Best Way to Follow Photos

January 6th, 2011
I am rather confused when trying to find my way around this site. What is the best way to navigate it? How do YOU navigate it everyday when you come to visit?
January 6th, 2011
welcome to 365 Amy. first I check the home page to look at the pictures of the people I follow, then take a look at Browse Popular page, then Latest, then go back to Popular because it changes everytime you go in and if I miss one day I take a look at 'by day' and finally if I'm looking for "something" specific I'll go on by tag. Oh! and I always look at Browse and Pick and your favorite photo of the week. In conclusion I spend a lot of time here!!!! becarefull Amy you can be very soon addicted to 365 :-)
January 6th, 2011
Welcome Amy - I do exactly the same as @parisouailleurs (great minds and all that!!) and i would echo the addiction thing. I have had to promise myself I will only spend an hour a day on the site including taking photos...I broke that the day I made the promise!!
January 6th, 2011
@sparkle only an hour Juliette ? awww I wish I could do that... i spend errrrr... may be 4 hours a day! it's simple since 365 I gave up with television and twitter!
January 6th, 2011
@parisouailleurs the promise was for an hour, i easily spend three by having less sleep (!) no more Facebook and certainly no tv!! I need to get back to exercise so that will mean more running with my camera!!!
January 6th, 2011
I check the popular posts, and then once a day, I check out who those photographers are following too.
January 6th, 2011
@sparkle haha! I didn't mention less sleep but of course... And i'm French so no sport for me ;-)
January 6th, 2011
I'm only mildly embarrassed to admit that most days, I have a browser tab with 365 open all day long. I try to stay aware of what the people I'm following are posting, and make comments on their photos. There are so many talented photographers here, and everyone likes knowing that they're doing a good job :)

I also try to check out the "latest" and "popular" pages to find new photographers to follow.

Welcome, Amy! You'll get the hang of it soon enough :)
January 6th, 2011
it's interesting to read the replies and I agree with them 100 %. I AM ADDICTED.
Don't want to count the hours I spend on 365. no more TV...and no more facebook for me..rather spend the evening with 365..first thing in the morning..turn on the computer and my husband says..see who loves you and left a comment. (these are his exact words), but he is a good sport. since I don't do the cooking on a day to day basis I have more time on 365 until he says: dinner is served.
January 7th, 2011
@gill Heh. I don't mean that I do nothing all day but browse 365. But I spend all day in front of the computer for work, so I might as well have it at the ready ;)
January 7th, 2011
I check out my Home first to see what the people I follow have posted. Then I head to Discuss and go down the line, then browse and go down the line. 6 days in and I'm already addicted. I've brought my rarely used laptop out so I can check it downstairs, it's added to my dashboard on the Mac upstairs, and I also look on my phone. Sounds sad, but I love this site.
January 7th, 2011
thanks everyone...I just got home from work and read all your comments. I will start off at my home first and move onward from there. There are soooo many beautiful photos here, I am sure to be inspired!
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