How do you file your photos?

May 20th, 2011
I'm sure this has been discussed a million-gazillion times before, but...

How do you file your photos?

I usually sort them in to categories, eg. portraits, flower, spiders, etc.
It can be time consuming though, and have recently wondered if just leaving them in their dated folders (in a main folder for each month) would be better.

Any suggestions? Hints or tips?

May 20th, 2011
im terrible im affraid :( on my system its classed as "kids" or "junk" lol ! I have a folder named Kids and a folder named "junk to keep"
May 20th, 2011
I just leave them in Lightroom in date-based folders, don't even tag them
May 20th, 2011
I store my photos predominatley by location name. If I have visited the area more than once, I will have sub folders under that location which are date related. Then I have a main 365 collection folder, with sub folders ie 365 (for photos i post), 'And Then Some' (the name of my second album on here), Originals (holding the original photos of any images that were cropped or processed), Spares; which has a sub folders called Ghosts, Water, Flowers etc.. If I am workign on a main theme, ie water, all of my water shots will then be sub filed to specific types.

I am a bit OCD with my filing system.. Even worse with my music lol

May 20th, 2011
Oh, erm, well, I used to be really well organized but that's gone out the window. The 365 ones go into a 365 folder with the number of the photo and date but anything else just goes straight to my very cluttered desktop, which I clear maybe once a week. Of course by 'clear' I mean chuck into New Folder :p
May 20th, 2011
I have all my 365 photos in one folder, with two folders in that folder for my other two albums. Otherwise, all my other shots, go on my portable hard drive. I have folders by year, then in each folder, folders for each month. I also have separate folders on my computer for things like holidays, my daughter [also by month], birthdays, weddings, etc. I used to do it differently, but that's what works for me.
May 20th, 2011
I just have them dated. I do have seperate folders for 365 shots and other things too. I'm terrible. lol
May 20th, 2011
I have a seperate folder on my desktop for my 365 shots.

My other pics are neatly filed away in folders by year, month and day. Besides that I have tagged almost all of my photos by location and subject. I'm a bit of a structopath :)
May 20th, 2011
Mine are all organised by activity or area. Some have sub-categories, such as my "Scotland April 2011" having sub-folders for the Wallace monument or Edinburgh zoo. I also have an album for 365, with all of those separated into months, then another folder for 365 randoms, again separated into months. I also have albums for the gerbils, another for my cat and a 3rd for my hamsters. Some activities have lots of sub-folders, such as cricket 2011 having sub-folders for each match. I can get a bit funny about how I organise folders - my bf always complains!
May 20th, 2011
That's the other things I struggle with / forget - to keep the original photos unedited. I'm always in such a hurry to get to them and crop (about the only real editing I do) that I forget to keep an original...
Sounds like 'by date' is the predominant method so far too.
May 20th, 2011
Like @eyebrows, I tend just to let Lightroom organise everything for me, and sort it by date.

I export my 365 project pictures from Lightroom into a folder on my Mac to be uploaded, and they are named in this format -

So, if I took a photo today, of a chimpanzee, I'd export it from Lightroom with the file name -
May 20th, 2011
@manek43509 I like that naming format Kit - keeping the date and describing what you've taken makes it easier to find stuff later I imagine?
May 20th, 2011
I have them all in folders based on dates, and on the folder actually containing the photos I leave some keywords about the subject(s). like:

Photoarchive\Year\MM YY - subject\yyyy-mm-dd-hh-ss-originalfilename.jpg

Usually I store the original NEFS in a subfolder called OrgNefs. So that if I ever need to go back to the original, or if I clean out some not so spectacular jpg's, I could still recreate them from the NEFS, and the folder with photos looks clear and to the point.

I find that I can browse very quickly with picasa or just explorer to get to photos I want.
May 20th, 2011
I file by year_month > 2011_05
Then by subject > Family, [Special Event title, if needed] or Other, etc
Then inside each folder, by date > 5/9, 5/10, etc
I can browse through quickly using Photoshop or Bridge.
I've been using this method since 2005!
May 20th, 2011
date and title the folder
May 20th, 2011
I have a a folder for my 365 shots, and a jillion other folders labeled things like "family" "friends" or if there's an event, like "Christmas 2010".
May 20th, 2011
I started out mostly doing travel photography and so files were given place names and then, if I went to the same place more than once, I would add the year to the sub-files.

I then filed by subject titles of the things I am interested in: flowers, horses, swans etc. Again, these have sub-file by say, species, or whatever grouping would best aid retrieval.

365 has it's own folder for when my photography wasn't subject focussed as it is now. I have a file for each year, subfiles for months and subfiles for weeks. I will filter all these into subject files, though I might keep a specific 365 file of all those I uploaded.

My computer is struggling with so many photos and keeps crashing so I need to have a culling session. I am sure a lot of my earlier photos will be deemed rubbish now.
May 20th, 2011
@miranda - have you considered getting an external hard drive and saving to that? i have two external hard drives one for back up and then another a memory book where i store files of photos that are no longer on my harddrive -- i use lightroom and can easily access the memory book from there -- i shoot only in raw which means i'm shooting close to a gb a day some i had to look for alternate ways to store my photo files..
May 20th, 2011
I used to have everything organized on an external harddrive by year, then by what the event/subject was: boat outing, family dog, flowers, etc. But that all fell apart when I started this project! Haha. I couldn't keep up with the amount of photos coming in so I just shoved them all onto the drive with no rhyme or reason. I didn't make time to organize or back up the files and unfortunately it crashed. I have to wait til payday to buy a new drive. For now I am transferring all of my pictures to an 8GB SD card. I have 3 copies of every photo. The original, the edit w/o watermark, the edit w/ watermark. They are each kept in a separate folder, Then they are all organized by what they are: flower, dog, beach, etc.
May 20th, 2011
I organize mine by would be too confusing otherwise, but I do have other folders for events like Christmas 2010 or, sometimes if I'm making a project, like a calendar or something, I'll copy the originals and put them in a separate folder to stay organized. :)
May 20th, 2011
@cfrantz That sounds like great advice. I am going to cut and paste and follow that up. I was thinking of getting an apple mac (big cost) and putting all pics there, but i will still probably need to keep these separately. Thanks for very helpful advice.
May 20th, 2011
@kcphotography Those files with and without a water mark, I realised what an issue this was when it comes to selling. Need to address that one too. I wasn't expecting to go in that direction, but I have had the pictures editor of a reputable news editor offering to take my pics, so I am going bundle my lack of confidence out of the way and follow that up with other things. You reminded me of something I need to do urgently.
May 20th, 2011
I just sort by folders called memory card dump 1, 2, 3, 4 etc and 365 photo's that I submit to 365 or plan on using for 365
May 20th, 2011
@miranda Sounds like you have it all sorted out with file names. Inspiring me to get even more organised.
May 20th, 2011
@kcphotography I need to do what you are doing re: 3 copies. It's simple enough... I just get impatient.
May 20th, 2011
@tashachawner It is pretty simple as long as you stick with it. I'm starting mine over so its easier for me, but if I can ever recover my drive I will have A TON of organizing to do!!
May 21st, 2011
i have a single folder that says "CITY LIGHT (365project)" hahah taht's all... and it's ermmmm messy hihihi
May 21st, 2011
@maceugenio LOL Big Mac!!
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