What to do with the photos

February 15th, 2011
Before this 365 project, I had an addiction of taking lots of pictures. It has completely gone out of control with taking a (err, hundreds of) photo each day! I delete tons of pictures each day. Still, I have loads and loads. What should I do with them? I'm a little embarrassed, and I should probably be even more critical deleting more. I should apply to be on "Digital hoarders...when you just can't delete"!

I'd post them on Flickr, but that feels more like a blackhole. There are only so many pictures you can post on a blog. And I hate the fact that they go on an external drive and get ignored. Please help...;-) I need another outlet, or a solution to this ever increasing problem. And if it pays, that would be nice.


February 15th, 2011
How about doing 3 albums a day, one for each types of photos or something. I recently started doing that. It's fun, but also takes more time as I normally have to take the photos at night after work!

As for storing the rest of the imags, keeping them on external hard disk is much much better than when I have to keep all my slides in boxes!!!
February 15th, 2011
Go on a photo diet. For two days, take only 3 photos -- but they have to be good photos, not documentary photos, but photos you would frame. Discipline yourself by determining in advance what vision, what focus, what color, what subject, what the end result will be. You can even sketch it so you keep your ducks (techniques) in order. Discipliine. Like eating chocolate. Savor each nibble. Don't gorge yourself on chocolate or a bunch of throw away photos.
February 15th, 2011
I'm in the same boat as you....
I take way too many, then have no clue why. They (for the most part) sit on my external, just to be looked at by me.
February 15th, 2011
Why not also join a discussion forum without a one-per-day restriction, and share your work and comments with others who suffer from the itchy trigger finger syndrome? It doesn't have to be exclusively photographic. Some interesting side discussions can develop when there are no limits to what or how much you can post; one member's picture prompts somebody to send another or recount past experiences. It works for me ... but 365 also works by instilling the discipline of using the camera every day, and then the difficult part: choosing just one to represent that day's activity (multiplied by three if you are an ace member).
February 15th, 2011
I have the same problem I am so addicted to taking photos.. I put a lot of mine up on facebook for everyone to see, photos are made to be seen :)
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