Browsing Photos for Ideas

February 1st, 2011

I have some ideas for, but nowhere near enough to take a photo a day. After browsing through posted photos I have found this has inspired me to go away and attempt to replicate what I've seen. Is there any do's or don'ts that I need to be aware of first?

February 1st, 2011
Make it your own - don't follow the idea right down to the smallest detail, just draw your own idea from it :)
February 1st, 2011
I can't think of anyone out here that would be upset that you used their photo as inspiration for your own... Remember that yours will ultimately be different in some way or another... the only No-No is claiming someone else's work as your own - not only rude and selfish, but in some instance illegal. (And if memory serves, at least one person has been booted from the site for doing it!)

I have learned that I can look, ask questions, try the techniques and learn from others out here. It's fantabulous! Hehe!!!
February 1st, 2011
I have learned so much from others, just by looking at their photos. I try not to make a duplication of anyone's photo, but put my own slant on the subject. Perhaps a different lighting, angle, etc.
February 1st, 2011
If you feel inspired by someone's image, leave them a note to say you've used the idea. It's just a nice thing to do.. :-)
February 1st, 2011
When I studied arts for A levels (British system), they gave us tons of books by famous artists, and asked us to copy them. After a while they let us select one that we liked and imitate the style. From that foundation, we developed our own style!
February 1st, 2011
I did this photo and I let everyone know that I was inspired by another photogs work. I saw her image and was blown away by how neat it was and had to do my own. I credited her name and even posted on her flickr account with my photo and she was super excited. so as long as you give credit where credit is due:)

Here is mine..

Here is hers.

her photos are all rights reserved so I cant link it

February 1st, 2011
I get inspired by many peoples work here but I think just making it your own and not creating it down to the letter is ok
February 1st, 2011
i look around for different ideas but more for items that i can "use" then ill try to do something slightly different to what ive seen ... as an exampl my todays shot , i like water splash shots and have done a few over this month but wanted to put a twist on it which i did today using straws and bubble blowing splashes :)
February 2nd, 2011
Thanks for the replies, it confifmes what I sort of already knew, but it's good to check that I wasn't missing something obivous.

@indiannie_jones always slightly different no matter how hard I try, ;-)
@daisy @viranod @silverhorn @flamez thanks I've got loads of ideas and now feel that I will be able to post then as well,
@saclunch lovely photo -- such a simple idea but done so well, :-)
@wormentude OMG the sort of thing I would not of thought of! Being a scatterbrain perhaps a note to say I've been inspired then add to my to do list & file for later use.
February 2nd, 2011
Sorry for the typos - someone keeps moving the letters about on my keyboard!!
February 2nd, 2011
@pete21 - I have that problem too I blame it on the keyboard fairies ;)
February 2nd, 2011
@silverhorn yes, but why do they only do it to the laptop?
February 2nd, 2011
@pete21 I think its because laptops normally travel and so they get under the keys to disrupt them and move them around all the time
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