HDR Attempt..Tell me your opinions? :)

May 26th, 2011
took me a while with the process and the editing was hard but i think ive done a good job:)
May 26th, 2011
I personally think if you're going to claim other peoples photos as your own, it's best not to draw attention to them.


May 26th, 2011
Ahh, another thief. You make me sick. And to be honest, there are a million better examples of HDR out there, so way to go trying to represent yourself with an overcooked and mediocre shot.
May 26th, 2011
soo sad! even the poem he claimed to wrote was plagiarized.

Plagiarism search result:

Total 499 chars , 96 words, 0 unique sentences, 0% originality

**insert disgusted emoticon here**
May 26th, 2011
I totally saw that coming! It's too bad, I liked that picture..ah well. I'm also thoroughly convinced this is a teenage girl..so that's weird
May 26th, 2011
@altadc I was going to check the poem and I forgot, not surprised it's stolen too.

@sarahbear9995 Why a teenage girl?
May 26th, 2011
May 26th, 2011
or better yet. Looooser.
May 26th, 2011
@meggageg Haha love it!
May 26th, 2011
@meggageg Genius! But seriously, dude? Why do you even waste your time creating this post if you can't create your own work? Please go find a better use of your time.
May 26th, 2011
@meggageg ~ haha , well said ...... loser just about sums it up !
May 26th, 2011
Haha, even stealing captions? @johnhdr

May 26th, 2011
haha! LOLS
epic fail!
May 26th, 2011
Loser, thief, liar, etc, etc!!
May 26th, 2011
I hope 'he/she''s account will be deleted.....

I dont get the point of drawing atttention to yourself by postig a thread as well as a (stolen) photo....funny how people get their kicks!
May 26th, 2011
LOL! Starting this thread was even more stupid than stealing the photo! Ridiculous! This guy seems to have some time to waste
May 26th, 2011
@meggageg LOL brilliant :)

on a serious note how sad not only that you ripped off a photo but that you accompanied it with a ripped off poem, the lesson here to all is that if you are in the habit of plaigarising other peoples work (especially on here) you will be found out and shown up...as I said, how sad
May 26th, 2011
@meggageg : Completely agree. What a loser!!!
May 26th, 2011
In this case HDR is short for - His Dramatic Roasting.
May 26th, 2011
@amz87 the smiley faces with no spaces
May 26th, 2011
@sarahbear9995 Ohhh ok. I dunno, I've seen a few guys on here that do it.
May 26th, 2011
@Scrivna - see above. Really sucks that there's yet another person doing this here. :-(
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