it turned out well.
December 31st, 2015
@frankhymus Hard to narrow down..love yours. My first year I think someone ran a thread with your fav fav of yours from each month.
December 31st, 2015
capturing niagara falls in its solid frozen state is a once in a lifetime experience for novice photographers like me, but thanks to @k1w1 and @cathrinemitch i was there with them to capture this

and this photo signifies or reminds me of a very memorable trip where i met some of my dear 365 friends for the first time and events after the trip made some significant changes in my life (for the better):

happy new year, amanda! @amandal
December 31st, 2015
Mine in no real order!

Happy new year all!
December 31st, 2015
I remember all of yours, Amanda, and I love them too. This was fun to go through some photos to choose one--lots of happy memories. Here is the one I chose:

December 31st, 2015
There were a few photos that I took over the past year, that I was quite pleased with, but this is my absolute favorite.
December 31st, 2015
@cejaanderson Such a sweet pick of your years favorite.

@andy_holding A great collection.

@deborah63 super reflections and timing!!!
December 31st, 2015
Thanks @amandal what a great idea to have a little look back . I picked these.....

December 31st, 2015
Very hard to choose, but nice to go back and look.
December 31st, 2015
I had fun reliving my year in photos, going backwards :) Thanx for this thread.

My personal favorite I think is this one, it's just happy:

In Jan I went to Alcatraz, on the first boat and I jogged ahead to be the first person in the room:

Also, in Jan I started my new year with the idea of playing with Gimp more (which reminds me that I gotta play more again):

December 31st, 2015
I hope you enjoy my selection of some of my favourites.. it has been a great photography year..
December 31st, 2015
Whoops sorry some how one got put up twice and I missed the last one.. silly me..
December 31st, 2015
@julzmaioro You can edit your original...all beautiful. Love the ICM.
December 31st, 2015
I agree with @summerfield Vikki this was a day to remember, not only one of my favourite photos but favourite photo buddies. @k1w1 We must plan another trip.
December 31st, 2015
Another favourite this time a moment to remember not to take the picture in front of the car while a very impatient photo buddy is behind the wheel. LOL
December 31st, 2015
My favourites of the year are actually some of my all time favourites :)

The little lane in the bottom photo leads to the woodland where the first of the three was taken. I love that's it's an oasis of calm, relatively unknown despite being surrounded by some pretty busy places. In spring it is full of bluebells and my aim this year is to get a good bluebell photo!
December 31st, 2015
@markp A beautiful collection of shots.
December 31st, 2015
I love this idea, @amandal -- going back through our own year's photos, selecting our favorites! In chronological order:

Death Valley photography trip with @Taffy (class with James Brandon and Brian Matiash)

Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis on a photowalk with @Rosiekerr

The reward for having to get up early for a flight is a view of your city above the clouds:

Photowalk in New York City with @michaelelliott and @Taffy

Phototrip to Smokey Mountains with @darylo and @Taffy

Sagrada Familia on phototrip to Barcelona with @Taffy
December 31st, 2015
@cathrinemitch I agree. It sure was a magical day. A very looooooong day but magical!!
December 31st, 2015
@summerfield Thanks for a fantastic day at the falls Vikki :)
December 31st, 2015
I've only been here the last 2 months, but in that time, I've taken some of my favorite photos that I have all year. In fact, many of them were taken because of pushes or themes here on the site. Here're some of my favorites:

December 31st, 2015
For me I think I'd choose these as my 5 faves:

January 1st, 2016

January 1st, 2016
One of my all time favorites because it was so magical for me.

January 1st, 2016
I was so pleased with this one...

And had loads of fun putting this one together

And just pleased to be in the right place at the right time for this one
January 1st, 2016
This is a collage of some of my favorites

January 1st, 2016
Plus one more that didn't fit in the collage. Happy New Year to you all!

January 1st, 2016
Favorite bird shot

Fav 365 moment in Smoky Mountains with @taffy and @jyokota

Fav Sunset, Bali, Uluwatu

Fav Bucket List Item-surfing lesson , Bali

Fav moment in Japan, Tokyo Meiji Shrine
January 1st, 2016
@k1w1 You can say that again. Still recovering. LOL
January 1st, 2016
@michaelelliott We could fill the page with all your wonderful compositions. You definitely have an eye for the city. Happy New Years.
January 1st, 2016
this is my new favorite from my own project, especially as its straight out of the camera except for a bit of a crop, which means ihave learned a lot and didnt need any artifice to make it good,. hope to keep experimenting with this type of thing in teh new year
January 1st, 2016
this was my favorite from fiveplustwo
January 1st, 2016
Favorite because most fun, the infamous onion of 2016

Favorite because we ended up loving the condo our insurance company rented for us after our house fire. . .one of the good outcomes of an awful experience, and it was fun using a fisheye

A wonderful photo trip with @darylo and @jyokota

An amazing day with @anwan and @danielwsc

A favorite b&w from a meetup with @jyokota and @michaelelliott

January 1st, 2016
@cathrinemitch thank you so much Catherine and Happy New Year!!! Looking forward to more photography in 2016!
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