Photos that weren't what you were going for...

February 6th, 2011
Do you ever take a photo almost on accident, that wasn't at all what you were going for, but worked out in your favor? Like this one today:

I was going for Daily Shoot's theme of "Power Plugs" but ended up with all these shots I didn't like of the plug, and one of the nightlight that I liked.

Let's share some photo's that happened on accident!
February 6th, 2011
@lissuhllama ~ i like your accident shot :)

mine would be this one :

i was sat at the pc with camera next to me as id just been playing with the settings ready for an idea id had , my fella was feeding our snake kaa at the time and said to me "Rache get a shot of this" , i didnt have time to mess with settings so i pointed and clicked , a lucky shot as the base of his feeder tank is white and i had the flash on , i didnt realise till i uploaded how much i liked it and my plans for that day went out the window !
February 6th, 2011
When I shot this, I had it envisioned with a darker lighting and showing my piercing-just an overall edgier feel-it is NOT who I am at all, but I tried. And failed lol, so I kind of went the other way with it and it worked. But everyone loved this shot on FB and a lot of people commented on here

February 7th, 2011
When I started shooting this set up I originally was going for a shot of "Yoda climbing up a glass next to the bottle of Rum." But when I looked at the display on my camera after a couple of shots, I noticed his shadow looked pretty neat. So, the next shots I moved in closer and cut the glass out of the shot entirely ....keeping only his shadow and the bottle.
February 7th, 2011
@lissuhllama @flamez @amorton1437 BTW, these are all really cool accidental shootings. :-)
February 7th, 2011
The guy whose hands are 'framing' this shot was driving me nuts throughout the concert - his big head and/or hand was in all of my photos!! This was a pleasant surprise!

February 7th, 2011
@fanined That's very cool!
February 7th, 2011
@lauraann01 i know - he redeemed himself!! lol
February 7th, 2011
@lissuhllama In a mildly unpleasant turn of events I just shot this and uploaded...

February 7th, 2011

I was lucky to catch him doing that - I got to title this "The Nervous Businessman".

I was just zooming in and playing around with the camera while my friend stood over her bicycle. I snapped a shot right when she turned and gave me that expression.

He turned and looked at me!
February 7th, 2011

and then he yawned ...
February 7th, 2011
Just ordinary coffee cup...I liked the lighting of the coffeeshop but this turned out better than I hoped for...

February 7th, 2011
The kids were just having a bath and I had my camera and happened to click as he started splashing. I didn't think I would ever get the droplets to turn out so well.
February 7th, 2011
I was completely knackered after this hike. I was lying on the ground and just took a shot of the sky...I just love clouds and this was the result.
February 7th, 2011

This is mine. I made me some coffee & clicked a pic & this is what I got I was amazed & impressed.
February 7th, 2011
This one:

I was practicing something I'd seen on a page on FB but in those photos all the children were happy/laughing etc which is what I wanted to try and capture too, Callum however wouldn't play ball with being happy. I thought the whole thing had been a flop and asked my hubby to look through and tell me if they were really awful... and that's when he showed me this one I'd caught. It's now one of my all time favourite photos and hubby wants to get it printed onto canvas.
February 7th, 2011
good topic! I had an idea of a photo that actually after setting up led me to a tangent which when I took the photo blew me away and my mind led me to a creative edit...I had taken a macro shot of a glass heart shaped container filled with red glass pebbles with a white lit tealight in the center...I covered the tealight completely except for the wick and took a close up macro and after a couple slight edits this is the finished product and I can't stop looking at it.

February 7th, 2011
i was just randomly snapping my camera about....trying to get something and got this

with my lensbaby on, so i was super surprised that the focus was pretty good...i don't love the picture, but it was honestly the best one i took all day that day.....
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