Show Off Your Photos With Little Views Or Comments

May 4th, 2011
I have a few photos I'm proud of, but for whatever reason, they don't have many views or any comments. I was wondering if anybody else had a photo like this. If so, share it here so maybe it can get the recognition it deserves! If you have more than one album, post one picture from each. I'll start with my two.

This is only my fourth picture, but it remains one of my favorites. It has quite a few views, but only one comment.

And from my second album. I liked the focus and colors here, but it only has four views and no comments.

Anybody else have a "non-popular" photo you'd like more people to see?
May 4th, 2011
I've always like this shot. It nearly made my 365 for that day (I had even uploaded it) but it's only had 33 views and no comments.

May 4th, 2011
This one...
May 4th, 2011
This one, because it is so personal to me and has such a great story behind it (read description is you like)

this one I just love

and I thought this one was cool
May 4th, 2011
This is actually one of my daughter's pictures. It's one of my very favorites and has very little activity...only 2 comments and 10 or 12 views.
May 4th, 2011
this one from my 2nd album

but most of my 2nd album hardly has any views
May 4th, 2011

i love all of these:) i find that the photos that are my personal favs arent always popular on the site...still i love them:)
May 4th, 2011
pretty much all of mine ;)
some great photos here btw, i love the tutu
May 4th, 2011
@jessleeca - i like that bright, crisp and happy:)
May 4th, 2011
May 4th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle- love the ballerina one:)
May 4th, 2011

May 4th, 2011
@dkg My second album doesn't get as many views either. It's sad, because I put nice photos in there too...

@4stories My favorites are rarely popular. I've had one photo make it to the popular page, and it's not one I was super proud of. It was ok, obviously if I posted it, but not one of my best, in my opinion.
May 4th, 2011

May 4th, 2011
Most of mine at present have little views ...

May 4th, 2011
May 4th, 2011
@4stories Thanks Liz!
May 4th, 2011
41 views, no comments. I thought this was rather cool, using HDR from an iPhone.
May 4th, 2011
@lolanae I always love your shots, Brandie! They always have such nice detail.
May 4th, 2011
48 views, but only 4 comments.

May 4th, 2011
@sallycheese Thanks for the follow!
May 4th, 2011
I was really pleased with how this one turned out, especially since it wasn't actually the shot I was trying to take that day.

This remains one of my absolute favorites even though it hardly got noticed. It was one of my first Photoshop attempts and I thought everything came together perfectly from my photo shoot of the stairs in our local park to the editing.

May 4th, 2011
This is from my 2nd album which doesn't get many views

May 4th, 2011

I'll go with this one.
May 4th, 2011
how do you put the photos in?
May 4th, 2011

May 4th, 2011
I took these at the Lake Shrine Self Realization Retreat in Malibu. The first one had 93 views, but not one comment. The other one was posted in my other album on the same day and had views, but again, not comments. I was only a month in and didn't have many followers yet. I have quite a few more followers now and appreciate all of their great feedback! :)

May 4th, 2011
I love this shot - only one of my 365 project that has been printed and framed (apart from the one wedding photo!

May 4th, 2011
There was something about this that I just liked - the lighting etc

May 4th, 2011
I really like the this photo because of the colors and how simply pretty it is.
May 4th, 2011
viewed 48 times -- 6 comments.

May 4th, 2011
I just like the angle of this.
May 4th, 2011
May 4th, 2011
@chocochelle hiya...copy the code from the little box on the right hand side of your photo, and paste it on the discussion. :)

I've got some...will go look...
May 4th, 2011
Viewed 30 times but no comment
May 4th, 2011
@csievert I love this.....Hilarious!!!!
May 4th, 2011
Viewed 14 times but no comments...

May 4th, 2011
@4stories Beautiful!!!! So Pure!!
May 4th, 2011
@keke1rosie Thank you:)))
May 4th, 2011
I really liked this shot

May 4th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle Great thread, without looking too much, this one I love and it has 22 views but only 5 comments,

May 4th, 2011
May 4th, 2011

May 4th, 2011
This one's had a fair amount of views, but not too many comments. I really like it, but perhaps it all comes down to personal taste:)
May 4th, 2011
May 4th, 2011

May 4th, 2011
What a great thread! Recently my views have dipped dramatically, this one I love but only has a few views;

May 4th, 2011
Great thread. I really liked this photo because of the composition. Perhaps because I posted it along with a few other photos, it got missed.

