What do you use to edit your photos.. and which is your most edited photo?

April 13th, 2011
Just curious as to what most people use to do their photo editing. Do a lot of you use picnik? Picnik is definitely my favorite place to edit, but I also use Paint Shop Pro 8 every once in awhile as well.

I'm also curious how long you usually take to edit (if at all) and which image you think you took the longest to edit. :)

All this has been brought up because I have a friend that actually went to school to become a professional photographer, and was shocked when he told me he had been editing a photo for 5 hours and still wasn't finished yet. It kind of encouraged me to spend a little more time on the edit screen and really look hard at things I could improve digitally. I used to spend maybe 5-10 minutes max on each image.

This is my newest, and probably the one I spent most time on editing, but I didn't do a whole lot to it. Probably only stared at it for about 20 minutes to a half hour:

April 13th, 2011
I use Picnik... and I usually don't spend too much time on editing; except for last night I spend over an hour trying to take power lines out of my sunrise shot. (I haven't posted it yet)
April 13th, 2011
I use lightroom and Photoshop, sometimes picnik if away from my computer at home. I don't do a terrible amount of editing on most days - depends If I am going for a certain mood or something more natural. My most edited by far was for the can object challenge. If I were to take this one today, I would probably try to make it happen without the photoshop filters :)

April 13th, 2011
@sarabeth_photo I gave up on taking industrial stuff out of my sunset shots. I have been really happy with the shots I've done where I incorporated them instead!
April 13th, 2011
I use Corel Photopaint and sometimes, in addition, Lo-Fi.

Guess my most edited photos here in 365 are these HDR pics, judging from the time it took me:

April 13th, 2011
@sdpace Hmmm... well, I did a before & after frame, so maybe my followers can tell me which they like better when I get around to posting it. :) (It would be a lot easier to just leave it in there....)
April 13th, 2011
Photoshop and Lightroom! Unless there is something that needs fixed, it generally stays in Lightroom for those minor tweaks.
April 13th, 2011
I use picnik because I haven't figured out Photoshop or Lightroom yet, hah..

April 13th, 2011
I used Lightroom on my other laptop when I shot RAW for awhile, but I don't have it on this computer so here I just use Picnik and that's that.
April 13th, 2011
I use Lightroom for all my editing.
April 13th, 2011
I use Corel X3 - mainly because I come from a graphic design background and it comes with the package - am only just getting into it. Never really used it before. I spend about 30 seconds to maybe 5 minutes a pic. Mostly for cropping or pulling and pushing colours....still learning all the various options I have at my disposal. All part of the fun.
April 13th, 2011
My basic principle is that I do not want to edit the picture afterwards. Sometimes I crop the photo. In this cases I use windows fotogalary. I have looked to picnic and it looks very simple to use.
April 13th, 2011
I shoot RAW and I use Lightroom 3 as my primary editor, and occasionally Photoshop Elements 9. For B&W conversion I use the Silver Efex Pro 2 plugin for Lightroom
April 13th, 2011
I use Gimp and it's awesome! I do a little editing to my photo's, but usually nothing more than what would have been done with traditional film in a light room. Just minor changes to enhance the photo. Of course, sometimes I like to have fun and go crazy with editing!

Here's an example, I used Gimp to color my hair pink!

April 13th, 2011
I use Picasa 3 and Picnik but I don't do much editing - just a tweak here or there. I have Gimp2 but no clue how to use it... lol.
April 13th, 2011
I use picknik almost exclusively and can do a pretty good remix usually within 15 minutes to at most an hour...I been using a little bit of gimp lately as I learn the ins and outs of it...this photo I used gimp as a necessity and it took me about 3 hours...

on this next one a remix of wwyd12 I used only picknik and my imagination...total time was about 20 minutes

April 13th, 2011
I use Picnik for simple adjustments or things like this:

I really like selective color and for that I use gimp

This one took awhile to edit. I can spend up to an hour working on a selective color (probably because I have to use the mouse thing on my laptop lol).
April 13th, 2011
This is quite the timely thread for me. I just wasted hours of my life last night editing a photo and trying to replicate a neat Photoshop piece from a tutorial. As I entered the second hour and had barely gotten my first object placed it stopped being enjoyable and turned into a chore. I'm starting to think that as impressed as I am by others' editing work I don't have the patience or desire to spend hours working on one photo that might be viewed by 50 people and appreciated by maybe half that. Instead I'll just enjoy what everyone else does and keep my editing to a minimum. Here's last night's effort:

