Give your photos a second chance

May 14th, 2011
Lately there have been several conversations on here about a strange drop in viewing activity. It is a mystery to all of us and, if others feel the same way I do, very discouraging. I'd like to start a thread where we showcase photos we think are "view-worthy" but that have been mostly ignored. Let's post photos here that we feel are worthy of a second chance. They can be our own photos or photos by others who need a viewing boost.

Here are a few of mine that got very little viewing and I feel deserve a second chance:

May 14th, 2011
oh deb i love that last one!
here are mine

but i must admit i havnt been viewing as many over the last week, ive been out of the house a lot
May 14th, 2011
@brandywalker365 You're right Brandy! These are all worth a second chance. I especially love the ornery look on the boy's face in the second one. Cute.
May 14th, 2011

May 14th, 2011
@kellyjo26 Kelly, these are fabulous. I especially love the close-up of the butterfly.
May 14th, 2011
May 14th, 2011
@positronicmommy Absolutely stunning, Wendy! I love the purple hues.
May 14th, 2011
@dejongdd Thank you Deb! Purple is my fave color so I was so pleased with how this came out!
May 14th, 2011

I saw this shot by @eudora and it only has 4 views. I definitely think it deserves a second chance! I love the differing textures in the water. :)
May 14th, 2011
I had a thread like this a few weeks ago, if anybody wants to look at these also.

May 14th, 2011
May 14th, 2011
May 14th, 2011
May 14th, 2011
May 14th, 2011
Pretty much everything of the past couple of weeks ...!

May 14th, 2011
I loved this one....I have over 500 followers, and this has 37 views in 2 days. so weird.

May 14th, 2011

May 14th, 2011
May 14th, 2011
@sdpace I loved this one!
May 14th, 2011
@4stories These are all spectacular, but I'm especially fond of the third one!
May 14th, 2011
@jessleeca You have a very creative eye! My favorite, though, is the headless "man." Tee-hee-hee! Love the humor of it.
May 14th, 2011
@edpartridge I agree! I look at my stats and it totally depresses me. Why so few viewers lately is beyond me. Even the ones that made the PP didn't get many views or comments. So strange. Your photos are excellent!!!
May 14th, 2011
@cpbuckley Beautiful butterfly pic! Nicely done.
May 14th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle I liked your thread, too! I think this needs to be one that is repeated every week!
May 14th, 2011

May 14th, 2011
@notsoaverage These are all so cute! I especially like the last one...her eyes are captivating!
May 14th, 2011
Great thread -

- i loved this little fellow but no-one else seems to :p

- i love this but not much critique :(
May 14th, 2011
Deb- what an excellent idea for a thread....I loved your photos, they are awesome!
Here's some of mine from May that I am proud of that I thought would get more attention:

May 14th, 2011
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned it, but I would probably attribute the drop in views to the Facebook app being deleted.
May 15th, 2011

Here are some from the past week. I have no idea why some weeks I get favs galore and others nothing. Who knows? I have enjoyed looking at the photos in this thread! Thanks for making it. :)
May 15th, 2011

May 15th, 2011

May 15th, 2011
I think the spring season and good weather has many of us in the States spending less time on the computer, which may account for the lack of activity. Great idea, though. Here are a couple of images that I thought would get more attention than they did. I think I've been slacking with my creativity also, which probably contributes to the lack of views.

May 15th, 2011
May 15th, 2011
My beautiful niece deserves a look

May 15th, 2011
i thought it's just me... who's havin a total drop on views...

this only has41 views

and this 30 views

May 15th, 2011
I'm not worried that this hasn't had much love but I had the idea for a few months and I love it, so I guess it qualifies for this thread. It has a few favs but not a lot of views :-)

Same with this one, 4 fav's but not a lot of views.

And just because I liked it

May 15th, 2011
Some days are slower than others
May 15th, 2011
I thought a few I uploaded to my second album may have got a few more views & comments. Just goes to show though - just because I think they're interesting doesn't mean they will be to others, especially my aviation shots.

May 16th, 2011
@nodecaff I love all your photos, Dean! The first of these three is my favorite because of the cool reflections, but all three are fabulous. It is easy to get discouraged when views are down, but I'm trying to remind myself that numbers have nothing to do with whether or not they like my photos. I'm not sure I've convinced myself yet though.
May 16th, 2011

May 16th, 2011
Critique please. this picture had only 4 views and 2 comments.
May 17th, 2011
i really liked these...i thought they would have gotten more views....

May 18th, 2011
What an awesome thread! Now I'm going to go look at all of these. I'm not viewing much recently...things haven't been great in my life. I'm getting back in the swing!
May 19th, 2011
33 views when posting it here... lets see how it goes :)

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