May 4th, 2011

May 4th, 2011

May 4th, 2011
This only had 3 comments (and one was my mother, who loves everything I do, so I'm really only counting 2 comments.) I personally think this is one of my favorites so far in this challenge.

May 5th, 2011
i LOVE this shot. 23 views, no comments. :(

May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011

Views: 53 Comments: 3
I really loved this photo! But i didnt get much comment back on it.
May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011
It's a bit weird, I know - but I kinda like it...

May 5th, 2011

May 5th, 2011
I thought this was a pretty good shot. 17 views and the only comments came from my husband and daughter.

May 5th, 2011
And I like this shot too....

May 5th, 2011

All had about 30 view but not as many comments as my other shots. The last one met a lot to me because it was for the Japan disaster and I thought about it a lot and it just didn't get much love.
May 5th, 2011
Here's one.....

And another.....
May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011
For Autism Awareness Day
May 5th, 2011
I think I've gone through and viewed/commented on most of these photos. There are a lot of great shots here that didn't need to be passed by!
May 5th, 2011
I liked this one of my nephew. Two of the commenters were my sisters!

May 5th, 2011

May 5th, 2011
haha well probably all of my photos should be here, but i really liked this one and got zero comments for it :)
May 5th, 2011
I thought my percussion shot was really good:
May 5th, 2011

May 5th, 2011
I would have to choose these 2 :)

May 5th, 2011
I liked this one. It was a horrible gray day, so the lighting is pretty flat, but I thought it was interesting...15 views and no comments.

May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011
Only 8 views and 2 comments. I had a different vision in mind for this, so wasn't surprised that it wasn't very popular. I did like the colors in it though.

May 5th, 2011
two of my recent photos that happen to be my favourites of the year thus far, but not a whole lot of views.
from my 365 album:

from my etcetera album:

May 5th, 2011
I'm usually not a show-off, but I landed here and thought my last shot deserved to be shown :)

May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011

May 5th, 2011
These are all amazing shots. I hesitate to add mine, but I am going to anyway.
May 5th, 2011
I just went through every photo in my project and this one has the least views...
May 5th, 2011
My amish lamppost has the least views :-)

May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011
Most of my photos have no more than 25 views... but these are some of my favorites!

May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011
lol! all my 124 photos have little views! there's just too many wonderful photographers in this community. sometimes when i have time, i troll their albums to admire and see how much i suck at this. but so many to look at with so little time. how many are we now here, like a million? i've probably looked at just over a hundred. 9,900 plus or minus more to go. your pictures are all great, people. keep up the good work!!!
May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011
This one had very few and it's one of my favs.
May 5th, 2011
This one is one of my favs. Viewed 15 times and fav'ed 1, but no comments.

May 5th, 2011
One I liked at the time but seems to get little attention & comment is this up to 22 views and a solitary comment (thanks Lynn!) after 10 weeks or so...

May 5th, 2011
I really liked that one but back then I only had about ten followers so it wasn't viewed much. That was the time, when I didn't edit, yet, so this is SOOC:
May 5th, 2011
I did this one for the album cover challenge and was really please with how it turned out, but few viewed it or commented on it.

Here is another shot I just loved but it had very few views and even fewer comments.

May 5th, 2011
These 3:

May 5th, 2011
This one garnered very few views and/or comments, but I liked it anyway. :-)

May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011
@4stories how do you get those soft edges on your photos?
May 5th, 2011
i found another one i love, but didn't get much response...
May 5th, 2011

May 5th, 2011
Haha, this one has 0. Ever since I came back from my hiatus after my camera broke, I have noticed a dramatic drop in views. I don't really pay much attention, but its hard not to notice when you go from averaging 30+ views, to less than 10. I don't know if its the site seeing this drop, or the fact that I haven't been posting photos every single day like I was before. I still take the pictures every day, I just don't have the time to upload, so I wait and do it all at once. I have also noticed that a lot of my fan base has quit, so that might also have something to do with it too. But I'm not doing it for the fans or the views (that's what my FB page is for!) I'm doing it for me, so I can track my progress and help to be a better photographer.

May 5th, 2011
hardly any of my pictures have views :( I don't really know how to get out there more to get my pictures noticed....
this is one of my favorites though

May 5th, 2011
@chocochelle - i use a matte framing in picnik:) super easy!
May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011
I'm partial to this one, but I know that that doesn't mean everyone else has to

May 5th, 2011

May 5th, 2011
more recently:

older photos:

May 5th, 2011
One comment and 9 views lol

May 5th, 2011
I dont have Confidence in My own Photos but I was actually pleased with this one....