I prefer the ease of Picnik but find it can't always do what I want so I tend to start in Photoshop and switch to Picnik if there's a particular effect I want to apply. I also have a few Photoshop actions that I like to try out. It seems I'm usually looking for the easiest route to come up with something a little unique and I do enjoy learning new tricks for Photoshop and occasionally trying lengthy editing projects.
April 13th, 2011
i use picnik, photoscape and picasa at the minute which are all free- i don't really process that much tho.
April 13th, 2011
I currently use Photoshop CS5 ... I started using PS version 5.0 back in the late 90's, and a lot has changed since then.. It used to come on floppy disks.. (wow) . and they've added a plethora of handy features.
April 13th, 2011
I try to keep it simple, try to get things right the first time around when taking the photo. I use picknik or ( iphoto for simple things), free is good for me. On average takes about 5 minuets.. unless I'm just having fun playing around with things.
April 13th, 2011
I use Picnik--but I have no idea how long I spend on a single photo. I do remember these took an extra amount of time because I was doing the background on the first and the tinting on the second and third by hand. (Maybe a half hour to an hour) Kind of equivalent to colouring in the lines....

April 13th, 2011
hmmm ok so im lazy so i dont spend as long editing as i perhaps should , i have a general rule that if it takes longer than 15 mins i wont do it LOL ! mainly as 15 mins is the longest i can get to myself in this house ! haha

i use paint shop pro X2 & also X3

this shot probably took the longest to edit but only cos i was willing to spend the time to match the picture in my head :

also maybe these two i took a little longer on too :

weird how its the teens shots that took me the longest in edit hmmmmmm...... back to the 3 year old i think haha !
April 13th, 2011
@refriedradio I use the Gimp too, it's the de-facto photo editor of choice for me :)

I don't spend too long editing, I half an hour seems like eternity. If I can't do it quickly then I haven't the patience to do it at all. The thing that takes the longest it usually picking out an outline of something

April 13th, 2011
I use Gimp and paintshop pro photo x2 they seem to cover everything I could possibly need, the amount of time editing depends on the image can be from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours heres some of my most edited work

April 13th, 2011
I use PhotoShop Elements 9

This one, using some of the filters probably took the longest, trying to decide exactly what kind of feel that I wanted.

More conventional editing, it was probably this photo.

April 13th, 2011
i use elements 7 and sometimes picnik....i try not to edit too much, but i am a fan of vintagy photos and soft lighting so i mess with that quite a bit....
April 13th, 2011
I use mainly PhotoShop and some picnik...I am not sure what pics are the most edited, I usually just crop and enhance the color a little and maybe add a frame or border.
April 13th, 2011
i use picnik...and i love it :)
April 13th, 2011
@asrai Your photos totally rock
April 13th, 2011
I use photoshop for my editing

April 13th, 2011
Lightroom and/or Photoshop
April 13th, 2011
Photoshop (older version) and Piccasa (especially when photoshop does not work---it is almost giving out on me!). I don't spend a lot of time editing.
April 13th, 2011
I use gimp for most of my editing. I sometimes use a bit of picknik or photoscape. I did a lot of editing on this photo yesterday trying to make it look old.
April 13th, 2011
@clarissajohal aww thanks :D
April 14th, 2011
I have Microsoft Digital Image Suite 10. Use it to do some cropping and very basic adjustments as I really have no idea how to process and edit!
April 14th, 2011
I started out using iPhoto and Picnik, but have since moved to Photoshop (which I don't use as much as I'd like because it intimidates me), Lightroom 3 (which I LOVE and is so simple), Photomatix (for HDR), and Picnik for frames and other minor editing. Is that considered "overkill"?

My most edited photos are...

April 14th, 2011
I learned on the original Photoshop in the olden days and continue to use it (CS5) for all my 'real photo' editing needs (my project is shot and edited only using the iPhone and apps). I can't imagine life without Photoshop.
April 14th, 2011
Lightroom3 (sometimes) and picnik... Count me as the lazy bunch because I spend very little time editing!
April 14th, 2011
I use Picasa, Picnik, and Gimp
This was my longest and most in-depth edit first editing all photos in Picnik to get the colors I wanted with the Hue feature then I took it into gimp and spent a day and a half on doing 16 separate layers. Called Time Machine was my entry into the Dali challenge :)

April 14th, 2011
I use Photoshop Elements 2 (yes, it's very, very old). I usually just adjust contrast and saturation a little, but sometimes I have more fun.

I should have made the truck a little blurrier so it blended in better on that one, but oh well.
April 14th, 2011
Much more fun than crayons or markers though and your results speak for themselves!
April 14th, 2011
@jesase The olden days, eh? My literary magazine is STILL working with InDesign and Photoshop CS. My teacher calls it "Photoshop Classic" to make us feel a little better.

At home I use Paint Shop Pro Photo X2. A lot of my shots are actually sooc, but sometimes I'll crop or adjust the white balance (especially if it's a photo I took inside the house! Our lighting sucks). If I get a wild hair I'll do something crazy, but it takes so long!

