What are you doing with your 365 Photos?

January 7th, 2011
I would love to make a personal photo book with my 365 photos when I am done (OK I am being optimistic here, since it is only my 2nd week, but I am), but I am not sure the best way to do it.

What are you doing with your photos? Are they on a wall, in a digital frame, on your blog, Digiscrapping pages, Facebook page?

If you did use them to make a book, what service did you use, and are you happy?
January 7th, 2011
I've been thinking about printing them for a scrapbook for mooonths and just haven't gotten around to it so I probably never will. I keep them on here and Facebook and a few on Flickr. Otherwise, meh.
January 7th, 2011
I'll be definitly making a book.. I'm not sure as to what service I'll be using to get it done
January 7th, 2011
I will be printing them out at the end to put into a photo album. I'm waiting until the end b/c I only want to print the photos if I make it through all 365 days. For prints I use White House Custom Colour. It's also who I use for clients.
January 7th, 2011
i never thought about that for some reason...but a book sounds like a great idea!
i love to make books with shutterfly...after we got our proofs back from our wedding i spent all my time making books with all the pictures (only ordered 1)...it's fun
January 7th, 2011
I`m just at photo 93,so there`s a long way to go `till I`m done. So far,I`m doing nothing,just keeping them organised on my hard drive. Funny thing,at the beginning,I used to delete them right after I uploaded them here.Stupid,huh?.... I may print out the few that I like.
January 7th, 2011
make a coffee book ..... ♥
January 7th, 2011
My photos are inspired by various pieces of literature, whether it's a book, a poem, or even song lyrics. When I finish (and I'm only posted 5 so far, lol), I would like to create a book that includes the quotations I was inspired by. Most likely it will be a scrappbook or something, since I enjoy scrapping.
January 7th, 2011
I plan on using Shutterfly to make a photo book out of them.... 4-5 to a page though or it will be super long!!!
January 7th, 2011
Probably making a coffee book! I am saving pictures on my external drive as I upload each day. :)
January 7th, 2011
I love the idea of making a album! I am using 365 to journal my year and take a snapshot of our daily lives, so this would be perfect to make into an album!
January 7th, 2011
Absolutely nothing, lol. They go into a folder on my desktop. I enjoyed them for that moment I posted them, though!
January 7th, 2011
Just finished my 365th photo (Yay!!!) and have great hopes to make a photo book. Usually use Shutterfly, but snagged a Groupon ( http://www.groupon.com/) for a large coffee table at a great discount. It does seem to be a daunting task, though, when you begin to really look back at 365 photos! Would love to hear what others have with theirs.
January 7th, 2011
I finished my project on Dec. 31st and have started working on a book through Blurb.com. With so many photos to work with, it's been time consuming, but I'm trying to finish a month's worth of photos every evening. I'll post a link to it when I'm finished with it. We have used them before with our kids' artwork and were pretty happy with it. I also framed a few of my better pieces, and for Christmas I printed out some of the good ones and made notecards to give away.
January 7th, 2011
I already have quite a lot of pictures that are dishes I've cooked. A friend of mine suggested coming-up with a cookbook.
January 7th, 2011
I'm only a week in and I hadn't given this any thought so far, but a book sounds like a great idea! Something on paper to flick through in years to come. I definitely need to put them in a separate folder otherwise it'll take ages to relocate them at the end of the year (if I get that far).
January 7th, 2011
I hadn't thought about it, but now that people are mentioning it, making a photo book would be pretty awesome. Of course, now that means more work for me. Most of the images I've been editing for optimum sharpness/resolution for the low-quality size on the 365 site, but I'm going to need to go back and prepare those again for print quality.

I guess it's better to catch that a week into the project instead of 10 months in. From here on out I'll just be sure to save two copies of the final file and I'll be all set.
January 7th, 2011
I am making a book with mine on blurb (www.blurb.com) I am putting 3 pics per page. I know it wont be cheap but either will be putting all 365 in a scrapbook if you think about the price of having the pics printed, the album, the paper and all the extras for each page.
January 7th, 2011
I hope to scrapbook some of my favorite shots...doing at least my favorite photo of each month
January 7th, 2011
I'm printing and scrapbooking them. The Album I found is prefect for what I needed. It's the Creative Memories Pic Folio album. It holds 400 photos and they can be a mix of 4x6 to 8x10 with room to journal etc.
I'm also printing a blurb book of them from either my FB account or my Flickr as to include all my descriptions etc.

Blurb: http://www.blurb.com/?ce=google_brand_blurb&gclid=COGIu_jEqKYCFQEMbAodLnv6pg

CM Pic Folio: http://www.creativememories.com/Content/Shop/Product.aspx?sku=639247&path=/Hierarchy
January 7th, 2011
I plan to make a book with mine also. I have used blurb for my professional work and was VERY pleased with them! Also, have used shutterfly and they aren't bad either. It's really all a matter of preference..Cost? Quality? etc.
January 7th, 2011
@tara that's awesome!
January 7th, 2011
@snapaholic007 thanks for the album info. That is great.

I had good luck with shutterfly in the past, but I missed the look you get when you print on photo paper.

Has anyone tried Persnickety Prints?

I like the idea of doing a scrapbook page per week or month. A lot less pressure. I am definitely going to look into Blurb. Right now I digiscrap using PSE in 8x8 format on my HP printer.
January 7th, 2011
I'd like to do a book - I've used Shutterfly & Snapfish. I did not care for Snapfishes work - Loved Shutterfly though
January 7th, 2011
@clarissajohal you have such great shots! You should definitely pick a few and do something with them!
January 7th, 2011
Mines going in a traditional old photo album, right there on the coffee table. :)
January 7th, 2011
I have a Pogo printer that prints 1 x 2 inch (or so) pics. So, after I upload my daily photo, I print out a copy on the Pogo. I have an extra small Moleskine yearly planner. I stick each picture on its day (the Pogo photos have a sticky backing and fit perfectly). That way I have a digital copy of my pics and a physical copy. Lots of fun!
January 7th, 2011
@otprofsp ooh. I Like that idea. Very creative. And I collect molskines.
January 7th, 2011
I use Shutterfly for photobooks . . . I've done about 15 or so and they're very good quality. One tip, they automatically enhance photos . . . which sometimes makes for too vivid a result if you've already done your own processing. You can "uncheck" that option, to keep the reproduction true. I'll likely turn mine into a book on Shutterfly . . . I do have a Canon photo printer, but I don't print out all my pics . . .
January 7th, 2011
I'm only on day 1 xD but I have decided already that I'm going to make a scrap book with them :)
January 7th, 2011
Planning to keep them on the pc and maybe use them as references when drawing.

But for everyone planning to make a book, that sounds like a great idea!

I used blurb last month and the book turned out nice. Any other book printers fellow 365ers recommend?
January 7th, 2011
A book of some format. I gave a photo album of travel photos to a family member for Christmas and realized how cool it is to flip through them, remembering each place. I'm planning to do one for my http://30daysoftravel.com travel blog, and this project. But one day at a time, thinking about 365 of these pictures is a little overwhelming.
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