IR Photos without a filter

February 23rd, 2011
Before I receive a comment about a past post, I read some and could not clearly find the answer to my question.

I take IR photos using a thermal camera, FLIR i5 and would like to take IR photos with my Canon Rebel XS but do not want to go out to purchase an IR filter. Can this technique be accomplished without an IR filter and with a filter that I already have, UV, CPL or FL-D? If so, could someone post the link to a good web site or respond with some instructions.
February 23rd, 2011
Joe, as far as I know...

You would need an Infa Red filter. I don't use one, but I use Tiffen DFX, which simulates their filters quite well in this area. Standard IR is sharper that the thermal heat seeking cameras, and very different.

Also, (I know, old school again) there was always Infa Red film. Never used it though,and don't know if they still make it or where to get it.
February 23rd, 2011
@moncooga That is what I thought. Being an engineer, maybe I can rig something up.
February 23rd, 2011
well given that: "near-IR (NIR), which goes from about 800nm to 2500nm. Medium wavelength IR (MWIR), going from 3000 to 5000 nm, and Long wavelength IR (LWIR) going from 8000 to 14000 nm."

UV is 10 nm to 400 nm

there is that nasty visible light in between....

So I don't see how you could rig something up.... but...

If you don't want the filter... there are plastics and glass that transfer only IR light... the sensor on most cameras should be able to pick up the wavelength...
February 23rd, 2011
Here are some articles on IR:
I started shooting IR with a sony v1 that had "nightshot", which allowed you to shot in IR, with filters, but not requiring long exposures. Now I have an IR modified Nikon that has had the hot mirror replaced, and does not require filters. Maybe I'll have to charge up the batteries, I haven't been using it lately.
February 23rd, 2011

the 2 photo above taken WITH AN IR FILTER......

and this 2 photo above its called PSUDO infra red ..... done only in photoshop

heres how to do psudo infra red "WITHOUT" using a filter, just photoshop ... ♥
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