43 Views but not many comments :( Maybe its boring ??
May 5th, 2011

This is taken on film and scanned so doesn't look great but I love this image. I entered into a show last weekend and it won best overall b&w, best child study (which is the class it was entered into) and grand champion image of the show. I was blown away as I didn't expect that outcome such an honour.
May 5th, 2011
Here is one of my faves from my salvage yard a month or so ago. It is in a second album and I don't think that album gets the views. Here you go!

May 5th, 2011

May 5th, 2011
May 5th, 2011
May 6th, 2011

I love this picture, it needs more love!
May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
I really liked this one:

and this:

May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
I love this photo....Only 40 views and 2 comments.

29 views and 4 comments.

May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture! It is one of my favorites! Only 8 views...

May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
There's been a lot of great stuff here! These are all deserving of more love!
May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011

Nobody looked or commented on this one, but I was strangely pleased with it.
May 6th, 2011

Also, I'n really proud of this one, but no comments and very few views on it.
May 6th, 2011

May 6th, 2011

May 6th, 2011
I love this photo I took in Hiroshima because it had a bunch of elements in it. Apparently it wasn't bright enough or popped enough to be viewed all that much.

May 6th, 2011
I really liked this one, but seemingly the forum didn't agree. :) Only 18 views, no comments...
May 6th, 2011
This one only got 9 views and 1 comment ... from my Mum ! Normally I wouldn't care , but I squealed like a 12 year old Justin Beiber fan when I got this , I was so excited !
May 6th, 2011
@olba Haha! That's the best quote ever! I'm going to start using that.
May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
I know its not the greatest and over only one comment.
May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
My photos seem to get fewer and fewer views as my year goes on, and it seems now in the final days of my project, I'm lucky to get 2 comments!
This one in particular made me very surprised when it got no comments.
May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
It's a new post but I think that since it's in my secondary album and was back-dated, it my not be found all that easily.

May 6th, 2011

May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
I know this is for little views, but I was surprised that this one had 42 views but no comments... so I thought I'd share.

"He loves me; He loves me not"
May 6th, 2011
how do you make it appear in the discussion?
May 6th, 2011
@alun_b To the right of the picture there is a box that says share. Copy the code and paste it here.
May 6th, 2011
@kwoerner It's for little views AND comments, so you're perfectly alright posting it here!
May 6th, 2011
Three that I am particularly fond of....

May 6th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle Thanks! :)
May 6th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
9 views and no comments :(

May 6th, 2011
Great's on of mine...

May 6th, 2011

These are a few of my lowest. I was surprised to learn, looking through my project, that I have twice as many followers as I did at first, but now there are generally only half the views for each image ... ?
May 7th, 2011
@jesase I've noticed a lot of people just click follow, but then they're following so many they can't comment on all the photos. Plus, don't forget, people see the thumbnail on their homepage.
May 7th, 2011
May 7th, 2011
I have one more. I really thought this was a good photo. Not just pretty, but good. I thought it would get noticed. But it didn't. Not even among my followers - except for die hard follows (thanks guys). Am I seeing it differently than it is?

May 7th, 2011
May 7th, 2011
There are some beautiful photos amongst this lot! :) Here's one of mine with only one view...

May 7th, 2011
This is my favourite, and I'm a little surprised at the relative attention it's had compared to some of my worst photos! Maybe it's because I have emotional attachments to the bridge?!

May 7th, 2011
May 7th, 2011
May 7th, 2011
Not mine, but I just spotted this amazing pic which only has a few views and one comment so wanted to share.

by @alisonvirginia

May 7th, 2011
May 7th, 2011
These are some of my favs. ~

May 7th, 2011

I really loved this one & it only got 11 views. =(
May 7th, 2011
May 7th, 2011
I have a couple, this one had lots of views but no comments. Maybe it's the processing I did, I don't normally do any processing.

And I really like this one. I was trying something different.
May 8th, 2011
I was fairly proud of this and I normally get at least 1 comment fairly soon after I posted it but nothing yet.. only a few views too. I'm also not sure I like it anymore

May 8th, 2011
Here are 2 of mine that I really like, that I thought might have had more views / comments!

I'm not too bothered... just thought they may have had a little more :)

May 8th, 2011
May 8th, 2011
great idea! I HAVE A LOT D:

:| I picked the ones I thought ALL deserved more!
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