Your Favorite Pet Photos

March 3rd, 2011
Admit it, we all think our pets are the cutest, sweetest, funnest ever. And in looking through alot of our fellow 365er photos, we are doing such a fantastic job capturing human emotion in our cherished furry, feathered and scaly friends. Post a few of your favorite pet pics here and let us know what's going on in their minds.

"I dont care how cold Mama thinks I am, this white stuff is fun and sure beats staying indoors during the recent southwest snowmaggedon"

"Dreaming of squirrels, cheddar chicken cookies and napping by my Mama"

"I will pulverize you with my laser beams"

March 3rd, 2011
I have literally hundreds of photos of our St. Bernard... but the only ones I have loaded to 365 is -

March 3rd, 2011
this one is still one of my favorites, as it captures Julius' timidness in the "big"

"I'm SKeeReD!"

March 3rd, 2011
@atalitude I love you pet shots! @andrew_pavlik your St.Bernard is so awesome too!

These are my two favs!

"Put that friggin camera down and let me in, I'm hanging on a window sill here lady!"

"I am all mighty goddess of the sundogs! It's getting a little chilly though and I'm quite frightened" (She is a confused dog apparently)
March 3rd, 2011
There will be many more photos of Chloe throughout the year, but this was the first one that I posted of her.
March 3rd, 2011
@semrants Sarah, WOW! If this cat could talk, what would they say? Those eyes are stunning!
March 3rd, 2011
@michellepj HA! She's either strategizing her next rodent hunt, or is longing to go outside to play.
March 3rd, 2011
Was trying the cloning technique in photoshop. I found a great tutorial on You Tube with Gavin Hoey. This was my first quick attempt. Try it, you'll find it really simple and fun!

March 3rd, 2011
This is Louie, my bearded dragon. I'm surprised that I haven't posted many more of him yet.
March 3rd, 2011
@andrew_pavlik Awwwwwww, big boy.
March 3rd, 2011
@mackena So cool, i'll have to try this. Although my husband might have a heart attack at first glance if he thought we had more than 3 yorkies :)
March 3rd, 2011
@kaylaferguson He's beautiful, love him on the yellow fabric. The detail in this photo is amazing!
March 3rd, 2011
@atalitude Okay missed that part of it haha, added some captions now! @kaylaferguson LOVE Louie!
March 3rd, 2011
@jennylee awwwwwwwwww, sweet kittie. Its ok to come out and play.
March 3rd, 2011
@atalitude He sure is, 176lbs! And he will love to sit on your lap, not kidding.
March 3rd, 2011
@atalitude thanks...and I meant to add the caption, which is also the title of that shot...."I'm SKeeReD!" lol
March 3rd, 2011
@semrants Ha! Yeah, i guess they are pretty sick of our cameras in their faces :) Love the captions.
March 3rd, 2011
meet Basty... the nasty...

March 3rd, 2011

Why are you upside down?
March 3rd, 2011
@atalitude @semrants thanks! Louies a sweetheart :)
March 3rd, 2011
@arielmagyawejr sweet face, seems very innocent, i take it by your caption, not so much?
March 3rd, 2011
@cjwhite lol...that's cute!
March 3rd, 2011
@atalitude those are his portraits when he was still a kiddo.. and now, basty is a real nasty! But still love how pets become a somehow a source of joy and anti stress at most times..

love that stuff toy - like pet of yours! so cuteee! :)
March 3rd, 2011
I have only posted one picture of my dog for this project. In this photo, Spot is looking towards his food dish in hopes I filled it with dog food. When I started taking pictures of Spot, he was camera shy and even hid in his dog house. Now, he almost poses for me!

March 3rd, 2011
@jennylee Thank you! I love your scared little kitty! :0)
March 3rd, 2011
@semrants I've seen that look on my cats before! LOL Love it!
March 3rd, 2011
Favorite kitty shot

Favorite dog shot
March 3rd, 2011
March 3rd, 2011
Yes, I know I'm the Queen!
March 3rd, 2011
Ellie Mae
March 3rd, 2011
Our kitty who just saw his "Dad" get home from work. Kitty will be 10yr old next week.

March 3rd, 2011
I'm a HUGE pet lover, and I'm loving the pictures on this thread. Great idea! Here's a couple of my fav's i've posted over the past couple of months:

March 3rd, 2011

It's anyone's guess what was actually going through his mind at that moment...
March 3rd, 2011
i have quite a few of my dog, Tony. . .here's one

March 3rd, 2011
Here is the first of what I am sure will become an oversupply of puppy photos - taken just the Saturday past before they were even a full day old... so incredibly cute - I have lost more already - just not quite off the camera yet!
March 3rd, 2011
@kerrinjane Sigh... my typing!!.... *lots more already* even
March 3rd, 2011
This is Alice in need of a haircut.
March 3rd, 2011
I love this one of my little Snickerdoodles. "I.Haz>No.Body" Snickers loves to stare at the cursor on my laptop. Here she is just illuminated by the light from the screen.

and her brother Jaspurr Whitlock Hare... "I so sleeeeeeeepy" He is an 8month old kitten and he can pass out at the drop of a hat in the most crazy positions.

