Remembering to take photos

January 3rd, 2011
Does anyone have any secret tips for how they remember to take pictures? I started my challenge last January and did well for a few months, then it all went a bit wrong, with the result that there are lots of gaps in my project!
I'm hoping to go for the whole 365 this year .... but if anyone can help me remember that would be fab!
January 3rd, 2011
I just take my camera with me everywhere I go. At night, I put it my or in my purse. That way I don't have any missed opportunities.

Good luck!
January 3rd, 2011
Take your camera EVERYWHERE! And I mean everywhere! I usually have three on me (incl. my phone; not incl. my dslr)

It becomes habit; you'll start to see everything differently... it all becomes one big photoshoot!
January 3rd, 2011
you could set a daily reminder on your phone or as a sticky note somewhere you'll see it like on a mirror or on your computer
January 3rd, 2011
Gosh, i don't know how you'd forget - i've become a bit obsessed; it's like cleaning your teeth in the morning and again at night, i guess it's habit!!! like the others, my cameras go everywhere with me!
January 3rd, 2011
Tatoo....... Just kidding. :) As has been stated before, bring your camera with you everywhere. I have a backpack and my PS is always with me, I usually have my DSLR in it as well. Gets heavy but that is an additional reminder. If I'm driving and see a photo opp I stop if it's safe to do so. Some days I only put in 10-20min of
shooting to get a day or two of pics to post. Other days I kill several hours trying to be more creative, often the quick and dirty shots are the best.
January 3rd, 2011
Thanks ... guess I just need to get back into the habit! I did okay till I was away in the summer and wasn't able to uoload (though took lots of shots) - updated when I got home but then got out of the habit of taking a pic every day. I always have my phone with me, usually my P&S, sometimes my DSLR .... and used to have a reminder on my phone too. Maybe I should do that again, and just keep my fingers crossed!
January 3rd, 2011
I, too have become somewhat obsessed. My grandchildren sat in the car yesterday while I pulled over to take a picture of berries against some snow. I always have a camera on me wherever I am. You never know when the random shot you take really is a good picture.
January 3rd, 2011
What others are saying - take your camera everyplace you go.
January 3rd, 2011
@chelseagirl Hi Alison, i find it very hard as well, as i take the same route to and from work and go and arrive home in the dark so dont carry the camara with me, I find it easier in the summertime, i am in the habit of logging on everyday and get insperation from the site and try and get an image of everyday objects. Best of luck, but dont stress yourself too much.
January 3rd, 2011
Be unashamedly narcissistic. I constantly log on to the site to see what people are saying about my photos, and that drives me to find a beautiful shot every day.
January 3rd, 2011
My gf asked me to do this challenge w/ her and we encourage each other everyday. Then another friend came on board, and another, and another... so now we're all encouraging each other! That and checking everyday like Emily above!! :D Good luck, keep it up!!
January 3rd, 2011
LOL...I had to chuckle at myself when I read your post--I'm a fanatic about taking pics, and never leave home without a camera, so I have to try to think about things OTHER than taking pics. Taking a camera with you is a great tip. Chances are you may be obsessed too, soon! Happy picture hunting!
January 3rd, 2011
Ever seen "Memento"? .....
January 3rd, 2011
Get a friend or two to join you, find someone on the site whose photos you enjoy and follow them... anything that puts it in your mind to log into the site every day should remind you to also take the photos yourself.
January 3rd, 2011
Yep take a camera everywhere! I always have my phone with me so I'll get at least one of that. I've started carrying my DSLR around too. That may be a little excessive but it definitely works! Good luck anyway.
January 4th, 2011
I have no trouble remembering to take a photo. My problem is lack of inspiration and not having a lot around here worth taking.

As others have said, though, I do have a camera with me all the time. I have a compact in my bag and, if worse comes to worst, my iPhone.
January 4th, 2011
I am a bit worried about how I will manage when I get back to work tomorrow.....I travel the same long route every day, and there are no real shoulders in most places that I could pull over if I saw anything photo-worthy! I am constantly thinking of ideas though, so I will probably be OK until those ideas dry up.....I take a camera with me everywhere....
January 4th, 2011
@kathyd - I have the same problem. Same route, plus I can hardly take a pic while I'm driving along! I've taken some photos at work but there's a limit before it all becomes a bit same-y. If I could go back to the old days when it was OK to photos of patients, I'd be right but those days are gone.

My home environment is less than inspirational and I don't go to many interesting places.
January 4th, 2011
Ditto all above. And when you think you have to take the most awesome shot ever or not post at all, STOP THAT THOUGHT! Just keep your camera handy and shoot, shoot, shoot. Doesn't have to be award winning, but soon you'll get in the habit and the shots will just get better and better, rno matter what the subject is. I've seen totally awesome shots of dish soap! Happy journeys! :-D
January 4th, 2011
I keep a photoblog so I was already used to taking pictures every day. I agree with the above, bring a camera with you everywhere you go, and start getting into the habit of taking pictures - not just for 365 Project, but for fun! Then you'll find the problem of choosing a picture, not remembering to take one.
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