Views on photos.

May 20th, 2011
I've read several posts here about photo views going down. I've noticed a decline on views of my photos as well. While I believe this is partly due to people dropping from the project or being busier, what I also noticed was that my views went down when the facebook app broke. I've started sharing my link, manually, on facebook and noticed my views went up a little bit. Has anyone else a) tried this, and/or b)noticed this too?
May 20th, 2011
I share my link every day on facebook so my family can see my shots, and have been since it broke, so I never noticed much of a decline in views. But comments seem to fluctuate up and down as people go on holidays, get busy at work, etc. :)
May 20th, 2011
I recently stopped sharing the link on Facebook and have seen my views drop by about half.

(I'm not in this for the views or the comments or the favs, so I actually had to go look just now to see if there was any difference in views "FB link share" vs "No FB link share"... but that's just me.)
May 20th, 2011
yes i found this too , a lot of my fb friends click the link to look so i try and post the link now and again :) and it does increase the views :)
May 20th, 2011
I believe that adding to the above, when people follow you, they don't always pull the photo's up, but they will just comment from their main feed page, and the more followers you gain, dont always add to your views, as they can comment by using the above method.
May 20th, 2011
I actually upload my daily picture to my facebook page manually, that way people don't have to click any links and I have had people comment on how they look forward to my picture everyday and their not even family....that's cool:) If people want to look at the project they can, by not having a link it makes the choice theirs to make:)
May 20th, 2011
I've noticed the same drop by about half while I'm not on facebook (yeah, it's possible!) and I don't post my pictures or their link somewhere else, so the views only come from people on 365.
May 20th, 2011
I'm like Vicki K and upload to my facebook page manually because I also have friends and family who look at my photos that way, rather than through 365. I have also noticed that my views are fluctuating but can't put it down to any specific reason. Maybe I just have crappy photo days and better photo days and that is reflected in the total views. Mind you, a photo of our possum orphan Molly is guaranteed to shoot the viewing numbers up LOL
May 20th, 2011
I never got many views anyway. I have 147 followers of which only a dedicated few actually look let alone comment. I often feel like, and I'm ok with this, that I do this just for me and a couple of friends. I have several friends from fb that loved to view my pictures but haven't since the link broke.
May 20th, 2011
I've definitely noticed this. I was getting on average about 200 views on my photos. Now it is more like 40 or 50. I don't know if it has to do with facebook or not. It doesn't really seem to affect my numbers. I do wonder if it is because of the home page. I sometimes just comment on photos from there. Maybe others are doing the same thing more often because of time limitations. Then the photos aren't clicked on as much... I don't know. Either way, I take the photos for me. I was talking on the FB 365 group page and said, "the comments and views are just great perks." lol I really do think thats the truth though. =)
May 20th, 2011
@lislee75 I noticed this also. But didn't think about the whole fb thing. Thanks for mentioning it. I try to put them on fb myself but sometimes forget. I will have to take more time:)
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