Approached for use of photos...

March 3rd, 2011
This evening, the chairwoman of my hometown's Chamber of Commerce 'friended' me on facebook -- she is a personal friend, so nothing unusual there. I've got the 365 app loaded to my profile, so every picture I upload here gets displayed on facebook as well, and she must have browsed through my entire gallery thus far. (A lot of the images are taken in/very near to town). I got a message from her an hour or so ago, saying "Cool photos Eric! I would love to use some on our {town} website"

Now, I have no problems with allowing some of my photos to be used to help promote my town, but my question is - do I offer to sell them some photos, or consider it 'publicity' and let them use the images free of charge? The town is right around population 2,200, and I know Chamber doesn't have bottomless coffers. Right now, photography is just a side hobby, but as I improve my skills and equipment, I would like to make it a side job; and I've often heard the mantra "Give something away once, and they'll expect it every time"

And lastly, regardless of which way I end up going with the images, do I need to write up some form of agreement? Do I retain copyright, with them having permission to use the images?

March 3rd, 2011
Well to start with there is no right answer...

your mantra is correct... so ask for a small fee (whatever the local paper might pay for an image say) and/or ad space on their website so you get something out of it...

Or as a hobby and in a small town... post the photos.... everyone will know they are yours and may ask you for other work/task... it really is all up to you...

but in all cases you would retain copyright and the photos use would be limited to whatever you put in writing...
March 3rd, 2011
I am no expert on the subject, just an opinion here, but....
as Jordan said above their is no right answer. I agree with him 100%, you get some nice exposure, maybe a small fee, or free advertising for a specified time. At any rate it is wonderful recognition of your work and a great way to support your town, so free with photography credits given would even be good! Your call!
March 4th, 2011
I am a professional journalist (HA)...sorry just thought that sounded silly...anyway, we use alot of professional photography in our magazines, etc., with photo credit. We pay a photographer for really hard-to-get shots, but then there are local photographers who might be at an event or something and they'll let us use the one photo with a credit in the one article--that type of thing. No one has asked for ad space (yet) but we might make allowances for that if the photos were really killer! Additionally, we pay stringers $30/article and $5/'s not a lot I know (small weekly newspaper)...and $5/photo for the point-and-shoot photos in the magazines. I wouldn't do advertising unless you're prepared to take on the work...hobby photography can pay, too. Don't knock that. Otherwise a credit and/or a thank you in the section could be enough. Good luck! :) I've taken a ton of photos at sporting events, etc., I've sent in to the local newspaper (different one) for nonprofits. Gets my photos published anyway :)
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