March 3rd, 2011
"Huh?!? Did you say treat?"

"You can go ahead and take your photos...I'm NOT getting up to pose!"

"Me either!"
March 3rd, 2011
@miata2u Your Cavy is adorable and so nicely groomed!

Here's mine, first pic I've taken of him this project but I'm sure there will be more.
March 3rd, 2011
@daisy Awwwww, as if he's asking for an extra serving. Look Mama, Im posing like you want :)
March 3rd, 2011
@miata2u Peggy, that is one precious face. How do you get anything done around the house. I'd be too busy playing with your dog :)
March 3rd, 2011
@exposure4u Wendy, spectacular photo. What a majestic kitty, she seems deep in thought, perhaps conceiving her master plan to conquer the world?
March 3rd, 2011
@forgetmenot Angie, that look deserves and extra cookie for sure!
March 3rd, 2011
@mdavey Happy Birthday Kitty :) So gorgeous!
March 3rd, 2011
Wonderful shots everyone! This is my gorgeous Bruce today!
March 3rd, 2011
thisis my Kiomi

March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011
@dynamind Does this Bichon have a license?
March 4th, 2011
@dynamind Is Poodle having a shot of beer? At least its Michelob Ultra, so she's watching her girlish figure :)
March 4th, 2011
@angievega Love the action shot. Look Ma, I'm a dog, now a bunny, now a dog, now a bunny
March 4th, 2011
@charli321 Bruce is about to P-O-U-N-C-E!!!! Beautiful photo.
March 4th, 2011

This is my beautiful little boy Bobo. He is 9 months old. And hates baths :)
March 4th, 2011
@interludephotos With adorable faces like that, how could you not give them a treat every hour on the hour? The last photo makes me smile. such a sweet and kissable nose :)
March 4th, 2011
@cocorose Simply gorgeous. Best of picture show :)
March 4th, 2011
@yungingr Eric, I think he maybe looking for the instructions or batteries :)
March 4th, 2011

My beautiful Bobo again!
March 4th, 2011
@stepheesue Stephanie, all he needs is a tweed cap and a pipe in his mouth. He's off the class to teach the masses :) Great shot!
March 4th, 2011
@natashawhitney But he looks so cute taking them :) He's like an oversized teddy bear. Thanks for sharing, made me giggle :)
March 4th, 2011

My sweet kitty, Ozzie
March 4th, 2011
@angievega is he a labradoodle? he looks just like ours when he runs! too cute! (see my posting above for a picture of our Moki)
March 4th, 2011
@atalitude...she wants to be both as long as all the attention is on her...thanks

March 4th, 2011
@pixelchix...hey heather, Tenaya and Moki are too cute. Kiomi is a toy poodle my neighbors have a labradoodle and he is adorable...
March 4th, 2011
we have 5 cats, all with pretty weird personalities.

Miles (aka MOGES) and Master Kitten. Miles is the oldest of the cat and used to be a real SOB. Then he had him fixed and he's friendly to a fault. He'll stand up on hind legs and will rub his head into your palm, forcing you to pet him.

from my boyfriend's project, this is carl. she is SO friendly to people, but isn't a fan of the other cats. yes, carl is a she. she does like to make funny faces:

Luna Balloona is so timid and sweet.

another from nate's project - this is sanchez. she is our monster cat. she was the runt of the litter (she's carl's sister) and is pretty creepy looking sometimes. Her markings make her look pretty strange from certain angles (pretty much all of them.)

Master Kitten. He's one of a kind. Hilarious and mischievous, he makes sure Moges gets his exercise..

March 4th, 2011

March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011

The story behind these adorable ducklings is too funny..
March 4th, 2011

This is Cookie with my daughter.
March 4th, 2011
This is Mati and her first experience with a duck.
March 4th, 2011
My Labs- Mac is the chocolate guy and Grayton is the black girl

March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011

March 4th, 2011
Cosmo! Crazy, high-strung, boundless energy, puppy ( at 4 years old ), loving. He's running at me just because he can.

Peanut! Regal, serious, mellow, sweet.

March 4th, 2011
@atalitude aw, thanks! what a great thread you started! everyone loves their animals, so what could be happier?! (I mean other than the obvious - kids - haha)
March 4th, 2011
This is Sugar

and Rosie

March 4th, 2011
What a fun thread!

I wish she'd put that camera away. *sigh*

Pet me, please

I really want that marshmallow you're holding.....
March 4th, 2011

me and my birdie:D
March 4th, 2011
This is Willow! :)
March 4th, 2011

My camera was making a beeping sound, and Jazz came to investigate... :)
March 4th, 2011
I just started, so I only have two pet photos in my project. My favorite of the two is of my cat, Cheddar. He loves to flop on the rug in the bathroom. He runs in there every time I open the door for that very purpose.

March 4th, 2011
a tired and lonely cat. :)
March 4th, 2011

March 4th, 2011
This is Phoenix thinking "What are you doing with that strange black flashy thing?"

And Magic thinking "I'm going to land on your head!"

