Can't view photos in large size

December 29th, 2010
I mostly upload my photos in larger size. When I click on the "enlarge" button, I still see my photo in its small size. However, I can view photos of other users in larger format.

Any idea why this happens? Does anyone else have this problem? How can it be solved? Is it browser-related?

December 29th, 2010
Hi Nathalie, I don't have the same problem, but I can't scroll down in large pictures...
Maybe it has something to do with your browser? I'm using Mozilla (Firefox). I haven't tried it in another browser jet.

Can the smart people help me too?
December 29th, 2010
Hi Nathalie...I also have the same problem as Geertje and I also use Mozilla so it may be more of a coincidence...unfortunately this doesnt really answer your original query...;)
December 29th, 2010
Did you transfer the photos in from picnic or whatever it's called? Can't remember if it was you that I was talking to about this a few days ago or somebody else...
December 29th, 2010
No, I didn't transfer them from picnic...sometimes I just download them from my Flickr-page, sometimes I upload them straight from the computer. The strange thing is that I can see other people's pictures in large format...I'll try to upload with Mozilla next time...
December 29th, 2010
I mentioned the other day that this site seems to fix photos as the standard 550px when uploading via Picasa/email. I tried uploading manually for the last few photos and they all come out at full size when I click the button now. The scroll thing doesn't work though.
December 29th, 2010
@electricwriter scroll thing never works for me either... view others sizes, nothing...

I would try upload from desktop(or whatever) vs from online source and see if that fixes it...
December 29th, 2010

thanks for pointing out the zoom-function to me - and I can confirm missing the scroll function in Firefox!
December 29th, 2010
@icywarm Yes, I upload from the desktop now. It's irritating because I can otherwise do everything straight from within Picasa.
December 29th, 2010
@electricwriter the world is not ready for cloud computing... close... but not there yet...
December 29th, 2010
It`s weird,Nathalie. I can view everyone else`s large,just fine. Hmmmm. I`m sure sooner or later Ross will see your "cry for help" and fix it.
December 29th, 2010
@spaceman Yes it is...maybe I should try IE or Mozilla, although it should work in Chrome too...could be an incompatibility issue of Chrome, I wouldn't be surprised, although it shouldn't happen. I'll install Mozilla and try with that one...
December 29th, 2010
Yeah,if I were you,I would definately try another browser.
December 29th, 2010
Interesting and puzzling. Nathalie, I use Chrome and your images don't enlarge for me.

I have also found problems with images that do allow themselves to be enlarged preventing me from scrolling down. For me the solution is to hit the full screen option (F11 on Chrome) and I get the full image without the need to scroll.
December 30th, 2010
@geertje the scroll thing we see when we click the "view large" button is actually scrolling the page behind the enlargement, i noticed this when i left it scrolled down and then closed the view large page and my regular page was at the bottom.

i always F11 before i view large, that gets the whole photo in for me as my screen is wide and not tall enough in normal browser view. F11 to get it back to normal once you're done :))
December 30th, 2010
also nathalie, your photo are very small in size, i can see via the exif info that some are under 100kb, so you're uploading small images to start with. are you reducing them in size before you upload? the view large function will only show a large view if the photo is actually bigger than the standard size on our 365 pages.

hope this helps :)
December 30th, 2010
I thought I had the same problem as Nathalie. But just now I discovered that some of my photos can be enlarged and others not. The ones I can't enlarge are the once I processed in Picnik. The Picasa ones work just fine. I also use Mozilla, I don't think that is the problem.
December 30th, 2010
@taidster That is REALLY strange O_O Many of my photos are over 1MB in size! That is really weird. All my photos are processed in Photoshop, but I never resize them so small! Now I'm really puzzled... O_o
December 30th, 2010
This picture is way over 100kb, and still can't be viewed large:

December 30th, 2010
I used Mozilla to upload my latest pic, but that doesn't make a difference, either...:/
December 31st, 2010
@niara Natalie, I tried to enlarge 5 or 6 of your photos & the only one I was able to enlarge was one called "Chillin". I have to hit F11 first & then ctrl - to make it a little smaller to fit into my screen. I use Mozilla. I can see why you're frustrated, would love to try the enlarge feature on some of your other shots
February 18th, 2011
I'm just wondering if there was ever a definitive statement from Ross as to why this doesn't always work.

I upload larger images now mindful of the 'enlarge' feature but many of my shots just show the same size when I click on enlarge and it goes to the black background...even though the uploaded images was much bigger than the default 550 pixels wide shown in the normal view.

Strangely some pictures do show large size okay but I still don't have a pattern as to why some work and some don't. All are processed the same way in Photoshop.

Does anyone know anything more about this problem?

Dean :)
February 18th, 2011
@molizard Yes...:/ And I still have that problem right now. Sometimes I upload a photo that should be seen way bigger, but it remains small. I used all kinds of browsers (Chrome, Mozilla, IE,...) but nothing seems to work. Hopefully there will be some kind of solution for that in the near future...:-)
March 16th, 2011

Sorry to bang on about this Ross but I still see shots of mine where the uploaded image is [say] 1000 pixels wide where, when clicking to see the large image, the same image is shown as on the day page. I can't seem to find any pattern as to which are and which aren't. It's infuriating.

I'd appreciate it if you could comment or advise how best to avoid...

March 19th, 2011
Apologies once more for keeping on with this but I know I'm not the only one affected so bear with me...but , I think I may be able to float a theory.

For landscape orientation images...

I believe that if your uploaded image is smaller than 1024 pixels wide then it is only resized once to the 550 pixels wide version you see on the site AND when clicking the magnify icon (although not being 'Ace' I don't know what happens to their pictures).

However, if you upload an image wider than 1024 pixels then it is resized twice, once to 550 as shown on the site but also to a 'large' image 1024 wide which is then shown when you click the magnify icon. I will check and see what happens if your uploaded image is exactly 1024 wide but I suspect it will just keep that as the 'large' image.

I'm less sure about portrait images. I'll report back later.

I'd appreciate anyone else's experiences confirming/disputing this theory.

All the best,
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