Probably my most-edited:
April 15th, 2011
I just edit to enhance, using iphoto on the mac and picasa on the pc. I'm a photographer not a graphic artist so I try to keep things looking natural for the most part. Certainly not disparaging Graphics folks, it's a totally different, and yes, spectacular art form.
April 15th, 2011
@proudrhrshipper - HA! For the industry of publishing and graphics, Adobe's Creative Suite is still the standard. I think! I really meant OLD in that I first learned Photoshop in 1995 ... that's a long time ago, and I cringe to think it's really so far past!
April 15th, 2011

I also like Adobe... I use the CS4. It has deffinately taken me a couple hours on some photos. Just trying to play with it more than anything!
April 15th, 2011
I do most of my editing in photoshop, usually its just cropping or color correction.
April 15th, 2011
Most editing I do is in picasa or piknic. Usually that is mainly cropping or adjusting the fill light. I use camera 360 or retro camera for android apps on my phone to shoot my photos and that usually gives me the effect I want. The most time I have spent on a photo is maybe a half hour or 45 minutes on making a collage of baseball my opening night photos when I couldn't decide on just one to post.

April 15th, 2011
Photoshop but since many use Picnic, I'll give it a try. =>
April 15th, 2011
Usually Picnik or Befunky if I want a more artsy look.
Just downloaded Gimp, but haven't had time to figure out how it works.
I think the longest I've spent is maybe 20 minutes editing. Although I love to fiddle around with images, I mostly edit to correct the shortcomings of my cheap camera.
April 15th, 2011
I use iphoto first to fix mistakes mostly and to boost the color and then picnik to add texts and frames or whatever else. I dont have the premium version, just the free one.
April 15th, 2011
I currently use Picnik because it allows so much manual control if you ignore the numerous presets, and I don't think any limit should be placed on how long it takes to make a photograph look the way you feel does it justice ... as long as it doesn't look over-processed!

I have never published a picture 'SOOC' because I can always see room for improvement, even if it is only a bit of cropping or carefully applied dodge and burn, which were the only improvements available before the digital age and have thankfully been retained .

I don't know which was my 'most edited' shot, but this was the latest: Picnik processing + Picasa collage:

April 15th, 2011
i just use iphoto on the mac and spend about 3 minutes on each photo... if that.
April 15th, 2011
I'm a photoshop feind and this is one of my most edited but i edit all of mine and make many different versions.

This one took me 4 hours on photo shop... it was more of a creation than just an edit
April 15th, 2011

i use photoshop CS5.... and this would be my most edited pic... with all the layers of black and white and toning and all that stuff.. hahaha =))
April 15th, 2011
I use GIMP. Free and easy to use but still learning all the functions. Now that I know a few things, photos SOOC just aren't quite the same. Here are a couple photos I had fun with.

April 15th, 2011
I use mostly Picnik, because it's fun and easy to use. Sometimes I go a bit overboard:

In this shot I added some textures to make it spooky:

My kitty "decorated" for Christmas:

Probably my most-edited photo - it was taken in the snow, and I had to 're-paint' one of my shoes and the white background:

For minor adjustments of contrast and color I use Picasa - it's very quick and simple, especially when editing a bunch of photos:

I also have Photoshop and I am trying to learn how to use it. This photo was edited in Picnik first, and then I used a Photoshop action on it:

April 15th, 2011
I have Lightroom 3 and PSE 6. I use mostly LR but sometimes I like PSE for the cloning feature :P

But personally, SOOC is always my goal. But if I cant... Then I edit :)
April 15th, 2011
PS 7 and/or Picnik. It depends on the time, sometimes just a quick little fix like adding light or contrast, othertimes about 20 minutes just messing around and trying new things.
April 15th, 2011
Love your editing skills! @slava
April 15th, 2011
I use lightroom 3, photoshop CS5 and currently use Florabella actions and textures which can be found at http://florabellacollection.com/

April 15th, 2011
I use Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom 3, but I have heard a lot about Picnik, and I thikn I might try it out for quick edits because Photoshop tends to get a little complex sometimes.
April 15th, 2011

If you are looking for lighter editing.. I normally just use the photo editing built into Macs. its simple.. boosters faders and vintage to name a few you can really create a pretty image without all the fancy photoshop work :)
July 27th, 2011
@attraversi You edited the picture of the flowers in Picnik?! That's amazing! how did you do it?
July 27th, 2011
I love this thread because I've wanted to look at new editors to try. I usually use picnik, but i've tried BeFunky... they're easy and quick!
August 7th, 2011
@tigervolleyball I used the "Bunny Tone" effect under "Holidays" :)
August 8th, 2011
@attraversi THANK YOU :) I'm going to try it!
August 8th, 2011
i use picnik, paint.net and photoshop
here is my most edited photo (used photoshop with lots of layer on this one)
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