March 4th, 2011
Hmmm Phoenix pic didn't post... trying again:

March 4th, 2011
I take more photos of my pets than anything else I think. However, I only have one uploaded to 365. My dog Buddy is so hard to take photos of because he won't sit still! But I managed to get a shot the other day.

March 4th, 2011
This is Gizmo!

And this is Mouse!
March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011
Tootsie is thinking: "OK Mom, I know you THINK I love this white stuff...but really your LAP is my most favorite place to be!!Great Thread...since she is one of my favorite subjects!!
March 4th, 2011
@sarabeth_photo Hi We have a Jazz too and I can see similarities!! haha
March 4th, 2011
a href="">

March 4th, 2011
Aww, these are all so sweet...
Here is my cat

"What are you lookin' at??

March 4th, 2011

March 4th, 2011
My babies:
Casey & Rocky

March 4th, 2011
My little Rusty

March 4th, 2011
Lets go for a drive.

No more photos please

I am talking to you!
March 4th, 2011
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these pictures!

Here's a few of mine...

March 4th, 2011
This is Max, my attitudinal little cat.

March 4th, 2011

When my grandchildren come to visit, Brody gets to go outside with them and play. He is saying to himself, "This is the most fun I have had all day!"
March 4th, 2011
anyone else with a tortoise?
March 4th, 2011
My dog, Zapp: Must smell EVERYthing!!
My cat Nibbler, thinking "Oh you poor, weak human. I pity you."

My other cat, Fry, saying "Pay attention to me!!!" (he is very needy.)

One more of Zapp: "Walk time?"
March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011
Oh you know I have to share snow Dexter and Kissy Darwin!! :D

March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011
Here is our nearly-19-year-old Tabby-point Siamese, Tawny:

And here is Ravenpaw (named for one of the cat characters in the Warriors book series):

March 4th, 2011
I do have a few favourites, but I especially love this one as Roborovski Hamsters are very difficult to photograph! This is Hamish.

March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011
@cally I miss my robo hamster so much! so cute!
March 4th, 2011

March 5th, 2011
Here's Ellie May

March 5th, 2011

i just got one..
March 5th, 2011

March 5th, 2011

March 5th, 2011
March 5th, 2011
March 5th, 2011
@annettea Oohhh! What kind of dog is your Jazz? I rescued her and no one seems to know what kind of dog she might be... :-) (Although sometimes mutts are the sweetest...)
March 5th, 2011

This is my pitbull, Pooka, and one of my many cats, Tyco, cuddling. Pooka just looks tired, and Tyco looks annoyed.
March 5th, 2011
Whiskey is mad that I'm taking pictures of her...

And Stoli is scared after her big fall...
March 5th, 2011
@kdutson Love the paw, great shot, so sweet.
March 5th, 2011
@maceugenio sooooooooo fluffy, love the fur detail. What a precious soul :)
March 5th, 2011
@lisjam1 Lisabell, great shots!!!! although no good can come of the curious kitty in the fish bowl :)
March 5th, 2011
@meredithwb Tawny's photo is stunning. Those blue eyes have a story to tell for sure.
March 5th, 2011
March 5th, 2011
@miata2u Peggy, I want your dog. There, I said it... so friggin' adorable.
March 5th, 2011
@brooketallman Brooke, these are all amazing photos. Seems you have your hands full with all 5 personalities. The last one is my favorite, such trouble with the flower pollen. Love it!
March 5th, 2011
@babedol23 Annie, totally dig the shoes..... fantastic photos :)
March 5th, 2011

" Yeah, I know, I'm adorable!"

"Oh crap, I woke up for this! At least get a decent shot of me would ya!"

"I'm not talking to you! I'm very cold and I think its stupid you make me cold just to get your daily shot for this 365 thingy ma jiger"

"Look how well I can pretend to be calm!"
March 5th, 2011
@bsingleton0010 Brandon, the snow caption is perfect!!!!! Your yorkie is adorable, and the kitten is precious. Thanks for posting these. Made me smile.
March 5th, 2011
"How's it going?" ~Treat

March 5th, 2011
March 5th, 2011
This one of Goose was taken with my blackberry. He now has goggles to wear this summer when we ride in the car! Can't wait to get photos of him with them on!

March 5th, 2011
I thought I posted here but don't see it. If I missed it and am duplicating, I am sorry.
This is Ginger on one of her favorite days!

March 5th, 2011
one of my favorites of my Sofie.
March 5th, 2011
Loving all the gorgeous pets! I take far too many pictures of my kitties, but they're just too cute! Love our bunny too but she's really difficult to take pictures of... not like these two posers!

March 5th, 2011
@atalitude I'm loving this discussion! So many awesome shots! Here's my mist recent shot of my soul-mate dog Tenaya.
March 5th, 2011
March 5th, 2011

Hm, this salad was delicious - I wonder, if I can also eat this big black thing in front of my face?
March 5th, 2011

Purr sees the camera coming these days, so I try and catch him unaware!
March 5th, 2011
Sir Jepsalot of Winston

March 6th, 2011
my man!

March 6th, 2011

March 7th, 2011
March 14th, 2011

May 8th, 2013

is this cheating because they aren't my actual pets?
and sorry for posting so many
p.s. critique
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