Different number of photos

April 8th, 2011
I did a search first but missed the discussion if it is out there. My photo number under my photo today reads 97/365, however in the upper-right it reads 100 Photos. I know it's 97 but the 100 threw me off, especially because I want to celebrate my 100th photo - silly I know, but hey, I love being a progressing 365er!
April 8th, 2011
@mamabec Did you upload a few profile pics? I often wonder if this is what causes the discrepancy--you're not the only one! :-)
April 8th, 2011
I've noticed this too... weird.
April 8th, 2011
@aikiuser @mizikei
BINGO -brilliant brain action on your part. YES - original profile photo; new selfie profile photo; cropped and resubmitted the selfie photo ... That makes thee and answers the discrepancy!! Now I can sleep at night. Blessings - MamaBec
April 8th, 2011
@aikiuser I've been wondering the same thing too, thanks for explaining it!
April 8th, 2011
I just actually went and counted my photos and mine's off too. Grrrr. My OCD self is very agitated by this!
April 8th, 2011
@soothingbeauty @pwallis
I am an ACE Member but only maintain one album. From the other responses I have deduced that the profile uploads and/or the one time I posted a photo and immediately deleted it, could also be the reason. I understand the OCD feeling but at least I feel I have a reason why, so I will only go by the 97/365 as being the accurate representation of the number of photos for the year.
@aikiuser @mizikei
Thank you for helping to solve the mystery!
April 8th, 2011
I had read a previous thread before that it could be because of posting a file and then deleting it. Mine is 3 off and I believe I've had 3 photos I posted and then decided to go with something else. It's a bit weird, not sure if it can be fixed?
April 8th, 2011
I'm okay with the difference now that I understand the reasons why.
April 9th, 2011
@pwallis my ocd got the best of me...i went through and did that at least three times
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