Do the photos have to be taken on the exact day?

April 7th, 2011
Or can I upload photos I've already taken?
Thanks for any replies.
April 7th, 2011
there are no rules Steve. You will find some of us take one photo every day and upload that photo on the day, but there are some who use "fillers" if they miss a day or two or a week or more.

all the best.
April 7th, 2011
It is your project to do with what you wish! Some like to post photos on the exact day, and others may use photos they've taken in the past as "fillers" if they didn't have a chance to take a photo, or simply if they want to share them. Only restriction is that you can't post a photo more than three days ahead from the current date.
April 7th, 2011
So I can post photos that were taken on any date in the past, thanks.
April 7th, 2011
if they are not taken on a specific date, there is a group who travel to each location and flog a person repeatedly with a wet noodle.

in all seriousness, most try to day by day, such as the name 365 project suggests, but often things get in the way. some will just skip calendar days, others may shoot 2 in one day if they miss a day. i have 2 albums, one for day by day, and if i miss a day i sometimes take 2 in one day instead. the other album i have set for photos taken any day.

the second album is because i paid for an ace membership, which i think is a good investment. multiple albums, online photo editor, stats, and most of all, it helps the site in covering its costs.

i see the two you have on here are by iphone, just a heads up, there are several that are doing entire projects with the iphone, and getting great sets, you should have a lot of fun with it. most of the shots i have in my project are with either my phone or point and shoot.

good luck, welcome, and have fun shooting
April 7th, 2011
It's up to you :) as the others have said.
April 7th, 2011
No rule. But I (still) do.
April 7th, 2011
@cchambers Oh why oh why haven't I been visited by the wet-noodle-flogging team yet? Hmmmm?

(Sorry, nothing serious to add to the discussion, just wondering when I'm going to get my flogging?)
April 7th, 2011
@cchambers Yeah, who is doing the flogging I may be interested ;-)
April 7th, 2011
@microart @pete21 i've been waiting for mine as well unfortunately i just get the threats of it with a box in my mail with the wet noodles and a note stating your time is coming, stop posting pics not taken on proper day... one can only hope....
April 7th, 2011
Your project, your rules! :)

This one of mine, for instance, was taken some years ago but added as a filler when lacking inspiration.

April 7th, 2011
I've just realised that my album is entirely made up of "fillers" :-(

Hope they won't flog me too hard...
June 28th, 2012
Hi there.
What am I doing wrong when uploading my pictures that it doesn't show" Picture Taken" and "Exif info"? I try to take pictures every day but don't aIways upload them into my project daily... I put each picture in the right day, so it should upload all the info with it?
Thank you.
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